Page 47 of Ignite (Wildwood 1)
“He’s an awesome guy. Everyone likes him a lot around here. He’s a good fit,” she agreed.
Jealousy reared its ugly head and he tamped it down. He was being ridiculous, though really, Tate was an all-around perfect motherfucker. Good-looking, strong, smart, fast; he had all the guys laughing and all the girls swooning. West should sort of hate him. But the dude was so damn nice, he couldn’t help but like him.
“You like him that much, huh?” He heard the surliness in his tone. He sounded like a jealous asshole. Like he had any right to be jealous. Harper wasn’t his. Not really.
“He’s very nice,” she said diplomatically, her fingers sliding along his shoulder, down the length of his right arm. “You should tell me about your tattoos.”
“What about them?” The first one had been a moment of rebellion. The rush of pain he got when the needle was on his skin soon became an addiction. Plus, a few of his previous supervisors hadn’t approved of them, which had only spurred him on to get more. When he first visited his parents upon returning to Wildwood, his dad nearly had a shit fit when he saw them.
Made West want to go out and get more, which was ridiculous. Something about his father’s constant nagging and disapproval made him want to rebel. He’d always wanted to rebel. Causing trouble was the name of the game for so damn long, he’d had a hard time pushing himself out of the role.
“Some of them are unusual. Like, I understand why you got this one.” Her fingers skimmed the flames on his bicep. “But why the others? Like this one?” She touched the center of a rose, tracing the delicate flowers.
He shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable. Maybe it wasn’t easier with Harper after all? Old habits were hard to break. He wasn’t one to explain his actions or choices. “I thought it looked cool.” She smiled but said nothing, making him curious. “What?”
“I thought there would be some epic reason for your ink.” She lifted her head so their gazes met. “Maybe some girl broke your heart.”
He chuckled. “Hell no.”
She nudged his chest with two fingers. “No girl has ever broken your heart?”
“You looking for information, Harper?” he teased. At her solemn expression he turned serious too. “No. I’ve never put my heart on the line so it’s never had a chance to be broken.”
West slipped his fingers beneath her chin and tilted her face up. He didn’t like that sad little “oh.” Why, he wasn’t sure. What did it matter?
Harper actually matters to you, that’s why. You like her. You’ve known her a long time. She deserves respect, not just a quick fuck.
“Putting myself out there isn’t always easy for me,” he said. “I’m not a fan of rejection. I’ve also had too much happening in my life, mostly with work. I wasn’t ready for a relationship.” Yet.
West frowned.
Harper actually snorted. “Okay. Whatever.”
He tried his best not to get irritated, but . . . shit. It was the truth. “Hey. It’s a valid reason.”
“I guess.” She sent him a skeptical look. “I think sometimes people are just scared.”
“Scared of what?” He frowned down at her.
“Commitment. Love.” Her smile went a little dreamy, making her extremely dangerous.
That was the look of a woman who had no fear whatsoever of either. Usually those types of women were his darkest nightmare.
But when it came to Harper, he might be willing to change his mind.
Chapter Thirteen
HARPER WAS AT the Bigfoot Diner, cleaning out yet another filing cabinet drawer and wondering what sort of excuse she could come up with to bail out of this place early when she heard a familiar voice.
“Girls only tonight.”
Harper opened her mouth, fully prepared to protest, but Delilah cut her off.
“No arguing, it’s happening. Wren and I will come pick you up tonight at your grandma’s. Wear your sparkliest top and your tightest jeans.”
Harper frowned, leaning back in her grandma’s old office chair and making it squeak. “But I don’t have any sparkly tops.”