Page 127 of Arousing Family
She was back in just a couple of minutes.
"OK. Come on, let's go then." She stood there expectantly.
Wow. She was really going to do this? I pushed the cash out and got my $6.00 pay slip.
We got onto the elevator, pushed the button for my floor. She stood there, not saying a word.
At my room, I fumbled with the key card and finally got the door open, standing aside to let her into my room.
She stopped in the middle of the room, it wasn't much but all I could afford.
"I have never done anything like this before, Dennis." She turned to me.
"Would you like a drink?" I asked, suddenly unsure of what to say. I had a bottle of wine.
"This isn't a date, Dennis. You sit down over there in that chair, and stay there, OK?" That was more like the Mrs. Robeson I remembered, she always had an in charge attitude in class.
I went over and sat down.
"Where is your camera?" She held out her hand.
I reached into my pocket and handed her my cell phone, she opened it and quickly scrolled through the photos. I actually would have liked to keep those, the last pic I took I had used the telephoto option and it was spectacular.
"God." She muttered, hitting the delete button. Then she threw the phone on the bed.
She stood there and looked at me.
"Well?" I asked. I halfway expected her to just leave.
She let out a sigh.
Her hands came up to her blouse, quickly tripped the buttons. She slid that along with the soft vest she wore off her shoulders, she had on a plain white bra.
Then she looked at me, already my mouth was hanging open and I had an erection so hard it was beginning to hurt.
Her hands came down and lifted the hem of her skirt, she hooked her thumbs at her hips and slid her hose and panties down, stepped out of them.
Reaching down, she turned her skirt so the catch was in front, unhooked it and dropped that also.
There Mrs. Robeson stood, naked except for her white bra.
"Well?" She asked.
"Is this what you wanted?"
"Yea, I...uhhh. Can I see your...?" I pointed at her bra.
She reached back and tripped it, slid it forward off her shoulders.
I was surprised, her tits were nowhere near as large as they looked when she was dressed, I realized there had to be a good inch of padding in there.
She stood there looking at me, I sat there looking at her. Neither one of us said a word.
"Lord you are beautiful!" I finally managed.
"Well, is this enough then?" She asked me.
"Can you maybe turn around and...bend over?" I asked. My voice was shaky now.