Page 301 of Arousing Family
"See you, Mrs Honeycoat," Garry said.
"See you," Rick said.
They waved again, a different kind of wave. I thought so, anyway. I watched them turn away and walk to the end of the street, openly admiring their butts, hard and firm, slim legs tapering to big male feet encased in Vanns. Before turning into Carter Avenue they both turned and waved again. They were talking as they moved off. About me?
I tried to go back to my roses but my mind was elsewhere. I gave up and went indoors, feeling hot and horny.
Would it happen today? Probably not, and I wasn't even sure I wanted it to happen that fast anyway. I was enjoying the sense of tension in myself, the arousal tingling through me.
I wasn't really dirty from gardening, just my hands, but it seemed a good enough excuse so I climbed the stairs and turned on the shower in the master bedroom, stepped out of my shorts, pulled my top over my head and then studied myself in the full length mirror.
Yeah, pretty good. Not even pretty good for a thirty-odd year old; I reckoned I was pretty good for a twenty year old. No lines, no sagging. I unclipped my bra. For a moment it clung to my breasts like the cupped hands of a lover, then I tugged, sliding it away, air cooling my nipples. No sag there either. I turned side on, laid my hand on my flat belly, peered around at my ass. Lucky boys. Side on I could see my nipples jutting out and slightly up, my tits deep and bell curved beneath, rounded on top. I wanted to pull on my nipples and feel the pleasure I knew would run from them to my sex but I wasn't going to allow myself that pleasure. Instead I bent over, bent easily, pulling my tiny blue panties down. I stepped from them, placed my palms flat on the floor, back bent. Years of practice.
When I straightened up I turned face on to the mirror and looked down. A narrow strip of public hair ran up from between my legs. I hadn't done much trimming down there this summer. I never grew too wayward, but now and then I'd take my bikini-line shaver and shorten and tidy. I walked across to the dresser, opened the second drawer down and found what I was looking for, my fingers brushing one of the three vibrators also in there. I hesitated, then withdrew my hand. Not now. Maybe, if things went to plan, I could introduce the boys to my playthings.
I took the trimmer into the bathroom with me and turned it on, ran it down from the start of my bush. It was set on four and I raised it and turned the knob on the side all the way down, put the head back and took off a strip almost all the way down to bare skin. A thrill ran through me as the hair dropped away, and I changed stance and took the sides off, lifted one leg and trimmed around my labia. The trimmer vibrated against me, tickling my clitoris as I ran it up to remove the last patches, but I tried to avoid that area, not yet ready to submit to my growing lust.
When I had trimmed as much as I could I opened the bathroom cabinet and took down shaving foam and a ladyshave. I stepped into the shower and foamed myself up. I couldn't do anything about having to rub it in, but I tried to ignore the sensations that came when I did. I applied the razer, fresh blade, sharp and smooth, and removed every trace of hair from between my legs. When I had rinsed I showered, washed my hair and stepped out.
Back in front of the long mirror I admired my handiwork.
I had never removed all my pubic hair before, and I stepped closer, studying myself.
Finally I nodded. Yes, I thought, the boys will like that.
They arrived at three, which I took as a good sign, early enough to show keenness, not too early they demonstrated desperation. I took them round back and showed them the pool. It was a big pool. I had been lucky with the divorce settlement. Brad had given me pretty much everything I asked for: the house, an allowance, the Mercedes roadster - everything except his affection, and after the P.I. showed me the pictures of Brad in bed with another guy's cock in his ass I realized I didn't need the affection. When we argued, after I found and asked him why, if he wanted to fuck someone in the ass he hadn't asked me, he'd turned away without a word and I let him go. Jealous. Pete Hastings had introduced me to anal sex back in High School, and I discovered a liking for it. I came harder with a cock in my ass than any other way I knew.
Now over a year without any sex was wearing thin. Oh sure, plenty of husbands made it clear they were available as dick's for hire, but I didn't want to ruin other marriages. So I had been celibate. Or celibate if you didn't count the three dildos, and fun as those were they didn't quite hit the spot. Which was why I had set my sights on the twins, who were now walking around the edge of the sixty foot pool pretending to look like they knew what they were doing.
I had taken an hour upstairs after lunch deciding what to put on. Nothing at all was probably too much at this stage in our relationship - I didn't want to scare them off - but I did want to hint at my availability. In the end I had probably gone too far, but it was too late once I answered the door to them in my briefest bikini. My tits spilled over the edges of the top, and the briefs were cut so tight if the boys looked down they would be able to clearly see I had shaved especially for them.
"It doesn't look too bad," Rick said. "Are you sure you want to pay us to clean this?"
I padded over on bare feet, stood on the edge and pointed. "Look. You can see some algae build up on the sides here." I moved my hand. Standing right next to Rick I knew the movement would press my right breast against his left arm. "And over there. See?"
He nodded, swallowing. "I think so."
"And I could do with the changing room painting, and the back wall would welcome a new coat of paint. So are you up for it?" I smiled, trying desperately not to make myself too obvious but fearing it was way past that point. Just the bikini was way past that point. Their eyes kept dancing wildly, wanting to look, not wanting me to catch them.
"Are you gonna drain the pool?" Garry asked.
"Do I need to?" I put on my woman face to indicate I knew nothing about that kind of thing; pool work was man work.
It was so sweet that they didn't even try to pretend. "We've never done anything like this before, Mrs Honeycoat-"
"I think you can call me Janey now, don't you?"
"Um. Janey?" Garry made it sound a question. "Can we clean the tiles without draining the pool?"
"Let's try that first. Go to the store and get anything you might need. D'you want to start now or in the morning?"
"Will we have to get in the water?"
I shrugged my shoulders and two pairs of eyes darted down to watch the way my mobile breasts danced and swayed. "I guess so."