Page 12 of Sassy Ever After
d, “Dick.”
I felt my lips twitch, but I lost the smile when Jasper looked like he was about to blow. We were right back where we were yesterday, which I could only take on a full stomach. More bacon was required for this conversation.
“What more could you possibly want from us?” I nearly roared.
“For you to chill out,” Jasmine replied. “You’re acting as if I should just go with the flow, but I barely know you guys.”
“What does that even mean? How much more can I do for you?”
“It’s about respecting my boundaries!” Jasmine threw back at me. “Blue doesn’t seem to have a problem with them, but you do.”
“Because I don’t feel like they’re defined,” I explained. “You want me to respect lines that don’t even exist anywhere but your head. If you want me to respect your boundaries, you need to buy me a vowel or something here.”
She sighed. “I guess it’s not fair to tell you to back off but not tell you where the line is.”
“Yeah,” I said. “You think?”
“Stop being a dick and listen to her,” Blue said. “That’s all she wants.”
I leaned back in my chair, my appetite lost even though Blue seemed to have no trouble eating what looked like the rest of the bacon.
“Is there even any bacon left?” I asked him.
“There’s toast. Eggs,” he muttered.
“So that’s a no,” I sighed. I pushed my plate away. “Let’s negotiate.”
“I want you to stop pushing me so hard,” Jasmine said to me. “You keep making decisions like you’re the only one with the capacity to make decisions, but there are two other adults in this relationship. Blue has no trouble stating his own needs and respecting mine. But while you have zero problems stating what you want, you don’t seem to listen when I say what I need.”
It was a hard pill to swallow, even if it was something I needed to hear. “So what do you want from me?”
“Listen to me,” Jasmine said. “You two are hot as hell.”
I perked up a little bit. “Go on.”
“But your personality can ruin everything.” She shrugged and took a bite of toast. After swallowing, she said, “If you can listen to me, then this thing will work. If not, it’s going to all fall to pieces.”
“I can try,” I told her. “That’s the best I can do.”
“That’s what I’m asking for,” she responded. “Come here.” She stood and held out her hand. I stood and touched her cheek. Her skin was as smooth as butter. Her eyes were locked on mine. I could see a smile inside of them and thought about what color eyes our cubs would have. I hoped that they would have the warm chocolate brown eyes that she did.
“I’m willing to work with you,” she promised. “I’ll even be your mate. But if you can’t listen to me, then none of this will work.”
“I want this,” I told her. “Seriously.”
“Then I guess I’ll leave some bacon for the rest of you,” Blue said, getting to his feet. Suddenly I was gently but inexorably being pulled along with Jasmine into her bedroom. I could smell her scent along with Blue’s with a whopping side of bacon.
I pulled Jasmine’s pajamas off before I said, “I’m ready to eat another kind of breakfast.” I knelt and devoured her.
She moved her hips like she’d never felt anything so good. I went at it as she cried out over and over again. I ate her like I’d never see another meal in my life.
“No more,” she gasped after the dozenth orgasm. “I can’t take anymore pleasure.”