Page 21 of Captive of Sin
“Miss Watson, let me get you out of here.” The calm voice emerged from the pandemonium.
With dazed eyes, she turned to look into Akash’s face. He was disheveled but had suffered no obvious injuries.
Disappointment scourged her that it wasn’t Sir Gideon. She blinked to dispel the foolish reaction and managed a brief nod. Akash took her uninjured arm and, shielding her with his body, drew her onto the street.
The scene was a wild melee. Difficult even to spot the original combatants in the milling crowd.
“Sir Gideon?” she gasped, digging her fingers into Akash’s sleeve.
He glanced down quickly with a smile so carefree, it astonished her. “He’s fine. Never better.”
She scanned the heaving mob and spotted Gideon. With his height, he was hard to miss. He swung punches with an abandon that left his opponents staggering. His face was brilliant with elation, a dazzling exhilaration she’d never seen in him before.
She staggered to an astonished halt.
He’d shown her nothing but gentleness. Yet the man she watched now took a savage delight in violence. She desperately wanted to despise him—she’d always loathed brute force, even before Hubert’s assault. But looking at Gideon, she couldn’t help but respond to the display of unfettered male power. He moved with a smooth beauty that was almost mechanical, like a perfectly calibrated engine doing what it was designed for.
Her breath caught in her throat at how glorious he was. Every drop of moisture dried from her mouth, and her blood ran hot in her veins.
This new Gideon frightened her. But she couldn’t deny he thrilled her too.
The brief awareness shattered as Akash lunged forward to deflect someone who grabbed at her. For a horrified second, she stared into the reddened eyes of one of the sailors. The man faltered under Akash’s blow and fell cursing.
“Miss Watson, don’t just stand there,” Akash snapped, and wrenched her through the heaving crowd.
She stumbled and just avoided another blow aimed at her head. She couldn’t see Tulliver in the throng. Pray God he was all right. To her left, Sir Gideon dispatched with casual competence anyone who dared approach.
A man snatched at her injured wrist. She choked back a scream. Pain shot a red-hot blast up her arm. She screamed again as Akash struck her assailant down without a moment’s compunction, his aquiline face severe and expressionless.
Akash turned back to her and spoke almost roughly. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” she said, although her wrist burned with fiery agony. She pressed it to her breast and let Akash tug her toward the edge of the crowd. He dragged her into a deeply recessed doorway, where the cacophony marginally diminished.
“Are you sure you’re unharmed?” He was breathing heavily as he gave her a hard look.
“Yes.” She stared out at the street with utter dismay. “This is all my fault.”
Akash’s silence signaled agreement. The doorway was wide enough to accommodate both of them without touching. He released her and leaned against the stone doorframe, studying her with unfathomable brown eyes.
She frown
ed in confusion. “Don’t you want to help Sir Gideon?”
Akash shook his dark head. “He’d prefer I kept an eye on you.”
Her bruised ribs twinged as she made a convulsive movement toward the street. “He could be killed.”
A smile curved Akash’s mouth. “The man who can kill Gideon Trevithick hasn’t been born. Don’t worry, Miss Watson. He’ll live to chastise you for your rashness in running away.”
Something in his easy confidence settled her choking panic. “I had to go,” she said sullenly, guilt twisting her belly.
“Utter rot,” Akash said amiably. He darted a look outside. “Ah. At last. The watch has arrived. Peace will soon descend upon the streets of Portsmouth.”
It took surprisingly little effort to quell the brawl. Most participants just melted away into the alleys. Gradually, Charis’s heartbeat slowed. Heady relief bubbled in her veins.
Until she observed Gideon speaking to a well-dressed man, who clearly counted as the authority in town.
She shrank behind Akash. Renewed fear ate at her. Dear God, had she come so far only to fail now? If the authorities took her in charge, she’d be on a direct path back to her stepbrothers.