Page 73 of Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1)
“Same here.” Hunter glanced at her and winked. “Your boss promised to give me a few lessons tonight.”
Dean shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Lessons?”
Jeanette spoke up, knowing Dean’s mind had gone straight to the gutter. “He made the mistake of telling me he doesn’t care for brownies. I aim to change his mind.”
Dean licked his lips. “You’re in for a treat then. Jeanette’s brownies are out of this world. They aren’t even brownies. They’re like a slice of heaven or something.”
Hunter laughed. The sound seemed to travel straight to her clit. Good lord, she was getting turned on and they hadn’t even done anything. What if he went home after the brownie? She’d never be able to sleep for thinking of the delicious man.
“Well, I’m not convinced,” Hunter said as his intense gaze traveled over her body. “I’m going to need proof.”
“And on that note, I’m out of here.” Dean turned to her. “I’m only a phone call away if you need anything, okay?”
Jeanette rolled her eyes at his proprietary tone. “Okay, Dad,” she said, remembering the way he’d called her “mom” earlier.
Dean flicked her nose. “Don’t make me ground you, young lady.”
She laughed and shooed him away. “Get. You have homework to do, I’m sure.” When he only stood there staring at her, she gentled her tone. “I’ll be fine, Dean.”
Dean glanced once more at Hunter, his gaze lingering for a moment, then he nodded and headed toward the swinging kitchen doors. When he disappeared through them she shook her head. Such a good kid. He’d make some lucky woman a fine husband one day.
“He’s protective of you.”
Hunter’s words drew her back around. He watched her in that quiet, predatory way. Like a man looked at a woman he wanted to sleep with. It both heated her blood and terrified her. She didn’t know how to deal with a man like Hunter. Her previous lovers had been the mild-mannered, let’s make love in the dark types. She had a feeling Hunter would insist on having the light on. A series of images zipped through her mind. Hunter naked. Hunter spread out on her bed, ready to be pleasured by her.
Forcing a stop to the mini X-rated movie, Jeanette said, “Dean’s a good kid. I think he sees me as this passive older lady who needs to be handled with kid gloves.”
Hunter stood and came toward her. “And are you?”
Jeanette smoothed her hand down her blouse in an attempt to give her hands something to do. She wished she were bold enough to place them on Hunter’s chest instead. Yeah, right.
“Passive? Yes, I suppose I am. I’m not quick to temper and I’d much rather logically work through a situation and find a solution than let my anger get the best of me. But I’m tougher than I look. I don’t need to be coddled.”
He cupped her cheek and leaned forward. “I can see how a man would feel the need to pamper you though. Would it surprise you to know that I’m extremely attracted to you, Jeanette?”
Could it be true or was she about to wake up from a really good dream? His warm, rough palm felt very real to her though. If she were dreaming she hoped she’d forgotten to set the alarm. “You are?”
“Yes. Very much.”
“I-I’m attracted to you too.” Damn, she hated when she stuttered. She took a second to calm her jumpy nerves before admitting, “I have been for quite a while.”
“That’s good, baby,” he growled. “But I need to warn you, I’m not very good at moving slow. You’ll have to tell me if I’m going too fast. Can you do that?”
His fingers had begun to stroke and Jeanette knew without a doubt she wanted that stroke farther south. “I can do that,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire.
“Mmm, good girl.” He dropped his hand and stepped back.
Jeanette ached to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. Just once she wished she were more like Roni. Self-confident, smart, comfortable around the opposite sex. For whatever reason God hadn’t seen fit to give her those particular qualities.
Hunter took her hand in his and entwined their fingers, then turned in the direction of the kitchen. “Now, how about you give me that brownie you promised. I’ve been dying for a taste all day.”
Jeanette smiled. Ah, food, an area she knew well. “I guarantee you’re going to love it.”
Hunter brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her knuckles. “I’m a very lucky man.”
“You are? Why?”
“A lovely woman who enjoys baking. Men have gone to war to possess such a creature.”