Page 156 of Taming the Beast
Struggling to find the right words, my mouth opened and closed several times, surely making me look like some blasted fish out of water. "What… That doesnae’ mean…"
She took a few steps forward, searching my face. "It's okay, Bram. I won't tell a soul what you really are. I know that might be a concern of yours, but believe me, if anyone knows how to keep a big secret like this, it's me." Two more steps closer, still. "And if I'm being honest, I've never seen anything more beautiful. I didn't even know dragons existed!" She softly chuckled to herself in amazement, reaching out for my hand and twining her fingers through mine.
"I don' really know what to say. You're the only person that knows. I…have to keep it from people."
Her hand easily glided up my forearm, nails slowly dragging up, and my cock started to throb from the skin contact. How did she not know the effect she had on me?
Ella nodded, looking up at me with a certain sadness. "People fear what they don't understand. I've learned that a time or two."
The thinnest trail of rage circled around back from the dragon's inner thoughts. Neither of us liked the idea of anyone doing Ella wrong. People may be close-minded, but if they so much as looked at her the wrong way, the dragon was ready to make them rue the day their own maw spat them out. Simmer down back there, ya bastard. You're no’ helping any.
"I know this probably sounds crazy, but I can't stop thinking about the other night with you. When I'm awake, I keep thinking about your hair," she began, reaching up to wrap a stray curl of mine around her finger. "When I'm asleep, I'm thinking about how it felt when you kissed me. And how I'd give anything to feel that again."
The dragon roared, fire sparking in the back of its throat, the kind of effect only Ella's sexy sultry voice could've caused. It was getting harder to keep it under control…
Ella moaning my name. Ella’s lips wrapped around my cock. My hand wrapped tightly in her hair as I rode her, hard. So many things came to mind that I could barely sort through the mess of them all.
I could be respectful and take things slow with her. There was no reason not to be a perfect gentleman to her. She more than deserved it. But I wasn’t the only one in possession of my body at the moment, and truth be told, Ella’s smart mouth on mine sounded a hell of a lot better than any of the alternatives.
"Fuck it all," I groaned, and sweeping Ella up in my arms in one quick motion, my lips found hers and molded against them, her breath hitching as she wrapped her legs around my waist and grabbed on for dear life.
Chapter 6
Everywhere Bram's hands went there was a blazing hot trail of skin left behind, him leaning forward to kiss my heated flesh. "Sorry, sorry," he mumbled against me, his lips soothing.
Maybe I should’ve been more worried about just how red my skin was in spots, but I didn't care, not when it meant I would have him the way I wanted him—that is, all of him from head to toe.
The intensity that he stared at me with felt like he was seeing through to my soul, as woo-woo and cliché as it sounds. The kind of inferno burning behind his molten silver eyes reminded me of liquid metal. I was burning from the inside out and I was enjoying every last second of it.
Never before had anyone made me feel this way—like I was a normal girl caught up in the heat of the moment. And what a heat it was…I always thought that maybe the kind of sex people always talked about didn't really exist, or they just felt the need to embellish on it, but now I got it. Now I understood.
"You taste like the best kind o' mead," he whispered along my collarbone as he lightly bit down, pushing away my v-neck sweater to reveal my cleavage. I silently said a little prayer for my favorite push-up bra, and tilted my neck to give him better access to it. I found myself wanting him to leave his mark on me—to show everyone else that I belonged to Bram. To a dragon, of all things. Part of it was excitement in the moment, but a bigger part of it was something deeper, something more meaningful. Something I didn't dare think about while Bram pushed me up against the stone interior wall, my back scraping along the rough and bumpy surface.
"That's a good thing, right?" I finally asked, breathlessly.
Without missing a beat, Bram cupped my cheek while pinning me in place between his solid body and the wall, a crooked smile among the stubble on his face. "Oh, it's a verra good thing."
I closed my eyes, tiny pinpricks of blazing fire behind them, and I gasped as Bram managed to rip my sweater right down the front, the tattered maroon pieces falling pitifully to the floor. It was my favorite sweater. And I did not give one single damn.
He squeezed my breasts under the bra, his breath hot and heavy across my chest. "God, Ella, what are you doing to me?"
He was one to talk! I pulled back to look him square in the eyes, a silly panic rose up in me. "Wait. How old are you?"
This got a good hearty laugh from Bram. "I dunno if you want me to answer that."
I quickly nodded my head. "Yes, yes I do. And what happened to your family? And how did you manage to get such a beautiful house anyway?"
I was most definitely self-sabotaging what was going to amount to the best night of my life, and despite all of that, Bram paused and cocked his head to the side, setting me down.
His hands were at my hips, his fingertips tapping along the sensitive flesh at the hem of my jeans. He leaned in, his mouth up against my ear. "I'm one hundred and fourteen, give or take. My family died when I was a child. I made a ridiculous amount of money from the precious stone trade. Mainly because I can create diamonds." His nibbled lightly at my ear as he unhooked my bra clasp in the front. "Any more questions?"
It was a lot to digest, but I would save that for another time. My chest heaved as he slid the straps down one by one, exposing my breasts. I felt like the royal queen, the way his eyes revered my body. I felt treasured. Slowly, I shook my head.
The coy smile faded from Bram's mouth, and he wet his lips as he picked me up once again, this time, placing me on the long dining table. My breath caught in my throat as he lined his mouth up with my nipple, slowly flicking his tongue against the taut bud, sucking it into his mouth with a soft pop. My head lolled on my shoulders, my thighs squeezing together the wetter and wetter I got.
He worked my other nipple between his forefinger and thumb, pinching it lightly and rolling it around, before taking it into his mouth, switching back and forth between them. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, to delight in the fact that I could enjoy this for what it was worth finally. But I refused to slow down…all I wanted was more, more, more.
Bram’s mouth lingered across my breasts over and over until he started heading south. His pointed tongue trailed down the plane of my stomach, dipping into my navel, the scruff of his stubble tickling me. I giggled until I realized he was only moving lower and lower…