Page 308 of Arousing Family
"Put the earphones in, too," instructed Vikki. Sam gently fitted the earphones around her ears and plugged them in.
"I'll turn you on." Vikki reached up to the side of the goggles and pressed a button. "Done. Now, let's give you the demonstration. Each room in the house has a small transmitter that picks up when one of these headsets is in the room. The goggles transmit their position back and..." Vikki pointed at the front window. "Take a look."
Sam only noticed a tiny flicker in her vision, the words imprinted over a black-and-white spiral. She turned her head to the front window as asked. She saw the street outside, but as her head stayed still for a moment the house opposite changed colour, going from a vague off-white to a somewhat startling red. At the same time a small voice in her ear said "Welcome to AugTech systems. This is a demonstration."
Another flicker, the spiral going to the back of her brain. She turned back to Vikki, smiling. "That was awesome! The house opposite changed colour! Is that what you meant?"
"Yup," said Vikki. "Augmented reality. You see what's already there but the software and
the goggles let me add on additional visual effects. I added the earphones myself at home to this set as I'm testing out adding sounds, too." [TRUST HER]
"I like it," replied Sam. "There's just one thing, I get these occasional flickers -" [HAPPY] "- in my vision."
"Nothing to worry about." [TRUST] "Just a few little bugs in the software. You ignore them." [OBEY] "In a few minutes you won't even see them there." [OBEDIENCE IS PLEASURE] [PLEASURE IS ALL] [OBEY] On each phrase, the spiral was turning slowly in the background.
"OK," said Sam happily. "So, you've got the whole place rigged up with this?"
"Yeah." [HAPPY]. "It's just a test but I figured I'd use it to help make viewing the flat a bit more interesting. What can I say, I'm a techie and I love playing with my toys."
[AROUSED] An image flickered across Sam's eyes, too quick for her to see, of a woman's face in ecstasy.
"Take a look around the room." [OBEY] [OBEY].
Sam glanced around the room. As she did so, there was a slight noise in the earphones at the edge of her hearing. Automatically she reached up to check them [YOU DO NOT NOTICE THE SOUND] before dropping her hand back down again [GOOD GIRL]. The sofa showed a couple of tags – on the right hand side it popped up a message that said "Laura's favourite seat" and just where Vikki had left the book it showed "Vikki always leaves her book here". Sam giggled to herself.
"I see you've got a sense of humour about these, tagging something you know you do all the time."
Vikki smiled. "The thing with the book? Yeah, Laura's commented on it so many times it was pretty much the first thing I put on the system. I'd forgotten it was still there, actually." [FORGET THE TAG]
Dismissing the thought Sam turned to the mirror. Looking at the room [AROUSED] *image of a woman's head and neck wearing a leather collar, eyes open and blank* [HORNY] through the mirror she paused for a second, looking for the differences. For a split second it was as though there was a spiral spinning slowly within the frame [CAN'T RESIST THE SPIRAL] [FORGET], then it cleared. Sam saw in the mirror-view the room appeared wood-panelled instead of painted. She also saw in the mirror-view that Vikki was wearing a laced leather corset [AROUSED], no, a plain white t-shirt. [IMPRESSED] [WARM]
"I'm really impressed," said Sam. "I can see that you're even able to change what people appear to be wearing. That's amazing." [AROUSED] *image of Vikki in the corset, holding a padded leather collar in her hand*
Vikki smiled back. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it. Now, come see the rest of the house." [OBEY] [OBEDIENCE IS PLEASURE] [PLEASURE IS ALL] She opened the door through to the kitchen. [MUST OBEY] "I'll need you to take off your boots, though, it's a house rule." [OBEY] [STRIP]
Sam sat down and unzipped her boots immediately, sliding them off her feet and leaving them neatly by the armchair. *image of a naked woman kneeling, kissing another woman's bare feet* Vikki moved through to the kitchen.
Sam followed, noting in the back of her mind how good Vikki's ass looked in her shorts. The kitchen was pretty ordinary, a few cupboards, oven and fridge-freezer. A view out the back showed a small garden. As she looked out through the glass the spiral faded in again, lazily turning on the window [MUST WATCH THE SPIRAL] [SPIRAL CAPTURES YOUR WILL] *a succession of images inter-cut, women kneeling, close ups of blank eyes and relaxed open mouths* [PLEASURE IS MINDLESS] [PLEASURE IS OBEDIENCE] [YOU MUST OBEY] [HORNY SLAVE IS WET]
"...uh, sorry?" Sam blushed slightly, knowing that Vikki had said something and she'd missed it.
"You zoned out there for a minute," said Vikki quietly. "You OK? I was just saying these would be your cupboards, glasses go hear, plates here, and so on..."
Sam blinked in the goggles. "Um, yes. Sorry, was looking at the garden. Looks like a real sun-trap, nice and warm." [SLAVE IS WARM] [STRIP] Idly, her hands undid a couple of buttons on her top, exposing the tops of her breasts as the material opened up [NAKED IS NATURAL] [FORGET THE GOGGLES] [EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS REAL].
"It's not quite warm -" [WARM] "- enough, but I love to sun-bathe out there," said Vikki. Glancing out the window again, Sam saw a couple of sunbeds propped up against the fence. "You look like you'd enjoy joining me." *image of Vikki lying face down, bikini strings undone, bare-backed* [HORNY] "Let me show you some more."
Sam was abruptly aware that at some point during the last ten minutes her breath had got shorter. Glancing down at herself she saw her nipples pressing out of her top. [HORNY SLAVE OBEYS] [OBEDIENCE IS PLEASURE] There was a faint tingling between her legs. What the hell? Put it to one side, she told herself. You can sort that out when you get home. Whatever it is.
"Yeah, sure..." she mumbled and followed Vikki back into the hallway. [BLANK AND OPEN] [OBEY]
Vikki waved one hand at a door under the stairs. "There's a toilet in there but frankly it doesn't get much use. Very small room. Come upstairs." [SLAVE FOLLOWS HER MISTRESS]
Sam gripped the bannister as she climbed the stairs. The stairs seemed to flicker, each one instantaneously looking completely normal and at the same time showing images of naked women kneeling at other women's feet [OBEDIENCE IS BLISS], women tied up with ropes or chains [SLAVE MUST BE RESTRAINED], women's faces with gags in [PLEASURE IS THE TASTE OF RUBBER]. Her legs wobbled and she sat for a moment.