Page 227 of Taming the Beast
They circled the perimeter, taking an extra loop around the highest parts and swooping into the valleys. It was wider and larger than she imagined, but then again, its inhabitants were large, flying creatures so it only made sense. When they finally switched directions and got closer to the colony, the damaged transport ship came into view. Javelin pointed and tapped the dragon’s shoulder, causing him to land next to the vessel.
“I just want to check this out,” he said, dismounting. “I haven’t seen this thing in ages.”
“In ages? When were you over here?”
“Umm … I think it was back when you first landed. Beautiful spacecraft, but it will never fly again. The thrusters were destroyed in the atmospheric storm.”
“Wait, they’re destroyed?”
“They appear fine, but look…” Javelin easily lifted up one corner and pointed at the crushed intake valves. He walked to the section with the enormous burn mark from the second strike and ran his hand along the piece of metal. From her vantage point and with him standing near the craft, she noticed the burn mark looked more like an outline. Something … or some dragon had been there to take the blow.
Son of a bitch, why didn’t he say something? I owe him my life. “Why do you think we were able to land?” She asked in the hopes he would respond with an honest answer.
He paused for a long moment. “It was meant to be.”
“You might be right,” she whispered while staring at his broad, muscular back.
He climbed back on behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist once more. “Should we make a grand entrance?”
“Let’s do it!”
He tapped the dragon again and said, “Let’s take a few laps.”
June was in the greenhouse checking on the moss that Madeleine had delivered. It was growing quickly. They were hesitant to try the bottle of green sludge, but eventually relented and used it in a broth. It seemed to be working quickly. Their father was already feeling better. She was busy squirting the potted samples with water when she heard commotion outside.
“It’s a dragon!” someone yelled from outside.
June raced outside and looked up in time to catch a glimpse of her sister zipping by. “Madeleine!” She ran to the long, central corridor that connected the entire colony and looked up at the glass ceiling as the dragon continued to circle. She jumped up and down and waved to get her sister’s attention while she continued running to their condo.
Their parents were standing at the window, waving with shocked expressions. “June, your sister is riding a dragon,” her father said.
“I saw and it’s awesome.”
Madeleine’s family was waiting outside when they finally landed.
“Can I pet him?” June asked, ignoring her sister and running directly to the dragon.
“Sure,” Javelin said. “I’m sure he would love it.”
June slowly moved closer until her hand was directly touching the dragon’s side. “It’s smoother than I thought. Is he vibrating?”
Javelin laughed and said, “Mykos must like you.”
June blushed and continued her gentle strokes.
“We may have another convert,” Madeleine joked.
“That’s quite an entrance,” her father said as he walked over with his arms primed for a hug.
“Are you feeling better?” she asked, nuzzling her face against his chest.
“That moss concoction you sent over really did the trick.”
“I’m serious. Where did you find it?”
“It grows inside the cliffs.” As she turned back to point towards the rocky structure, she realized Javelin was standing quietly to the side. “I’m so rude! Everyone, this is Javelin.”