Page 291 of Arousing Family
She stroked and pressed, trying to find some alteration in his breathing, some sign that she was affecting him, but there was none. He sucked gently at her breast, and she was surprised to find herself pushing him slowly down beside her, never quite disengaging him, but lowering him onto his back on the bed. He traced her nipple with his tongue, his hand coming up to cover her unsuckled breast. She kissed his forehead tenderly, then rose to straddle him. His eyes opened, and he stared up at her.
She smiled, and rubbed her pussy firmly over his cock, not yet wanting to hurry the final penetration. Always before he had lain atop her - now she would control the act, and hoped to bring him deep within her soul. He arched a little, seeking to enter her, and she shook her head playfully. Sliding down, she sucked for just a moment, tasting her own juices on his slick skin, then she straightened, and very slowly rose to put just the tip of the pulsing cock into her cunt. He strained, but she rose up with him, not letting him go any further in.
"No," she said aloud, "my way this time." He didn't show any sign of understanding, but neither did he attempt to change position. Encouraged, she rocked just enough to push another inch of his shaft into her. As before, the sensation of his prick inside her nearly drove her to instant orgasm, but she opened her eyes, gazed at the moon, and slid fully down onto him. Impaled, she paused a moment, resting her hands on his chest. His own hands came up to grip her hips, and she resisted the temptation to let him guide her motion. She swiveled her hips teasingly, and he once more opened his eyes to regard her. She rocked back, reaching one hand down behind her to tickle his balls, and his entire body gave a shudder.
Her eyes widened with delight, and she began to bounce gently against his hips, short swift strokes to help him find his rhythm. He groaned, and she nearly stopped short. Never before had he made any sound. She stared down at him, and his face contorted in counterpoint to the beat of her hips. She rocked more wildly, bending down so her breasts swung against his chest. He groaned again, and she was startled, when she looked at him, to see his face changing - in the darkness it seemed to her that his features were softening, somehow.
She pressed on, driving toward his climax, and was rewarded by his pelvis rising to meet her. He clutched at her buttocks, his fingers splayed into her crack. She rode him frantically, pounding against his cock with determination. His back arched, his hands slid up her back, and she gripped his shoulders with taloned fingers. She pressed her breast to his lips, and he opened his mouth to suck hungrily. The tingling of her nipple communicated directly to her cunt, and she gripped his hair in her hands.
Her wild locks swung about her in an invisible wind, and her fangs pierced her lip with burning passion. She scissored her legs to tighten her cunt around him, milking his soul through his need. He cried out, as his cock throbbed and pulsed within her, his climax taking him deep within her. She felt the heat of his sperm filling her, and sucked deeply at the soul he exposed. Her hourglass pupils gleamed in the darkness as the man beneath her wept in surrender. Her wings spread, the succubus disappeared.
The End.
Judy Has a Dark Secret
Hello, my name is Judy Wallace. I'm a married woman in my early 40's. My husband David and I have been married for over 15 years. I'm not only a wife but I am a mother of two children.
I have a two sons. My oldest son name is David name after his father. We call him DJ and my youngest son name is Daniel. DJ is 14 and Daniel is 12. My children can be a handful but what children are anything but a handful?
We live in a good neighborhood and my husband provides for us. His income is enough to support our family. I guess you can say I'm the typical "stay at home" mother you remember from those old sitcoms. It's funny when I was teenager I never picture myself the June Cleaver type but I should be happy. I have a good family and a husband that provides for me. I should be happy. Shouldn't I?
I wake up every morning at 5:30. I use this time to make sure that by the time my husband and the boys make it down stairs. Breakfast is ready for them. I head down stairs to make sure to put a pot of coffee on.
David is a mess if his coffee isn't just the way he likes it. Lots of cream and lots of sugar every day in his favorite mug. He will take two sips and say "Thank you honey". Then he will sit at the table reading the news on his IPad. Today is Tuesday so I know he will remind me like always he needs his clothes to be pick up from the cleaners.
He will also tell their is pile of suits that need to be drop off at the cleaners
as well. He will then ask me what will be for dinner when he arrives home tonight.
I find it funny because on Tuesday we always have meatloaf. Sometimes just to humor myself when he asks "What are we doing for dinner tonight?" I answer "Why the same thing we do every Tuesday Pinky." The Pinky and the Brain reference is usually lost on him but I can see why. I was the one who raise the kids and when you are a stay at home mom you usually end up watching the same things your children watch.
Speaking of my kids. I make sure breakfast is waiting for them. DJ is a freshman in high school and walks to school with his buddies. So DJ doesn't usually have breakfast with us.
He will come downstairs and grab whatever he finds the most appealing off his plate and rush out the door. Sometimes without giving me a kiss on my cheek and a "Thanks Mom". I know he is at the age now where he wants to be with his friends and having breakfast with his parents might seem "lame". Daniel though even though he is 12 still takes forever to get ready for school.
He is either still sleeping or watching cartoons in his room. I usually have to yell "Daniel if you are not ready downstairs in 5 minutes I'm coming up there to get you."
In three minutes Daniel will rush downstairs and sit down at the table and eat his food within a matter of seconds. With a mouth full of food he will ask me and his father can have some video game that will be coming out soon or when can we have a dog?
My husband will always answer with a "We will see or If your grades are good this semester." Once he is finish with his breakfast Daniel will give me a kiss and a hug and rush off to catch the school bus.
David and I are now left alone and we make small talk. We either talk about current events, the kids or if there is anything we need to do. David will usually tell me if he is expecting UPS to drop off a package and what time I need to be home.
This is my life. The same thing happens every week. Some times I wonder am I part of an experiment. Where a group of scientist are studying what makes the common house wife tick? I finish breakfast and before I know it the events happen just as I just describe them.
It's almost like I'm watching the same movie over and over. I know Bambi's mother is going to die no matter how many times I watch the film but still I sometimes hope in vain. Just maybe the Hunter's bullet will miss. Maybe she will get up and say the bullet only graze her. Maybe once the kids will leave David will make love to me in the kitchen like we use to.
Oh how I miss those days. We would make love on the kitchen counters. That seems like a life time ago though. I know it's common for some married couples to be stuck in a rut but I never picture this when me and David first got married. It seems like months since David and I have made love.
When we do it seems devoid of passion. Just a five minute roll in the sack. David will climax while on top of me and I usually go to the bathroom to clean up and rub one out.
As the events occur as predicted I am the only one left in the house. I get dress and prepare to run my errands. I just realize I got this far without describing myself. I am 5'7 and a blonde. My body tone is okay but I have to admit it wouldn't hurt if I visit the gym more. My bra size is 34d.
I remember how David use to tell me how my breast was his favorite feature on my body. Now he tells me how my pot roast is his favorite meal. I shouldn't complain. I should be thankful of the life I have and the family I have. I should be happy. Shouldn't I?
After I get ready and dress I grab the clothes I need to drop off at the cleaners. I threw the clothes in the backseat and as I was getting in the car my phone went off. I was receiving a text message. I look at my phone to see what the text said and it said "Meet me at the usual place in 15 minutes.".
I knew he sent the text and I knew why he sent it. I also knew what would happen if I did meet him at the "usual place". There was part of me that was telling me not to go to this place nothing good will come of this.