Page 228 of Arousing Family
Phil knew exactly what he desired. He wanted the daemon to not kill him, suck out his soul, scramble his brains, or do anything else bad to him. He also wanted her to leave when dismissed and not hunt him down afterwards once she was no longer bound by the terms of the contract. Oh, and not to kidnap and take him with her when she returned to her home plane. That was worth adding considering what had happened the last time he'd attempted to summon a daemon. He recited his conditions in the formal language of daemon contracting. He'd learnt some of it at Wargsnouts and C?r?l?a had helped him with the rest during their study sessions.
More blue feelers slithered around the white lines of the outer circle, looking for any weakness. As the last syllable of Phil's binding incantation faded away the tendrils retreated back into the opaque clouds. The ctenophox slowed down her swaying motions and looked at Phil with a smile on her sensual indigo lips.
"What do you desire of me?" she asked.
Her voice had a strange echo, almost as if Phil was hearing them both normally and directly in his thoughts at the same time.
"Did it work?" he turned and asked C?r?l?a.
"Let's find out," she said.
Mischief glinted in her red eyes. She kicked the mop bucket over and a tide of soapy water rushed across the stone floor, obliterating the front of the chalk circle. The ctenophox's smile widened.
Oh sh—
It was like a wall had been blown away. The sounds came first—a haunting, eerie melody that spiralled through his eardrums and resonated pleasantly within the folds of his brain. The ululating music surrounded him. He felt it vibrating in his teeth and then down through his bones. The hairs rose up on the back of his neck. He felt strange. Airy. Antsy.
The bluish-pink mist rolled out across the floor. It pushed out before it a strange aroma that tickled Phil's nostrils. The exotic perfume added to his growing sense of dislocation.
Smiling seductively, the ctenophox put her hands together above her head and started to sway like a sensual belly dancer. Phil couldn't look away. His field of vision was constrained to a narrow rectangle that started with the ctenophox's radiant yellow eyes and went down to the gleaming blue curves of her voluptuous breasts.
A slender blue tentacle rolled out of the billowing fog and coiled around Phil's right ankle, jolting him from his trance. Alarmed, he looked over to C?r?l?a for guidance as another feeler slithered across the floor and up his other leg.
C?r?l?a put a hand to her mouth. "Oops. Adult stuff. I'm not allowed to see this. See you later." She gave him a friendly wave before skipping off in the direction of the large bookcases at the back of the room.
Wait, Phil thought. What do I do n—
The tentacles around his ankles tugged and Phil fell backwards. He landed on his back and the wind was knocked out of his body. Dazed and still partially entranced by both the beguiling melodies and the ctenophox's hypnotic swaying, Phil didn't put up much resistance as the slender cords around his ankles pulled taut and started to drag him into the circle and thick clouds roiling within.
The fog was thick enough to have physical substance. He felt it against his feet and ankles, but rather than feeling cold and clammy it felt like warm honey condensing on his exposed skin. He felt like he was stepping into a pleasant scented bath. Within the mist he saw the hazy shapes of thicker appendages. Blind mouths opened in the ends and puffed out more scented blue and pink clouds. The mist billowed over Phil's legs in a wave of miniature kisses.
The ctenophox was right above him. More and more feelers unfurled out of t
he churning fog. They slithered beneath his robe and peeled it off him to leave him completely naked and exposed. Other tentacles coiled around his arms and lifted him up off the floor. Phil drowned in the golden pools of her eyes and offered no resistance.
"This floor is too hard," the ctenophox said, her voice again echoing directly within the folds of Phil's mind. "I'll make it more comfortable."
Two blue appendages, as thick across as Phil's thighs, nudged out of the base of the cloud. They opened out like rubber tubes and started spewing more thick mist across the floor. Only this wasn't mist, not like the moist smoke swirling around Phil's lower legs. It was thicker, solid, more like some kind of translucent jelly. The orifices swayed back and forth, squirting out a thick cushion beneath Phil. It even felt soft like a cushion. The tendrils holding him relaxed and Phil sank back not onto the stone floor but instead into a mass of warm jelly that felt like a moist rubbery beanbag.
Puffed out by indistinct maws, the billowing clouds continued to expand and Phil was enveloped in a comfortable, relaxed weakness. Slender tentacles, strong like cord, wound around his wrists and ankles and pulled them apart until Phil was spread-eagled before the ctenophox. Her upper body hovered out of the mist before him, full breasts hanging like swollen, ripe, exotic fruit. Phil was so deep into the opaque mist he could no longer see anything past his abdomen. He shivered as an unseen something brushed up against his exposed penis.
No, this had gone too far, Phil thought, his mind stumbling free of the fog encroaching on his thoughts. Oh fuck. She'd dragged him right into the circle and was almost on top of him. There must have been a mistake. He had to use the emergency dismissal before the daemoness did...whatever she intended to do to him.
That was as far as Phil got before a thick blue tentacle emerged from the cloud and the fleshy tip covered Phil's mouth and nose like a mask. The ctenophox shook her head and tutted. He saw her dark blue hair was really a mass of long squirming tendrils.
"You can't send me away before experiencing the pleasures of my body."
The pleasures offered by most lust daemons invariably ended up being fatal. Phil struggled against the tentacles binding his limbs. He tried thrashing his head in an attempt to dislodge the appendage attached to his face.
The appendage was hollow. Phil's eyes widened as the tentacle swelled up. He couldn't shake it off before a volume of scented gas was forced up his nostrils and into his lungs. Phil's struggles grew more laboured as the drugged air permeated through his body and dragged his limbs down with languid weight. The fog was within him now. It twined through his mind and obscured his thoughts.
"Breathe and be relaxed," the girl with blue skin and brilliant shining eyes ordered. Phil heard her voice both through his ears and directly in his mind.
She pumped more blissful relaxant into his body and Phil's breathing slowed down and fell into the same rhythm as the pulses travelling up the tube. The tenseness left his body. He sank into the gel cushions beneath him with the ctenophox on top of him.
"All those instructions on what I mustn't do, and yet you never specified exactly what you wished of me," the ctenophox said. "Shall I assume you'd like me to take the initiative?"