Page 32 of Ignite (Wildwood 1)
He winced. Did he really need a reminder of the stupid things he’d said?
“And I told you I wasn’t looking for a relationship, which is true. I don’t want one. But I do want something from you, West.” She reached for the coat belt, slowly undoing it. “I’m hoping you want the same thing.”
Oh, shit. He was fairly certain he knew what was about to happen. She’d shed the coat and—he hoped—she would be wearing nothing much underneath. And if she was asking for uncomplicated sex, could he give her that? Did he want to give her that?
She bent her head and undid the belt, letting it fall to the floor. Glancing up at him, she didn’t smile, didn’t say anything. Just held his gaze while her fingers moved over the few buttons keeping the coat together, until the last button was undone and the coat fell open. Revealing that she wore nothing but the smallest scrap of black lacy panties he’d ever had the honor of seeing.
He broke out into an immediate sweat. Yeah. He’d give her whatever she wanted, no questions asked.
“Sit down, West,” she demanded and he did, practically falling backward onto the couch, his hands gripping his knees. He told himself to calm the hell down, but the quick mental reassurance was no help. He had an erection just from seeing her like this, watching her move toward him with pure determination in her every step as she shrugged out of the coat so it fell onto the floor in a crumpled heap.
She pushed his hands away from his knees and straddled his thighs, her bare breasts in his face, hard, rosy pink nipples a complete temptation. Ignoring them, he tilted his head back, blinking up at her as she smiled down at him, shaking her head so her hair tumbled all to one side.
“Like what you see?” she asked, her voice husky. Sexy.
So unbelievably sexy he couldn’t believe this was happening. How’d he get so fucking lucky?
“I definitely like what I see,” he said, his gaze . . . everywhere. He didn’t know what to look at first. Her face? Her breasts? Those slender legs straddling him, the lace panties and what lay beneath? Christ, she was trying to kill him. Slay him dead.
It was working.
Harper rested her hands on his shoulders, her fingers tracing the artwork that covered his skin. She drew closer, her hair trailing over his bare skin, and bent her head so her mouth was by his ear. “You should touch me, West. Touch me wherever you want.”
Ah, fuck. Closing his eyes, he pressed his lips together when she kissed his neck, her hot, damp lips driving him insane. Her hands slid down his chest, her hips shifted forward, and he swallowed hard, desperate to keep his shit together.
He settled his unsteady hands on her hips, slipping his fingers underneath the thin lace. She went still beneath his palms, her
warm breath fluttering against his neck. Spreading his fingers wide, he slid them over her soft, plump ass, pulling her in closer. So she could feel exactly what she was doing to him.
“Despite your worry last night, I can handle uncomplicated. I can be whatever you want me to be,” she whispered against his throat, her lips tickling his skin.
Yeah. This was probably a huge mistake. But he was beyond the point of thinking or worrying about mistakes. His control was this close to snapping completely. Her hair was in his face, her mouth on his neck, her ass in his hands. She surrounded him, soft fragrant scent and panting breaths and trembling skin. They were both close enough to naked that it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what it would feel like, to have Harper bare and in his arms.
“You feel so good,” she whispered as she lifted up so she hovered above him, her hands settling on his cheeks. He tilted his head back as she moved in, her mouth landing on his as she kissed him. Devoured him.
He let her take control, content in the taste of her, the feel of her. Where had this bold version of Harper come from? He wasn’t complaining. This was the push he needed. For whatever reason, this woman made him nervous. Hesitant. Unsure. He kept blaming it on their past, on their friendship, but maybe it was something more.
Maybe it was because he cared about her too damn much. He didn’t want to hurt her. Didn’t want to ruin their friendship. For once in his damn life, he wasn’t being completely selfish when it came to sex. He worried about her.
West wanted to make her happy. Leave her satisfied. Any other woman, he would’ve taken over by now. Taken command of the kiss, of the entire situation. Hell, he’d probably be inside her already, or at least with a condom in hand and his intent clear.
But now, in this moment with Harper, he wanted to savor her. Let her draw it out and get what she wanted from him before he took over and demanded what he needed from her.
Her tongue tangled with his, her hands clutching his face, the little whimpering sounds in the back of her throat making him want to pull her hair and kiss her deeper. But he didn’t. He kept his hands on her ass, fingers tugging and pulling at the flimsy fabric of her panties, brushing against her sensitive, rarely touched skin. She shivered beneath his hands, breaking the kiss so she could take a breath, and he stared up at her, watching as she took deep breaths, the way her breasts moved, her nipples like hard little points, beckoning him.
Giving in to the urge, he leaned forward and licked one, making her gasp. Drew it into his mouth and sucked, making her moan. She tasted sweet. Her lower body squirmed against his, driving him out of his fucking mind, and he went still. Tried to count to five and get his bearings, get his shit under control.
But it was no use. She pushed and pushed, what with the way she writhed against him, her delicious nipples and sexy sounds. He shredded her panties, tearing them from her body so they clung to his hands, little bits of ruined black lace. He dropped them to the floor and gripped her hips, his fingers pressing into her skin. He could smell her arousal, knew that she was wet, wet for him, and that was fucking it.
His control snapped, leaving him completely.
Chapter Nine
HARPER’S PANTIES WERE gone. Torn to shreds by West’s hands, all while he sucked and licked her nipples. Talk about hot. She’d never had a man do something like that to her before.
It was . . .