Page 184 of Taming the Beast
Once word got out, the teasing got worse, of course. Not only did the townspeople harass him for spending his days on what they considered to be a fool’s errand, trying to break the old man’s curse surrounding his daughter, but they made fun of him for then spending his nights trying to break his own personal curse, too. By himself.
The fact that he kept trying to spill his seed into his own palm every night instead of taking advantage of the many women in town who’d made it very clear that they’d love to help him, boggled their minds. And of course, what they couldn’t
understand they had to make fun of.
“No one licks like Gastard, or flicks clits like Gastard. No one’s dick’s as incredibly thick as Gastard’s!”
The mean-spirited chants just kept getting more and more outlandish until he thought, Do they really think I can’t hear them? Or do they just not care anymore?
Then he finally realized they were trying to egg him on. They were hoping the innuendo and invitation in the words would get him worked up enough to make him take one, or more, of them to bed. The sex-crazed twins tried particularly hard, telling him that they’d love the chance to make him forget all about Belle, and help him break her father’s curse at the same time.
They couldn’t understand why he rejected them every time and wouldn’t let them use his longevity to their advantage. They just didn’t get why he wouldn’t turn to them for comfort and let them try to see if one of their pussies was the magical pussy that would finally break the curse. So to hide their own confusion and wounded pride, they just kept trying to tease and tempt him into their beds. And the taunts they came up with!
“No one fucks like Gastard, no one sucks like Gastard! No one yanks, no one spanks, no one wanks like Gastard!”
But he knew it wasn’t mindless, endless fucking he needed, it was her, his one true love that he ached for. Only she could make him happy.
“No one twerks like Gastard, makes it jerk like Gastard!”
Ok, now they’re just being silly, he thought.
The word was whispered at first, so softly that it didn’t yet break into Gastard’s train of thought. But then someone else saw what the first man had, and said it again, yelling it loud.
“There! It’s a beast! Let’s go kill it!”
Gastard looked toward where they were all pointing, and squinted to better see the large, animal-looking form that seemed to be watching them all through the window.
It seemed somehow familiar, that form.
As the beast’s eyes locked with his own, he recognized it.
He saw the beast’s eyes widen in recognition of their own, and for the first time in a very long time, he felt a grin spread over his face. He didn’t know why she appeared as she did, and he didn’t care. He just knew that she was here. He hadn’t been able to find his way to her, but she’d obviously had success where he hadn’t.
He stood up fast, sending his barstool crashing behind him. He didn’t even look to see if it knocked over anything else as it fell, as he only had eyes for her.
He saw the recognition in her eyes turn to panic and that confused him. He called out to her as she backed suddenly away from the window and disappeared from view. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard the other bar patrons make fun of him for yelling his lover’s name out at the beast they’d just seen but their words didn’t reach him.
He darted out of the bar like his ass was on fire.
“Noooo ooooone scares sheep like Gastard, or fucks beasts like Gastard…”
As their drunken laughter followed him out into the night he was just grateful that they were too busy making up more words to their taunts to follow him and kill the beast like they’d originally planned.
He chased after her, following her trail, but she moved so fast it was hard to keep up. He ran all out, finally closing the gap a little as she neared the edge where the invisible wall always kept him from going any further.
He called out to her again, to get her to stop before she’d get beyond his reach, but either she didn’t hear him calling or she was purposely ignoring him.
But why would she come all this way, find me, and then run off without actually making any contact? It doesn’t make sense.
Oh no, she was almost to the edge of where the spell would allow him to go!
With one final, desperate surge, Gastard leaped toward Belle’s form in the dark. When his hands grazed fur he held tight, knowing that if he let go, if he lost her now, that would be the end of everything.
His momentum pushed them both and he felt them falling together and rolling. When they stopped moving he jumped to his feet at the same time she did, ready to run again if she suddenly took off. But she didn’t run this time. She just stared him down, warring emotions shining in her eyes as she looked at him.