Page 312 of Arousing Family
Almost before the words were out of my mouth, Madge was nodding, and Dave was frowning.
"Well," He said, "what if I've got a job?"
"We can work around that. Perhaps do things in the evening or on weekends."
"Hmm, I'd like to think on your offer."
"Fair enough, let me know."
After a little more small talk, with Madge looking at Dave in a way I'd seen from my wife when I had screwed up, they headed back to their camp.
Even before I had closed the door, I heard Madge saying "What do you mean you need to think it over?" After that they were out of earshot, but I had a good idea the kind of night Dave had ahead of him.
I closed up, heading to bed. Sleep did not come quickly, as it normally does, instead I kept picturing those beautiful eyes and auburn hair. The fact she jumped in to help, and her ready acceptance of my offer impressed me, but I suspect she felt anything was better than that tent.
The next morning, while I was having my first cup of coffee, there was a knock on the door.Well, I know there aren't many people that would stop by at 6:30, and Bogart would have barked if a car came up the drive, so I just shouted "Come in!" and took another sip of eye opener.
In came Madge, breathing a bit hard, and all red in the face.
"Are you ok?"
"Oh yes"..." I just wanted to catch you before you went anywhere."
"Yes, I'd like to take you up on the apartment, and doing housework would be a pleasure after that tent."
"And Dave?"
"He's still thinking, but he'll come around after he takes one more bath in that cold lake."
The smile said she was never going back in that lake again, and didn't care if Dave did or not.
"Well, that's fine. Would you like some breakfast? I have ham, eggs and toast. And of course the coffee is on the counter, help yourself."
"Sounds delicious, I'm getting real tired of Granola bars for breakfast. You just stay there, I'll cook. How do you want your eggs and how many?"
"Two. Over medium. I'll do the toast"
We quickly whipped out breakfast, and again I was astonished how quickly she ate. She caught me looking at her and said, "I'm sorry, this is only the second real meal I've had in weeks. Everything else has just been the very basic stuff I could cook down there." Waving in the general direction of the lake.
Once we were satisfied, we pushed our chairs back, drew more coffee, and studied each other for a few moments. When Madge took her coat off I had noticed the nice fit of her jeans, suggesting a curvy shape, but little fat. But now, looking at her directly, I could tell she had medium sized breasts, a slim waist and no extra weight. Her face was lightly tanned, and her freckles stood out proudly.
Meanwhile she was looking me over. Now, I'm not handsome, just an average looking older guy whose hair and beard were going gray, and a small paunch in place of the flat stomach of old. After a long look she broke into a big smile and proclaimed I was the best looking Santa Claus she had ever seen.
I decided she was the best Elf I had seen, and said so.
With that, the ice was broken, and she just started chattering at me. I guess being alone so much, she had a lot of words stored up. It seems she had known Dave from her real estate days. She was one of several agents, and he would do maintenace and repairs on properties the agency owned. I gathered they had been friendly, but that was the extent of it. When the office pared back, both had been let go. She picked up work as an office temp, then in retail for a little while, then clerking in a convenience store, then nothing after that. She went through her unemployment, her savings, then sold her car. When she lost her apartment,Dave lent her his spare bedroom.
During that time Dave had been able to pick up day jobs to keep himself going, but they started getting farther apart, and he lost his apartment also. For the next few weeks they lived in campgrounds in the area, but when the choice came down to food or fees, they found my place.
"I'm surprised Dave lied to you. Once was bad enough, but twice? I am sorry."
"You didn't lie, so no need for an apology. Just how well do you know him? Are you guys more than friends?"
"No. He'd like to be...but I just haven't felt that tingle - you know what I mean?"