Page 315 of Arousing Family
"And just how long do you think you're going to be here?"
She looked at me and said, "a very long time."
The End.
On the Edge...
You sperm-slurping, dick-craving, clit-rubbing, fuckwhore's been a long, long time, hasn't it, bitch...but we both know you are still the same faithless, worthless, cock-seeking cum-slut that you have always been, don't we, whore...oh fuck yes we do...we know that you still have relationships with worthless, trusting men because they fill up the dead spaces in your life and provide you with some sort of half-assed crutch...but you lie to them, don't you bitch, after a lie to all of them eventually right through your teeth because you are a slut and you can't stop being a slut and you don't want to stop being a you, fuckwhore...
You are what you eat, and you eat what you are, and you eat cock and sweat and cum and words like these, hungrily, because they fill the empty spaces inside you that nothing else can reach...empty, aching, dead spaces that can only be filled with the mirror-image reflection of the lust and worthlessness you feel inside...and, hey, that last relationship of yours worked out really well, didn't it, dick-licker - or, it worked out right up to the point where the sheer drudgery of it all drove you out of
your freaking mind and you dressed up one night in a mini-skirt and high heels and no panties and drove off in a frenzy to the wrong side of town, so you could get your fuckholes stuffed with hard, strange, cum-shooting dick...and hey, wouldn't you know it, my cock is hard right now, whore, as I type these words of sex to you, because I know that you are on your way over to my hotel, right now, and I want you to read this when you go home tonight, while you sit in the darkness and play with yourself, after you have spent a half an hour or so nodding in agreement with everything your "boyfriend" says to you as you smile and act like you've been shopping while my cum drips out of your pussy and ass, right into your fucking panties...
Because you do like that feeling, don't you, like to stand there and realize you fooled his moronic ass yet one more time while you feel that slow, oozing, drip-drip-drip of semen into you thong...while you stand there and nod and think about the suck marks on the insides of your thighs and the bruises on your legs and ass and tits, and exactly how you are going to avoid being naked in front of him for the next few days, so you can extend this little game you play just a little bit longer...
You play the game with him because you need validation - if you don't have someone to fill up the dead spaces in between the times you are playing the good girl, and the times you are getting raped - with someone who loves you and is totally fooled by you, someone you hate because he doesn't see the real you - well, you will go completely insane then, won't you, whore, instead of partially insane, like you are right now...but I understand all of this and the men who fill up the dead spaces in your life, they just don't get it and they will never get it because you have to hide what you really are from them...
We both know your self-esteem is determined at any given moment by the number of men who express an interest in fucking your brains out...yeah, slut, I get could have the best freaking day in the world, where everything goes right - but if not a single man gives you the eye, or smiles at you in a way that lets you know he wants his dick buried in your cunt, you feel worthless...don't you, slut...and you ARE a slut and you can't BE a slut all the time because you have to get by in the world, even if you hate the world in which you live...and yes, I get it, it's a tough nut to crack - so you let nuts crack all over your face and inside your fuckholes whenever the fuck you can get away with it...
When you get here this afternoon I have a surprise for you, cunt...four big surprises, in three of my big-dicked friends...and we are going to rape the fuck out of you and videotape it and play it back for you, and rape your fucking ass again and again, over and over and over, until you lose your fucking mind and let yourself go and wallow in that red blur of straining cock and grunting lust and red-faced release and orgasm after orgasm after fucking orgasm...yeah slut, I know what you need like no one else ever will and that's why you come back to me again and again even though you hate yourself for it...and my dick is harder now, slut, as I type this, because you will be here in about 10 minutes and I love the way your tramp stamp looks, as I mount you like a dog from behind, while another big dick is already pumping way inside your tight, pink, wet, grasping pussy from underneath, while I slide my thick cum-shooting cock into your asshole and bite your neck and whisper, "Let the games begin...bitchhhhhh", low in my throat, the way you love to hear it, the way you need to hear it as you tilt your head to the side and start to grind against the hot meat stretching you out like stove pipes, as you give into their big-dick thrusting - tilting your head just so, as the muscles tense up in your neck, and your jaw starts to clench and your eyes start to roll back inside your head and you moan in total release while your hands reach out frantically and grab hold of the big cocks that have been bobbing against your face for a couple of minutes, and you finally let it all go, don't you, fuck-slut, you finally let go of all your inhibitions ("Rape") and you stuff the dicks into your wet mouth ("Suck it, slut") and you suck and bite and lick the undersides of them, and inhale their scent, until you drift away to that world where nothing else matters, until you smile like a fucking cum-drinking slut who has finally come home again, and we keep pounding your holes until you cum so hard that you think you are on the edge of death itself...
Because that's the only time that it all makes sense.
See you in a few minutes, bitch.
The End.
Cleverly Disguised
An early spring rain pelted the parking lot, dropping the temperature to a new low. Inside the frozen yogurt store, Terri shared at one of the round tables with her boss, Derrick McIntire, waiting for customers they knew would be rare. The dark storm clouds triggered the electronic eyes of parking lot lights, adding to the gloom. Inside the brightly lit store, Derrick grinned at the faint blush on Terri's cheeks. "Wow, what are you reading that can make you blush?"
"Porn," Terri replied, looking directly at him though her cheeks were pinked with embarrassment. When Derrick laughed, he saw her embarrassment fade as her eyes narrowed. "What's funny about that?"
Derrick considered where to start his list. Terri Saunders had all the hallmarks of being an innocent. Her sunny demeanor matched her blonde hair, blue eyes, and sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. He hired her because she was perky. Quick witted and smart, she laughed easily and weathered the rudest customers with patience beyond her twenty years. Once he tried giving her a guest spot in a fantasy. Stroking his hard cock, he got as far as imagining her bare, small breasts before giving up and replacing her with someone else. Terri Saunders was too much of a good girl to star in one of his masturbatory delights. "How you blushed," he said.
"So what do you use when you're doing it yourself? Probably videos, right?"
"Usually," he said, wondering if his cheeks were turning pink, too. "So, what kind of stuff are you reading, erotic romances?"
"Ew, you're not even close. Tell me what kind of porn you like to watch and I'll tell you what I like to read."
Considering her condition, Derrick felt a stirring in his lap as he imagined telling her the truth. He wouldn't. No way. "The usual stuff," he hedged, earning another steely eyed glare from her. "Seriously, just man on woman stuff. Now your turn." Her answer surprised him.
"Mostly hardcore BDSM erotica."
When Derrick started laughing, he earned another glare, but he couldn't help it. The idea of this sweet, innocent girl reading hardcore anything was funny enough, but BDSM? He struggled to rein in his laughter. "Sorry. I just, I don't know, wasn't expecting that answer." Terri didn't looked hurt by his laughter, she looked pissed. His glee faded. "So, um, what's the attraction?"
"Being in control," she said. "Making people do stuff."
Derrick chuckled. He liked Terri's personality, but it was her work ethic that had room for improvement. Lazy, she never displayed a single trait of leadership. "Like what?"
"Everything. Anything," Terri answered with a shrug. "Kinky stuff. The kinkier the better." There was a faraway look in her eyes as she stared at a spot on the wall just over his shoulder. She shivered. "I just think it would be hot to own a real sex slave."
"Well, let me know when you're taking applications from forty-something old guys." Once again, her answer surprised him.
Derrick considered the pretty blonde for a long moment. Could she be serious? "What if I wasn't joking?" he floated.