Page 125 of Taming the Beast
She laughed nervously and dragged her hand down her face.
“Okay. Well then.” She backspaced the numbers she’d input and instead of making the call to Maggie, opened her camera app. If the wolf were going to sit so close, she wanted to document him. Should Andreas ever return to his two-legged form, she could show him the beast that took his place.
She hoped he returned. She hadn’t considered that before—hadn’t considered that perhaps he wouldn’t. Maybe he was stuck in that form.
Gods, please don’t tell me you’re that cruel.
She willed her nervous hands to still and took the picture. Her first effort was blurry.
“Just be still for me,” she said, propping the bottom of her phone against her knee.
Her second image was clear enough. She closed out the camera app and pulled up her phone’s dial pad again.
“I’m not going to hurt you as long as you don’t try to hurt me, okay?” she said. “I’m going to make a call. I’m going to try to find out what you are. That’s all. Do you understand?”
He stared.
“I’m just getting information. I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose. Not unless you show me you’re dangerous. Please don’t show me that.”
She hoped he wouldn’t, but she had no way of knowing if she were getting through to the beast.
He didn’t even blink.
She sounds like the goddess.
Is she? Is that the goddess there?
Why is she cowering? What happ
Why did she stop talking to me?
The woman in his domain—he’d seen her before. He’d seen her in the streets, walking with others. They were all beneath her. She was everything, and they were nothing. She had to know that.
How did she come to this place? Did I bring her?
He couldn’t remember. There was something in his brain hidden away from him. He couldn’t access the information, or maybe he just wasn’t smart enough to understand the significance. He felt like he’d once known more.
Who is she? She’s mine, is she not?
He settled onto his belly and looked between the gaps in the wall she’d constructed around herself.
Why is she behind those things? I’m here. Why does she keep me out?
She started talking into that small silver thing she held and looked at him. Her brow was furrowed and gaze too serious.
Trouble? Is she in trouble?
He picked his head up and listened. Her words didn’t make sense to him. They were just sounds. Beautiful tones that meant nothing to him, but her face wore tension he didn’t like.
What does she fear?
“…Curse…shifted… Right now,” she said.
Those sounds—he knew those. Her sounds were language, and he’d known language once. Or perhaps he still did? But more was a mystery to him than what made sense. He couldn’t understand her.