Page 107 of Captive of Sin
A thrill shivered through her. More purposefully, she grazed her lips along the vein down the side of his neck. Feeling the powerful life thundering through him.
His breath caught again. Then he shifted and pressed his lips to the collarbone revealed under her red gown’s square neckline.
Her heart stuttered. He became a participant at last. She closed her eyes and forced herself to breathe. Her hands settled loosely on his hips.
She pressed a kiss to his other ear.
He kissed her chin, his lips warm and firm.
She brushed her lips over his jaw.
He caught one earlobe in his teeth and bit down gently.
Response burned down to her toes, and a strangled moan escaped her. As he bent to kiss her shoulder, she caught a flash of masculine triumph in his face.
They no longer clung to each other like the survivors of a shipwreck. She’d kissed him to comfort, but somewhere the game had changed into a duel of kisses.
She angled her head and kissed the hammering pulse at the base of his throat. Instinct made her lick him there. His skin was warm and salty. Delicious.
She forgot the playful battle and licked him again. Slowly. Luxuriously. His flavor filled her senses. His low rumbling growl vibrated against her lips.
Dazed, she lifted her head and stared at him. The humor seeped from his expression. Replaced by an intense concentration that sent a sizzle of anticipation down her spine.
The innocent games were over.
Danger hovered.
Danger and passion.
Time stopped. Along with her heart and breath. She felt as though she poised on the brink of one of Penrhyn’s craggy cliffs. Would she plummet to her death? Or would he catch her, as he always had?
As slowly as if he waded through deep water, Gideon raised his ruined hands. He set them on either side of her head and tipped her face up.
The moment held untold importance. It was as if he’d never touched her before. The brush of his scarred palms on her cheeks made her shiver with pleasure. He stared at her, flicking back stray tendrils of her hair with his thumbs.
With spine-tingling attention, his gaze traced her features. His black eyes glowed as if he looked upon his soul’s desire. Deep in her bones, she finally recognized that he loved her and always would. He didn’t want to love her, but he did. Perhaps he’d never say the words again, but the awe and worship on his face crushed any lingering doubts to dust.
A shaky sigh escaped her. His eyes focused on her parted lips. She grew taut with uncontrollable longing. Surely he’d kiss her like he’d kissed her this afternoon. She desperately wanted him to kiss her again. Her hands curled into his hips to urge him closer.
“You’re so beautiful, you break my heart,” he murmured.
“Gideon…” she choked out.
Any further response to that astonishing declaration was lost as with sudden decisiveness, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.
Gideon felt the moist cushion of her lips flatten against her teeth. Then, sweet moment indeed, she sighed and parted to let him in. He thrust his tongue inside, testing the hard smoothness of her teeth, the hot honey of the interior. His heart raised a paean of rejoicing as her tongue fluttered, retreated, returned to stroke and caress.
She learned fast, his darling wife. Only this afternoon, his deep kiss had shocked her. Only yesterday, he would have been incapable of touching her, let alone sharing this astonishingly sensual kiss.
Every second he held Charis in his arms felt like a miracle.
Very deliberately, he licked the roof of her mouth, the insides of her cheeks, delighting in the contrasting textures. Delighting in her response as her tongue brushed the sensitive underside of his.
She moaned and pressed her mouth harder against his. He sank into hot, succulent blackness.
He lifted his head and rested his forehead against hers. They panted, sharing the small space of air between them. The act felt as intimate as that extraordinary kiss. As if one life united them.
Feverishly, he slid his hand up her rib cage to where her breasts strained against her bodice. He slid his hand under the neckline, found a pebbled nipple, and pulled gently.