Page 234 of Taming the Beast
June peered through the back window and watched as a mad dash of human ants scrambled to assess the situation.
“I’ll be back for the rest of your women,” he seethed.
The alarm sounded quickly in the cliffs. The dragons were screeching their warning cries as the vessels approached.
“What’s going on?” Madeleine asked amid the commotion.
“The smugglers are heading straight for us,” Javelin said. “Take Delilah and the other women and hide in the chambers. The rocks will keep you safe.”
“The smugglers? They’re after gold. Where is it? I’ll throw it all to them.”
“They’re not after gold. Part of the settlement is on fire.”
“Which part?” she shrieked.
“We can’t tell yet. Please hide and protect your belly.” He kissed her hard and pressed his forehead against hers. “Whatever happens, you have made me the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“Whatever happens? What’s that supposed to mean?”
Delilah came running by and grabbed her, pulling her back towards the others. They didn’t make it far before lasers started hitting the floor, ricocheting against every surface. The smugglers were aiming all their weapons at the large entry point, sending the upper pieces crumbling to the ground and creating enough space for Captain Badeed’s vessels to hover inside the structure.
“Madeleine,” he called out. “Darlin’ come out come out wherever you are. I was so nice to you and you’re causing me a lot of trouble.”
A young dragon dove towards them with a steady stream of fire until one of the smugglers dragged June to the front of the craft.
“June!” Madeleine screamed as she ran towards her sister.
“There you are,” Captain Badeed said. “I thought you’d like to see what you’ve been missing.” He threw June on the ground in front of the open bay of the ship and yanked her skirt up past her hips, tearing her panties in the process. “All of you human women should be ashamed of yourselves. I don’t know what kind of shit these reptiles have told you, but I’m here to set the record straight. We are the ruling group on this planet and these creatures can't do a thing about it. I will ensure the propagation of my spectacular DNA and you will thank me for it.”
June struggled against his grasp as he spit his saliva between her legs for lubrication. She screamed and kicked at him, trying her hardest to break free. One kick was hard enough to stab him with the corner of the hook that remained trapped in her calf. He recoiled in pain.
Before he could steady himself, flashes of green and black struck the ship from all sides as the dragons made their move. June managed to pull herself forward and reached out for help, but the hook in her leg still had its original cord and was looped in place around a metal chair. Madeleine instinctively rushed forward and tried to reach her sister’s hand, but the round-faced man tilted the ship enough for another smuggler to grab her by the hair and yank her aboard the ship.
“Aim at the rocks! Fry that moss!” Captain Badeed ordered.
“Take out the thrusters,” a dragon shouted as they all began returning flames for every flash of laser.
Blood covered the floor of the main hall as lasers nicked flesh and bits of rock tumbled down on those scrambling for cover.
“Higher!” Captain Badeed shouted. “I want to see this place crumble.”
The younger dragons began to steadily dive bomb the vessels, sending them off balance with each hit while the lasers continued to do their damage. One of the ships caught the corner of a rock, sending it crashing down to the ground below. Flames and claws easily finished off any survivors. The men in the second vessel saw what happened to their comrades and quickly used their thrusters to exit the cliffs, leaving Captain Badeed to fight with one ship.
“You pussies!” he shouted when he realized they had retreated. He knew the dragons wouldn’t crash his ship with the women on board.
Madeleine knew this too. She had quietly untied the cord from the hook trapped in June’s flesh. She motioned for her sister to follow her closer to the open bay door. “We’ll have to climb over and hang onto the edge.” June nodded in agreement and squeezed her sister’s hand. “On three,” she mouthed.
The women rushed forward and slid towards the edge. Madeleine’s body cleared first and she managed to hook her fingers around the door’s lift mechanism. June struggled with her injury and wound up dangling on the very edge.
“Fuck those women,” Badeed growled, trying to close the door and shake them loose. “We gave you a chance. All you had to do was follow the rules. You had to go on and ruin things with your dragons and your fucking moss!”
The bay door was slowly lifting up, pinching Madeleine’s fingers in the process. “Now, June! Let go!”