Page 11 of Twice the Temptation
And he wanted more than anything to give her pleasure. So if she wanted the fantasy…why shouldn’t they play it out?
“You’re absolutely right. I’m rushing my fences again.” He brushed his mouth against hers one more time, then drew back far enough to meet her eyes. “I think it’s your call.”
“My call?”
It gave him some satisfaction that her eyes were clouded. When he edged a step back and released her waist, he noted that she pressed herself more firmly against the wall for support.
“If I’m your boy toy, you have to decide how you want to play with me. What do you want me to do first?”
Reese blinked, then took a deep breath. He was right. It was her fantasy. She was the one in charge. And in a few seconds, the feeling in her knees was going to come back. Then all she had to do was…figure out what to do.
“I could suggest a few things,” he offered.
She threw out both hands, palms up. “I can do this. First, you should take off your clothes. It seems to me a boy toy has to play up the eye candy thing.”
He smiled at her as he pulled his T-shirt out of his pants. “Sounds like you’ve given this some thought.”
“This is me when I’m winging it,” she said. “But I’m thinking it has to be something like a recipe—one step at a time.”
“Sounds like a plan. How’s this for step one?”
Reese’s throat went dry as he pulled the shirt up and off slowly, then dropped it to the floor. “Great.” But she barely had time to take in the narrow waist, the broad muscled chest before his hands went to his belt.
“Step two,” he said.
Reese found her gaze glued to his fingers as he dealt first with his belt, then the button of his slacks and finally the zipper. The sound as he lowered it, link by link, was incredibly erotic.
She swallowed hard. “I thought you said you were a neophyte.”
“I’ve never stripped for a woman before.”
Reese pressed her hands harder against the wall as he toed off his shoes, pushed his slacks to the floor, and stepped out of them. The briefs that remained were black, and she could see his erection pressing against the thin material. “You’re a natural. I’ll bet you could get a job as a Chippendale. I—” Whatever else she intended to say slipped away as he rid himself of the briefs.
“Oh, my,” was all she could think of to say.
“See anything you want to play with?” he asked.
She certainly did. She wanted to close her hands around him. And then she wanted to—
They’d each taken a step forward before she raised both hands, palms out. “Not yet. Go lie down on the bed. I have an idea.” She knew any thought in her head would fade fast once he touched her.
Mac hesitated for just a moment. They were both on the edge—and they knew it. The moment he touched her, playtime would be over. The temptation vibrated in the air between them. The reckless gleam was back in his eyes, and there was a part of her that very much wanted him to take over and make that move.
“You’re sure you want me on the bed?” he asked.
“You said it was my call,” she reminded him. And she was glad that it was. What would happen if she played out her fantasy? If she gave in to the temptation to touch him—to play with him the way she wanted to?
He leaned down and removed a foil packet from his slacks. “If you’re going to proceed step by step, we’ll have to remember this one.”
That he was thinking about protecting her made something flutter right near her heart again. He placed the condom on the bedside table before he sat down on the bed.
“Lie all the way down,” she said as she moved toward him.
“You have too many clothes on,” he said as he stretched out.
“Right.” Her fingers fumbled at first as she pulled her T-shirt slowly over her head and tossed it on the floor. It was hard not to rush. The way his eyes narrowed and slid to her waist while she struggled with her jeans urged her to hurry. But the sound of his breath catching as she pushed the jeans down her legs triggered a dark thrill of power deep inside of her. She was sure she rushed with her bra and panties, but the sight of him, fully aroused on the bed, and her desire to touch him won out.
“Help me out here, Reese. I’m not sure how many more steps I can take.”
Her knees went weak, and she had to push down hard on the urge to simply jump him. But when she met his eyes and saw the hint of humor, she felt her heart take a huge bounce. She had to struggle to hold on to her focus. “Just one more, I think. Put your hands behind your head.”
Mac did as she asked. But he wasn’t at all sure just how long he could keep his hands to himself. He’d nearly lost it when she was stripping. She’d used the same economical movements she’d used when he’d seen her prepare recipes, and he’d found them incredibly erotic.
He watched through narrowed eyes as she climbed onto the bed and straddled his waist. But when he felt the wet heat of her center press against him, he sucked in his breath and pulled his hands from behind his head.
“Not yet.” Smiling, she clasped his wrists and settled them over his head again.
“I’m beginning to think I’ve unleashed a monster,” he said.
“Let’s see if you’re right.”
When she leaned down to kiss him this time, he tried to capture her mouth with his, hoping to hurry her along, but she wiggled away to nip at his shoulder. Then she began a slow, thorough journey down his body. And as she slid lower and lower, inch by inch, she branded him not only with her mouth but with the slick heat of her core. Sensations steamed through his system and burned into his brain until all he could think of was where her journey would end.
Finally, her hand closed around him. And through slitted eyes, he watched as she lowered her mouth. The first lick of her tongue along the length of his erection had him moaning her name. Then she took him fully into her mouth and began to suckle him.
He could stop her, he thought. But his arms were so heavy. And her mouth was so hot—almost as hot as the fire raging within him. He’d wondered how far she could take him, but he’d never imagined this. No woman had ever made him so weak. No woman had ever brought him a pleasure that bordered on pain.
His climax was already building when he finally found the strength to frame her face with his hands. “Reese. I want to be inside you. I want to be able to make you come when I do. And I’m going to need help with that condom.”
They fumbled with it together. Then he lifted her hips and filled her. He hadn’t thought the pleasure could grow any sharper, but he’d been wrong. The pleasure grew and grew as she matched his rhythm, stroke for stroke, until with one last thrust, he gave himself to her.
WHEN MAC AWOKE, HE AND Reese were nesting like spoons in the center of her bed. His arm was wrapped around her, holding her tight. And they fit perfectly.
As he became more fully aware of his surroundings, he saw a gray light filtering through the gauzy curtains on her balcony doors.It was nearly dawn.
Waking up with her wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind. He’d never before spent the entire night with a woman he’d made love to. Then again, he still hadn’t stopped wanting Reese, either.
Not after they’d made love in the shower. Not after making love to her again in the bed. The thought of what her mouth had felt like teasing and dampening every inch of his skin had him growing hard all over again.
If he turned her over, he could be inside of her again. In a matter of seconds, he could feel that hot, wet fist close around him.
What stopped him from acting on his immediate desire, what had him easing his arm from beneath her and sliding out of the bed, wasn’t that he’d suddenly reminded himself that he had rules where women were concerned. What was really motivating him to stand and move away was the dawning realization that he wanted more than fantasy sex with Reese Brightman.
He wanted to spend time with her, to get to know her. And he definitely wanted to share more than one night with her.
How in the hell had it come to this?
Running his hand through his hair, he paced a short distance away, then turned to walk back to the bed. She lay on her side with her hand tucked beneath her chin. Even sleeping, she had the innocence and honesty that he’d seen in her from the beginning.
But she also had the passion and needs of a woman. It was a fascinating combination.
And he had a problem. Thanks to his own wariness, which warred with his almost uncontrollable desire to have her, he’d trapped himself in a great big lie. She only knew him as Mac, her boy toy.
He had to tell her who he was. Just as he had to sell her on the importance of using Haworth House as a setting for her TV show. He hadn’t a doubt in the world that once Avery Cooper or that sharp-eyed sheriff saw him with Reese, they’d check him out. Then they’d have a little talk with him—and probably with Reese.
Someone was sending her black roses and threatening notes. And the fact that the creator of her new TV series was here on the island and had used the opportunity to get himself intimately involved with her placed him in the prime suspect category.
Way to go, Mac.
Disgusted with himself, he began to gather up his clothes and pull them on. He needed a shower. He needed to think.