Page 223 of Taming the Beast
“Why is this moss not found on the outside?”
“Because outside is not inside.”
“Of course,” she said, shaking her head. “That actually makes sense. Thank you.”
Madeleine ran her hand along the wall as she returned. “But will the inside grow outside in our greenhouse? That’s the question.”
She flopped back on the bed, clasping her hands behind her head and thought of the faces that had stared down at them on their arrival. Which one was he? Can I ask him to shift? Her thoughts drifted to her family and the life they had on Earth before the water disappeared. They hosted barbecues and swam in their bean-shaped pool. Her father would fall asleep on a raft and her sister would perform cannon balls to wake him up before he earned a sunburn.
Madeleine planned on becoming a teacher like both of her parents, but fewer schools were necessary as more people left the planet in search of greener pastures. She missed her friends, the red door of her childhood home, the sound of the wind zipping through the weeping willow in their front yard. The new normal was anything but. She fell asleep in her initial position and probably would have remained that way for hours if not for a scream piercing the air.
Madeleine thought it was a dream at first. She sat straight up and listened. It came again. She bolted out her door and ran towards Panzan’s location. The screams were coming from the next hallway over.
“Don’t worry, Madame. It’s nothing,” Panzan said as he gave chase.
“Nothing? Someone needs help.”
She opened the first door she saw, but the guest room was empty. A thumping sound came from the connecting hallway leading to resident dragon’s area. Madeleine crept her way forward and peered into the open dragon chamber.
“Delilah!” she yelled.
Delilah looked at Madeleine with a shocked expression. Her dragon was holding her like a ragdoll in front of him with his long fingers and claws covering her naked flesh.
“You’re hurting her!” Madeleine rushed forward and quickly felt a light swat from one of his wings that sent her rolling back against the floor. From this new vantage point, the creature’s massive erection came into view. “What the hell is that?” she shrieked.
“I wanted to see it,” Delilah explained. “Lagos, put me down.”
“I heard screaming.”
“We were just playing,” she said while trying to cover her body with her hands. “Everything is fine. I’ll find you tomorrow.”
Lagos shifted into human form and pulled Delilah close to him. Madeleine froze in place as she caught sight of his shifted cock. It was still huge.
“Get out,” he growled, hardly giving her enough time to leave before he started ravaging her friend.
She made it back to the hallway and ran as fast as she could towards her room. When she rounded the last corner, her attention focused on what was behind her, not in front, and she slammed hard against someone heading in the opposite direction. Madeleine screamed and swatted at the figure.
“I’ve got you,” a soothing male voice said.
“I thought he was hurting her,” she said, panting against his chest.
“Madeleine, it’s okay.”
“How do you know my name?” She looked into his blue eyes and studied his square jaw. The voice was familiar, but much softer when coming from a human form. “Are you my Beast Lightning?”
“I don’t like to be called that, remember?”
“You’re my Javelin,” she stammered.
Hearing those words, my Javelin, caused his stomach to flutter.
“Delilah was right,” she continued. “You brought us here to mate. He was still in dragon form and I saw…”
“I have no interest in that type of mating,” he said. “That must have been Lagos. He will be spoken to.”
“But what do you want of me?”
“I want you to complete the duties of a domestic servant. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, please return to your quarters and try to get some rest.”