Page 12 of Ignite (Wildwood 1)
He wondered if that would happen again, was tempted to make a move on her if only to see if they could still create that heat.
But he couldn’t. She just broke up with her live-in boyfriend. That was serious. She was probably nursing a broken heart. Was it wrong that he found her timing impeccable? Probably. Harper had serious girlfriend written all over her and he had hey, let’s get drunk and screw around for one night written all over him.
Didn’t mean he couldn’t flirt with her for just a little bit tonight though. Test the waters, so to speak. “Thank you,” he murmured, his voice low. Just for her. “Did I tell you that you look pretty tonight?”
Her cheeks turned the faintest pink. “Stop.”
“I’m serious.” He tipped the bottle to his lips and drank, the icy-cold beer sliding down his throat. She watched him the entire time, her gaze never leaving him, and he wondered at that too. “You were sort of rude to me at the supermarket yesterday,” he said after he swallowed, setting his beer on the counter right next to her.
She made a little face. “I was having a bad day.”
“And seeing me made it worse?” He was practically holding his breath waiting for her answer, which was crazy. “Never mind, don’t answer that.”
“Oh, no you don’t. I want to answer your question.” She touched him, her fingers pressing into his forearm, and he went completely still. “Seeing you didn’t make my day worse. But it did bring up some . . . old memories.”
“Good or bad ones?” He sounded nervous. Hell, he was nervous. There was something about Harper that set him on edge.
Harper parted her perfect pink lips, ready to say something just as Wren butted in.
“Weston, I forgot to introduce you to Tate Warren. He works at your station.”
He turned to find the guy who called his sister by her last name smiling at him, holding his hand out. “Good to meet you, man,” Tate said.
West shook his hand, getting the distinct feeling he was being sized up. Fine with him, considering he was sizing up Tate too. What the hell kind of name was Tate? Though he had no room to talk. His entire family had slightly unusual names.
“Nice meeting you too,” West said. “What’s your position? You a firefighter?” The guy couldn’t be much older than him, maybe was even younger.
Tate grinned. “I’m your captain.”
How could he not remember Warren’s name? Oh yeah, he’d been interviewed by a panel of battalion chiefs, all of whom worked at the ranger unit’s headquarters. So he’d never had a chance to actually meet his new captains.
“And we’re ready to have you at the station,” Tate continued. “Nothing better than knowing a Gallagher is coming to work with us. Your father is a freaking legend around these parts.”
It took everything within him not to grimace. Or worse, tell his new captain to fuck off. He hated hearing anyone talk about his so-called legendary father. The man merely did his job. He wasn’t a legend. Yeah, he knew Holden ate that crap up with a giant gold spoon, but not West. He never had. The constant comparisons to his father were the main reason he got out of Wildwood.
Now he worried it might’ve been a major mistake to come back.
“Glad you think so highly of him,” West said, his voice tight. He saw the questioning look in Tate’s eyes and mentally told himself to relax. “Looking forward to working with you and everyone else this season.”
“It’s going to be crazy, I can practically guarantee it.” Tate grinned again. “But we’re ready. I’m figuring you are, too?”
The assured smile West offered him felt natural, as did the words that slipped past his lips.
“I was born ready.”
Chapter Four
“SO YOU BROKE up with him.” Rebecca Hill smiled at Harper, reaching out to pat her hand. “It was probably for the best. I never really thought the two of you suited.”
Her grandmother slung the insult with a sweet smile so Harper really couldn’t be offended. Her grandma hadn’t approved of her relationship with Roger from the beginning, and Harper could never figure out why. Throughout her life she’d valued her grandma’s opinion so much, but for once, she’d gone against her advice. Moving in with him had thrown practically the entire Hill family into a tizzy.
But Harper had thought they were going to get married and she’d gone for it anyway. Despite the disapproval. Despite her friends asking if being with Roger was what she really wanted. She’d ignored them all, firmly believing she knew best.
What made it worse? She’d have to quit her job. Working for Roger . . . she couldn’t do it. Being essentially his secretary for the last two years? Why had she let herself become trapped in such a menial job? All for a man?
She almost wanted to slap herself.
“You were right,” Harper admitted, swallowing past the bitter lump in her throat. “I should’ve listened to you.”