Page 29 of Arousing Family
The wait staff consisted of six black females dressed in French Maid costumes. "I'd like a Dewars on the rocks? "Are you on the menu?" He asked the beautiful, well-build bartender.
"No, we've been told to tend to food and beverages and not to engage in any sexual activity. If we do and get caught we'd lose our jobs, but for you I'd be glad to exchange numbers," she said, with a smile while pulling her neckline lower.
Rick took a sip of is Scotch, removed a blank card from his wallet, wrote his name and cell number, and handed it to her. "If you'd like to you can call me."
He walked past the entrance and into the activity area. The first room contained couches and mattresses most of which were occupied with couples, triplets, and foursomes engaging in various forms of sexual activity. The air was filled with moans, groans, laughter and loud Raga music. Rick didn't pause because he didn't see anyone he knew. He laughed too himself not believing such a large number of people found this kind of sex fun or interesting.
"Rick, Rick," he heard his name through the din as soon as he went into the next room which was decorated in the same way as the first. "Rick, come over here," Bob said, as his cock was being sucked by a blonde. "Get undressed and join in."
"You know I don't like orgies. Maybe if I can find someone who I can take to a private room I might be interested."
"Tell the guy in the tuxedo that I gave you permission to use a special key. The code for special guests like you is five-five-five. He will provide you with a key to a room on the third floor where you can have privacy."
"Thanks for the key and putting together a very professional event. Have you seen Angie?"
"We had an argument about you picking her up. So she went off with Ned."
"Don't you care?"
"It's okay, I know she'll be back in my bed when this orgy is over," he said, groaning and pulling the blonde's head away from his crouch. "Enjoy yourself, now I'm going to pound the stuffing out of this blonde. What's you name honey?"
Chapter Six
Angie was riding a guy in the female superior position, while at the same time trying to suck a cock and stroke another with her hand.
Rick smiled knowingly and walked by the foursome and on to the back porch. There were two couples on lying on padded lounge chairs, but he ignored them strolling to the railing and looking into the thick hedges surrounding the estate.
"What's a handsome guy like you doing dressed and alone at the biggest orgy in the history of Lombard? A tall naked female with long blonde hair asked him. She took him by the arm and said, "Come on let's go in and have some fun."
He turned observing her beauty in the fain light and the silhouette of her voluptuous body. "I'm not into orgies, but I wouldn't mind some private time with you."
"I think all the sex here is in the open."
He took her by the hand leading her from the porch toward the entrance. "I have a connection."
After using the triple five numbers, he received a key and directions to the third floor from the tuxedo dressed man who served as the gate keeper and manager of the event.
"How did you do that?"
"Does it matter?" He said, placing his arm around her waist, pulling her close, and kissing her. She responded with her lips, her tongue and her hand on his cock.
As he led her to the top floor, they exchanged names—Sheena and Rick.
"Have you been active tonight? He asked, noting her makeup was un-smeared, her hair was still perfectly coiffed, and he smelled her perfume and shampoo.
"You're the first handsome guy I saw," she said, flopping on the bed. "Hurry up I want to see what you've got."
Rick kicked off his loafers, jeans and BVDs
"Wow! I did a good job of spotting you," she said, "You've got an impressive package."
He threw his shirt at her laughing and tackled her to the bed.
She giggled as they wrestled, and moaned when his hand grabbed a breast and thumbed her nipple.
He wasn't in a hurry so he pulled her into the spoon position, crisscrossing his hands to fondle her breasts and nipples while kissing her neck.
"Do you like them?" she asked searching for his cock with her free hand.