Page 2 of Taking Chloe (Vaughn)
Chloe snapped back to the here and now. “I don’t think you realize how dedicated your brother is to the business. He’s become obsessed, Lace. I can’t get through to him.”
Chloe heard a shuffling sound, then a male voice in the background. Lacey’s fiancé Nick. They’d been engaged for a while, driving the family crazy by not setting a date for the wedding. Nick was so in love with Lacey. It was sweet and beautiful, but sometimes Chloe felt a pang of jealousy for Merrick’s baby sister. After all, Lacey had a man who loved her and spent time with her.
“He’s become a workaholic, I know,” Lacey agreed. “But I also know how much he loves you. It took the dunce awhile to realize he cared about you as more than a good worker and a friend. Once he admitted to himself that you were the woman for him there was no going back. He’s not going to let you walk off into the sunset, not without him right beside you, anyway.”
Frustration started to set in as she listened to Lacey’s gentle words. “I didn’t want any of this either. When he proposed, I thought it was for life. I’m the happy-ever-after kind of woman. My parents were so happy before Mom died. I think if cancer hadn’t taken her, they’d still be spending endless amounts of time together.” She took a breath, then said, “But living with Merrick has become impossible. He works constantly. Lacey, he’s well beyond reasoning. I tried! What am I supposed to do? Sit around and hope he comes to his senses?”
“Of course not, that’s not what I meant. Heck, I’m proud of you for sticking to your guns. Merrick didn’t marry a spineless wuss. He married an intelligent woman with a backbone. But you need to understand he isn’t exactly the silent type. He’ll come to his senses damn quick. When he does, he’s going to do everything in his power to get you back. You’ve seen how hard he’s worked to make Vaughn’s Business Solutions a success. He pours every ounce of himself into a project. When he wakes up and realizes you’ve moved out, he’s going to get angry at first, then he’ll start thinking, planning. He loves you, and a man in love can be very creative when he sets his mind to it. I should know.”
“You’re beginning to scare me.” Merrick would never hurt her, but he would attempt to break down her defenses. Lacey was right about that.
“Merrick’s a very driven man. The question is, how hard do you want to fight and how far are you willing to run before you let him catch you?”
That piqued her ire. “This isn’t a game. This isn’t a stunt to gain his attention. This is the real thing.”
She heard Lacey laugh. “I hear you, but I also know how much you love my annoying, pigheaded, sometimes blind brother. And I don’t think you’re quite ready to contemplate divorce.”
“I saw an attorney.”
“Yeah, you saw an attorney. And?”
Chloe gritted her teeth. Score one for Lacey. Chloe had visited with an attorney, but she hadn’t gone back. After the initial consultation, Chloe had gone to work in tears. When Merrick had caught her at her desk, dabbing at her eyes, she’d told him it was PMS. He’d let it go.
“You’re right. I’m not ready for a divorce. But Merrick isn’t leaving me much choice, is he? And I updated my resume, too. I’ll have to find another job, a new place to live.”
“We’ll see.”
For the first time in days, Chloe felt a measure of hope. Maybe all wasn’t lost. Maybe Merrick would come to his senses. If it was one thing she knew about Merrick Vaughn, the man could be as tenacious as a pit bull. Dangling fresh meat in front of him could prove seriously dangerous.
Chapter Two
Merrick woke with a start. His eyes popped open and he had a sudden need to finish something important, but he couldn’t remember what the hell he’d left undone. He ran a hand through his hair and groaned. “Damn, I’m losing my mind.”
He closed his eyes again and slid his palm across the bed, expecting to encounter the soft, supple skin of his wife. Nothing. He opened his eyes and turned his head. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Chloe’s up? She never got up before him.
Merrick left the bed and washed up in the adjoining bathroom, then went searching for his wife. He checked the office first, figuring maybe she’d decided to get an early start, but there was no sign of her. He rubbed his stomach and made his way to the kitchen. With any luck, she was already getting the coffee started, but it was empty, too. His gaze snagged on a piece of paper in front of the coffee pot. He strode across the room and picked it up.
I’m sorry to leave with no warning, but you gave me no choice. I’ve tried so many times to talk to you, but you’re always too busy with work. I appreciate your need to make a success of yourself, but it’s killing me to watch our marriage go down the drain. I didn’t come by this decision easily. I love you, I always will, but I think we need some time apart.
I’m staying at a hotel in town. Call my cell when you get this, we’ll talk.
Love always,
Merrick read the note three times. “What the hell?” he grumbled as he reached for the cordless. He dialed, but it took him two tries to get the number right, his hands shook too damn bad.
“Where are you?” he demanded.
He rolled his eyes. “Who else would be calling at six in the morning?”
“The connection is bad. I’ll call you back on the hotel phone.”