Page 360 of Arousing Family
Very slowly, Eirik pushed himself inside of Kaer. Kaer gasped loudly as the head breached his sphincter, and Eirik grunted with the strain of pausing. He braced himself with a hand on Kaer's lower back and forced himself in halfway before managing to pause again. He drew back just a bit and then finally, with painstaking care, buried his cock to the hilt. A low cry burst from Kaer, mingling with Eirik's loud moan.
Eirik bent forward and wrapped himself around Kaer. Their flush bodies fit together perfectly. Eirik rested his chin on Kaer's shoulder and turned the boy's head towards his. Kaer's face would have been breathtaking on a lifeless statue, but it was made for celebrating sensation. Locked together, they shared newly intimate kisses, while Eirik rocked his hips just enough to stay hard.
An echo from the early morning brawl with the demon children drifted into Eirik's mind; mine, he had roared as he slaughtered the little boy. That was what he felt, now, with his arms wrapped tight around Kaer's limber body, his tongue down h
is throat, and his cock buried up his ass. Mine.
It was Kaer who broke the kiss, but it was Eirik who spoke. "I'm going to fuck you," he said matter-of-factly. "Hard."
Kaer nodded wordlessly, his pale eyes wide.
Eirik unwrapped himself and straightened, taking firm hold of Kaer's waist. He slid in and out a few times at a leisurely pace, then began to thrust deliberatively. He penetrated Kaer with quick, sharp drives. The boy arched his spine and lowered his torso to the ground, giving himself wholly over into Eirik's control. Eirik dug his fingers into Kaer's waist and shoved roughly into him, seeking to force himself deeper with each powerful stroke. His own growls were quickly drowned out by Kaer's panting yelps.
Deep within his loins, he felt the beginnings of an eruption coil. He steadied the pace of his brutal thrusts, not wanting to end it too soon. He sliced along the edge of his frenzy, pleasurable waves pulsing through his balls in time with the furious strokes of his cock. Prolonging pleasure was like a navigating a cliff on horseback. If you knew the path and your own limitations well enough, you could thunder along at a breakneck gallop without plunging over the edge. It was the same exhilarating thrill as in battle, where one false step meant death.
Kaer was crying his name now, though, which made it damn hard not to think he could fly. Eirik reached forward and grabbed a fistful of silky black hair, jerking Kaer's head back. With his free hand, he delivered a series of resounding thwacks against each of the tender white cheeks hugging his cock. His slaps left red-tinged handprints, but Kaer was wantonly gasping for more. Eirik threw control to the winds and galloped off the cliff, letting his hips buck as fast as they could. The fall was ecstasy.
Kaer twisted, suddenly, reaching back to place a shaking hand on Eirik's chest. "Wait," he commanded. "I want to see your face."
Eirik nodded shortly. He pulled out, flipped Kaer onto his back and eased his bent, spread legs back towards his chest. He slid his cock back into Kaer's gripping warmth, holding Kaer in place by his upper shins. Kaer's cock swayed in the air above his tight scrotum. Trapped, folded, and penetrated, Kaer gazed up at him with bleary silver eyes, ebony hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead. His lips curved into the sweetest smile Eirik had ever seen.
The ground rushed up. Eirik leaned closer over Kaer and pumped desperately, feverishly, snarling with the effort. The coiled tension spread to his lower stomach and heat shot to the soles of his feet. Kaer dug his nails into Eirik's shoulders. In the same instant, something splattered across Eirik's stomach and the muscles enfolding his cock clinched.
Eirik dove in as deep as he could as the spasms of Kaer's orgasm milked his cock. Exploding in rapid thrusts, he erupted far inside Kaer's bowels. Kaer gaped up at him, his face frozen in a helpless blend of exertion, bewilderment, and rapture. More wetness sprayed against Eirik's belly. He tried to keep his eyes locked with Kaer's, but the intensity of his climax took over and he felt his face contort involuntarily; his eyes squeezed shut of their own accord, and his lips drew back from his teeth in a gaping, twisted rictus.
The release was pure, complete clarity. He fed Kaer his soul, at once claiming and yielding more than he ever had. When the last jet of semen had spurted from his cock, he managed to open his eyes, and found that Kaer had tears on his cheeks.
He kissed each tear softly, tasting their clear saltiness. Then he pulled out of Kaer, drew him close, and tugged the cloak over them so that they lay enfolded in its heaviness, their limbs tangled together.
"Oh my fucking God." The blasphemy tumbled from Eirik's lips, indicating his brain had not quite caught up yet.
Kaer leaned back in his arms, a puzzled frown creasing his brow. "Are we glowing?" he asked dazedly.
Eirik gave him a tired grin. "Only you, my ljuflingur. For a moment there, I thought I was blinded." Something occurred to him. "What did you see in my face?"
Kaer kissed the underside of his chin. "Me," he whispered.
As Eirik hugged him, the familiar, satiated weariness of repletion gathered quickly, and darkness clouded over his consciousness.
He awoke sometime later to find Kaer curled in his embrace and sleeping peacefully. The sun was not yet overhead; it shone through cracks in the clouds above the eastern horizon, spreading broad beams of light. Steam wafted lazily up from the hot spring, pierced by drifting crystals. It had started to snow.
Eirik shook Kaer gently awake. The pale eyes were still a shock, lovely and fey. The boy scowled dreamily up at him.
"It's snowing again," Eirik murmured. "We should clean off and dress before our clothes soak through. The air is mild yet."
Kaer stiffened. "And then?" he asked warily.
"Then I chain you with my dirty human magic to the pool, to stay here as my slave for all eternity."
The boy grimaced, but Eirik didn't miss the sudden brightness that glimmered deep in his eyes. He chuckled, then realized that Kaer's stiffness hadn't entirely vanished.
"Don't worry," he said solemnly. "Then I will take you to my home. I'll protect you, Kaer. You're mine."
"I told you," Kaer said unhappily, "that isn't safe. It will only bring the monsters to your hearth."
Eirik thought of his uncle's dreams for him, of his father's pious devotions, of the men he lead and fought beside. He thought of his mother and his sisters and little Brunhildi, his fair-haired toddler of a niece.
He thought of Kaer's wide-eyed look of amazement as he came all over Eirik's stomach.