Page 310 of Arousing Family
Vikki's hand began to pump in and out of Sam's pussy, faster and faster and faster...
The last thing Sam-slave remembered, before the spiral overcame her, she lost herself in continuous pleasure and she blacked out was a final vision on the spiral in front of her stating [CUM FOR MISTRESS] [CUM] [OBEY] [CUM] [OBEY] [CUM]
Two days later, Sam moved into the flat. A week after that she learnt about gags and nipple clamps. Two weeks later, the joy of ass-play.
Three months later she brought her first new slave home for her Mistress.
The End.
Down by the Lake
There is a lake bordering the Southwest side of my property, it's fairly large, and I have several hundred feet of shoreline, mostly trees and brush, with a few open areas. The rest of the lake is surrounded by National Forest, with the county road running along the western tip.
Every so often campers will wander onto my land, so I make a habit of checking over that way weekly during the summer months. Usually I just point out where they are, and if they seem nice enough, let them stay. Well, early in June a few years ago my dog Bogart and I were making a pass down there and encountered a couple with a tent set up, and signs they were planning a longish stay. They looked in their late twenties or early thirties, he was 5-7 or 8, brown hair, with the tan and look of a man that works outdoors. She was maybe 5-3, medium length auburn hair, freckles over pale skin, more than that I couldn't tell, since it was a chilly day and they were dressed for warmth.
When I come on a camp I like to announce my presence, so called out, "Hello the camp."
They both sort of jumped, then he called me in.
I introduced myself and then explained they were on my land, and that's when the first problem cropped up; he said his name was Dave Jensen and she was Marjorie Franklin, and he was sorry, he didn't realize they were on private land. At that her head did a quick twitch, and in fact, so did mine.
"Son, I came from over along the road, and if you're driving a blue Ford pick-up, you just lied to me, and that's no way to start out. "
His eyes widened, and he took a deep breath. Then he dropped them down and mumbled an apology, "I'm sorry, we got here last night and didn't know..."
At that point I cut him off and said, "That's two. You're parked within twenty feet of a 'private property' sign, I think you should camp elsewhere."
That's when she spoke up, " We're running out of places to go."
"Are you broke? Homeless?"
"Yes. We've both lost our jobs, run out of un-employment, and never did have much savings. I sold my car, and moved in with Dave when I couldn't afford my apartment, and a few weeks ago he lost his and we've been living in campgrounds, but now...we don't have the money for camp fees and food and gas."
"What kind of work did you do?"
"Well, I was in real estate, then office help, then anything I could find."
"And you?"
"Construction. Mostly rough framer, but really anything that pays"
"Alright, my name is Murphy. You can stay here for a while, but I do require you keep a clean camp. Also, you may want to move farther up in the trees. You'll get more shelter from the wind and the bugs are less bothersome."
"And dig a pit toilet well back from the water."
I whistled up the dog and headed back up to the house, thinking as I went. I remembered early in my adulthood when I was scuffling for work with a wife and two young kids. I'd take any job I could find. Even worked in a porn shop for a while, but was happy to find something better. Never did have to tent live, though.
I should give you some personal background.My name is Murphy, Josh Murphy, I'm in my mid sixties, pretty fit, but with the aches that come from working hard for a living. I'm only 5'6'', but 200 lbs, I like to think most of that is muscle. I was in the Navy after high school, made Rate in electronics, and served aboard a Destroyer, with several tours off Viet Nam. After the service I worked at several aircraft companies in Southern California, and married. Eventually we moved up to the Northwest, where I finally caught on with a local utility, and found a career.
By then we had two kids, a house, a couple cars, and of course the usual dogs and cats. I made good money, was reasonably lucky in my investing, and had a decent pension when I retired. My wife and I bought this 25 acre parcel in the Cascade foothills thirty years ago, when land was reasonably cheap; we built a four bedroom, two bath cabin at the upper portion of a meadow, in the wind shadow of a large hill. There were several out buildings, including a barn I used as a garage for my truck , two cars I had restored, and a small tractor, the loft had been converted to a rough apartment.
We had been married thirty years when she developed cancer, and within three years had passed. Since then, almost five years, I lived alone. The last three retired.