Page 3 of Sassy Ever After
"Yes." I looked in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair. “I’ll wear one, too.”
I looked at my watch. I was twenty minutes early. I made a face at myself in my mirror and just got out of the car, wobbling a little on my heels. They weren't even that high. I was just nervous for the first date that I'd had in a while. I didn't know the guy's name or phone number, and I had no idea how I was going to find him.
As soon as I got inside, I figured it out quickly. The restaurant was empty and quiet besides the host at the front.
"Ma'am, if you'll come this way, please."
I followed him into the restaurant. There was light classical music playing in the background. And sitting next to the white knight was another man. They stood as I approached.
I felt like I'd taken a punch straight to my gut. I'd been hoping that whatever spark had ignited would pan out. And he was apparently gay.
"Ah, our mysterious..." the new guy said before the white knight elbowed him.
"Such a pleasure to see you," the white knight said. "Please sit down."
I smoothed my skirt as I sat down, my eyes bouncing between the two of them. "Is this is the surprise you were talking about? Your gay partner?"
Both of them burst into a fit of laughter. The white knight literally howled with powerful laughter that shook his whole body. I just stared at them and was grateful that the restaurant was empty.
"Sugar, I have nothing against gay people. But I'm not one." The second man gave me a wink and touched my hand. "I prefer something else."
I could feel the heat of his gaze like a tangible touch. Florida was hot, but the temperature inside of this air-conditioned restaurant just got hotter. I cleared my throat and looked at the white knight. He was still wiping tears from his eyes.
"Oh man, I needed that today." He smiled at me and something melted inside of my chest.
"What's your name?" I blurted, then I blushed hard. I was the opposite of smooth.
"Jasper Wolfe,” the white knight said. "And I brought Blue with me."
I turned to look at the second guy. He was a little bit shorter than Jasper, but he had blonde hair and this air of easy confidence about him that made him appealing. I could see myself dating him and relaxing on the couch while trying to find a movie we both wanted to watch. I thought that my first date with him would be something simple and easy, like grabbing freshly made ice cream and having a tickle fight.
"What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" I asked. I blushed hard since I Just blurted something out without considering it beforehand.
"Blueberry," Blue said as if random strangers asked him questions like that every day.
"Mine is pineapple."
"I've never had those flavors of ice cream. Or frozen yogurt, even." I touched the back of my neck.
"We'll go for ice cream right after this," Jasper promised. "I already put in our dinner order."
"Excuse me, don't I get a menu or something?"
"Not when Jasper is around," Blue replied.
I frowned. I didn't like it when guys were too forceful and Jasper had alpha male written all over him. "I'd prefer to order my own food."
"Tough," Jasper said. "The chef is already bringing it out."
I watched as he rolled out a big cart. He had a lot of mysterious stains on his apron that looked new. When he pulled the silver cover off of the platter, I stared at it, unable to figure out what it was. It resembled a deformed chicken. I wasn’t really on board with eating some Franken-chicken.
Seeing the expression, Blue said, “It's duck!"