Page 345 of Arousing Family
Her eyes were flaming. Their dark color was replaced by a crimson hue that seemed to be flickering along with the candlelight in the room. This couldn't be real, you thought, but you seemed so sure. It appeared to be fire burning in her eyes as she looked at you again. This was different. Her expression was different. The smile was gone. She did not look angry, but she appeared to be something else. It was hard to read at first, and then it hit you.
Hungry. She looked hungry and she was looking at you like her first meal in a lifetime.
Panic set in once more and you turned to the edge of the bed, making an attempt to flee the bed and the room, your mind not processing anything but escape now. But your escape was ended quickly as she moved swiftly, a single finger hooking into the collar of your shirt and yanking you back to lay on the bed.
She moved faster than you could've ever imagined. Before you realized what had happened she had forced you back onto the bed and was over you, kneeling over your waist with her hands on your wrists, pinning them beside you.
"Silly boy, its too late now" she purred, an amused tone in her voice as she looked down, those firey eyes burning into your soul as you felt your strength begin to fade. She was too strong. How could she overpower you like this? It made no sense.
"Please. Let me go. I shouldn't have come down here. It was a mistake. Please. I'll never speak of this to anyone." You pleaded with her but her grip never loosened. She was still over you, hovering there as you felt the control of your own limbs slipping from you.
She felt it too. It was when you could no longer imagine even attempting to lift your arms or move your body that she released her grip on you. The smile returning, an almost wicked smile now as she leaned down to press her lips to yours. They were full and soft and even in the helpless state you knew you should fight, but your body betrayed you as her lush lips pressed and teased at your own.
It clouded your mind in a way you'd never felt. Something was taking over your body. You knew the feeling but it had never been this strong before. It was lust. Her kiss had effected you in a way you had never known and you whimpered almost silently as your cock strained against the chastity belt.
You could tell she had heard the whimper as she pulled back, she looked pleased with the reaction. Unsure of what to say, you lay there, nearly unable to move beneath her, watching her every movement, the scent of her womanhood becoming stronger. You could tell she was aroused and you couldn't believe how much the smell of her was making your head spin.
In a single moment, you felt your eyes close, trying to get a grip on the situation in some way, and at that very same moment, she gripped your clothing and roughly ripped it from your body, causing you to gasp and your eyes to fly open in shock once more.
A small feeling began to build in you, through the lustfilled haze in your mind, you thought back to your Mistress's words. "You will thank me for this." You knew now. This woman would be stopped by the device. You searched for her face, finding it in the dark again as you looked to see how she would react to the locked cage around your cock, confining it and blocking her from it.
You feel a jolt of disappointment as you see in her eyes that she is not stopping. Her hands roam over your now naked body, each touch pulling your strength from you as she feels your skin. You close your eyes to attempt to fight off the pleasure of her claws gently raking down your chest.
Her claws? Your eyes fly back open and you look again. She looked different now. It was claws that you had felt. Claws that were dark colored, matching the darkening skintone of the woman hovering over you. How could this be? She hadn't looked like this a second ago. It was like she was changing before your eyes.
And she was. Her form was changing, her skin becoming darker, taking on a reddish hue. You could only blink repeatedly, trying to make sense of this, tr
ying to refocus to see the woman that had been there before. Each blink brought new changes, though. Her skin became darker, her body appeared to become taller, her fingers were no longer soft gentle things but were tipped with dark claws, her smile widened to reveal sharp fangs, and her body moved differently now. She was animalistic. Feral.
You could do little more than clench your eyes shut and take several deep breaths, but it did no good, as you breathed in more of her scent, filling your nostrils with it once more as it overtook your mind, causing another wave of lust to fill your body. You moaned once more, your aching cock still held in the increasingly uncomfortable metal casing.
As your eyes opened again, she had changed completely, the beautiful woman you had seen while peeking through the cracked door was gone and was now replaced by a demonic beast of a woman. She had sharp-tipped horns poking through her hair and you caught the glimpse of something swaying behind her. She had a tail. And wings. You gasped at the sight but were still unable to pull yourself away from the hellish woman.
She was barely touching you as you felt pinned to the bed and you could feel a mix of emotions for the cage on your shaft. You were thankful it was there to keep the beast from having her way with you, but a part of you screamed in need, her pheromones clouding your senses as you wished for nothing more than for it to be removed so you could gain release from this intense lust.
As if reading your mind, she reached down with a single claw-tipped finger, and dragged it over the metal of the device. The sound was nauseating for a moment but then you felt it. Your manhood was free. You gasped in disbelief and looked down. She had clawed right through the chastity belt and tossed it aside without batting an eye.
It was only seconds before your cock was rock hard, twitching in the cool air, ignoring any effort you put forth to resist the urgency in your groin. It bobbed there before her, her eyes lighting up, as if the blaze in them was reignited, as she watched it bounce in front of her eyes.
She lunged for it, like a beast after it's prey. You tried to scream out a protest, but the moment her succulent lips locked on your pulsing member, your mind lost all ability to argue and you felt a familiar twitch in your balls. You were going to cum soon.
It was unbelievable. She'd barely taken you into her hot, wet mouth and your cum was already boiling in your balls. Unable to struggle or resist at all, your cock began to launch several ropes of thick, hot seed into her waiting mouth. She swallowed quickly, hungrily.
As she drank your load down, you could feel the muscles in her throat coaxing every drop you could manage. She moaned around your shaft and it pulsed in her throat, still hard as ever as she drained your cock of your first load before releasing your stiff pole from her throat and giving you a hellish smile.
By then you had put the pieces together. She was a succubus. A sex demon living on cum and she had already begun to feed upon yours. Fear filled you. You knew what this meant. You were hers and she would not stop until the very last drop of life was drained from your body through your pulsing cock.
She left no trace of cum on her lips or your cock, and you couldn't help but stare at her in disbelief. This couldn't be happening. It was sinking in now. You were going to die here, on this bed, under this devilish slut and you couldn't even move to attempt to escape.
As your demise was playing over in your head, she had mounted you, hovering only an inch above your rigid dick as you continued to twitch, your shaft still unbelievably hard for this wicked woman. You could feel the growing need still filling you and to your own surprise, your hips lifted, barely moving enough to let the head of your aching cock touch her slick, hot folds.
A drop of her wetness clung to the tip of your shaft and you moaned out, loud, unable to help it. It was unlike anything you had felt before and you could feel you entire cock tingle at the feeling of it. You knew this feeling wouldn't last. You knew she would end your life while fucking you and you couldn't help it. You needed it. You wanted it.
You moaned again as you admitted the awful truth to yourself. You wanted it. You wanted to feel her pussy. You were aching for just that. You didn't care if it killed you at this point, all you could think about was the intoxicating aroma of her hot sex and feeling your painfully hard dick sliding into her wetness.
Once again, it took only a second for her to act as if reading your own mind. She lowered herself quickly, impaling herself hard on your cock. There was no hesitation this time as you felt the vice grip of her wet cunt on your shaft. You began cumming hard, instantly again. Spurt after spurt of thick seed shot deep into her womb as she held herself poised on you, keeping you locked deep in her. Her walls massaged your cock in ways you had never imagined.
Not a second after you finished cumming into her blissfully tight pussy did she begin to thrust against you. Raising herself to your tip and slamming down. She easily found a quick pace and drove her hips down against yours, fucking you hard.