Page 262 of Arousing Family
As she dialed the Sheriff's office she moved the laptop over near the cot, set up the web cam so that it was focused on the patient, and opened the video conferencing software waiting to see Beverly pop up online.
"Henely County Sheriff's Office can I help You?"
"Hey Martha this is Bobbie up at the wildlife center is Joe in or can you patch me through to him where ever he is right now?" There was a short pause as the call was transferred.
"Bobbie this is Joe. Please tell me you didn't catch your trespassers and shoot them I don't want to have to deal with that right now."
"No Joe. I have something that may be worse. I have an officer down so to speak. When I went back to look for the trespassers a federal agent somehow managed to fall half way down the bluff. I've got her back to the center but she's in and out of consciousness and there is no way I can get her out in a hurry."
" Federal agent? No one has notified me of any kind of federal operations. Who the hell is it and who is she with?"
" Agent Carrie Brown Department of the Interior assigned to the protection of Native American sites according to the papers I found in her backpack."
"Oh hell, not that mess again."
" What mess Joe and who do we notify and how do we get her out of here?"
"Well there just isn't going to be a way to get her out for days, trees are down across the State Highway for miles between you and civilization. This has to be the worst storm since '93 and may end up being worse than that before it's over. As for who to notify as soon as I can I'll call the university and see what I can find out. They started the whole ruckus last time I am sure they are in on this one too."
"What ruckus? I don't understand. What does the university have to do with her being on my property?"
"Way back in the 70s a couple of university archeology students found a bunch of Native American sites up there. Most of them were on the State Wildlife Management Area land adjoining your place, but a few were on your land. There was all kinds of legal fighting over access rights and protection rules and it went through federal court for several years. It ended up that the sites had to be fenced a certain way and the tribe had to be granted access upon request. You should have several small areas with 12 foot high chain link topped with barbed wire up there."
"Well, I've never seen them but with this much acreage it would be almost impossible to see everything. Why did no one ever tell me about it when I bought this place 3 years ago? I haven't gotten any request for access from anyone either."
"They probably just forgot about it. I don't think that real estate agent was even born when it happened."
Bobbie noticed Beverly in the video conference and cut Joe short. "Joe I've got to go, Bev is video conferencing with me to help treat her. Try and get rescue up here as soon as you can and yes, I know that could be a week from now."
Bobbie made sure the speakers were activated and turned the mic on voice activation just in time to hear Bev let out a whistle. "My, my, you have a beauty on your hands there don't you?"
The shrill whistle combined with Bev's voice startled Chance, the one eyed barred owl Bobbie kept for educational seminars. Chance Hissed loudly and clacked his beak, mantling on his perch in the corner of the room. Bobbie tried to get him settled down. "Calm Chance, Calm now old boy."
"Have you still got that demon owl? No wonder you are still single that thing is dangerous. You should have put him down years ago."
Chance and the other animals in her life had been the major reason for their breakup. While Beverly was a doctor and had empathy for her human patients that empathy did not extend to animals. "He's not dangerous Bev, he just didn't like you because he was jealous or something. I take him to schools all the time and he has never hissed at the kids."
Carrie picked that moment to open her eyes and nearly sit up on the cot, then fall back mumbling and moaning again bringing their attention back to the matter at hand.
Bobbie moved around to the side of the cot and tried to talk to her. " Carrie? Carrie can you hear me?" All she got in return was a "Yes Sergeant!"
Bev took over at that point and began barking instructions "The first thing you are going to have to do is restrain her somehow so she doesn't take your head off while we do this. Do you have any restraints big enough for a human? Oh, I know! Do you still have that bondage set I talked you into ordering but we never got to use?"
"I think so, it may be in the nightstand but I am not sure."
"I bet you have never even opened the box. I swear you have to be the most prudish, straight laced Butch on the damn planet! Now go get it, get her restrained and her clothes cut off so we can get those wounds cleaned up and check out that arm."
"Clothes cut off? Never mind, I'll be right back."
Bobbie hurried off to get the restraints, she knew she still had them. Four leopard patterned, Velcro closure, cuffs with 6 foot tethers attached. She'd just had to open the set after reading the warning label on the back of the box. "Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery." She had known then, without a doubt, that if people used such things while driving bulldozers often enough that they had felt the need to put a warning on the box she was way behind the times and definitely a prude.
Back in the clinic, holding a pair of bandage shears Bobbi
e was trying her best not to shake. She had been celibate for months and here she was looking down at one of the most beautiful women she'd seen anywhere. Petite, maybe 5'3", mid thirties, muscular in a wiry, feminine kind of way, short black hair that shined in the glow of the exam lamp and when she roused up and opened those beautiful blue eyes it made Bobbies heart pound. If only she would stay conscious, her constant rousing and passing back out was bothering both Bobbie and the doctor.
"Come on Bobbie hurry up and get her clothes off, and while you are at it tell me what kind of drugs you keep on hand, with that ankle wound she is definitely going to need an antibiotic. I hope you are up for some minor surgery, you are probably going to have to cut that piece of tree out of her ankle."
Bobbie cut both legs of her pants upwards from the ankle and when she pulled away the pieces a bright pink lace thong was revealed. After cutting away her black fatigue jacket and T-shirt she realized she was staring at a pink bra and thong set, both very frilly and lacy.