Page 367 of Arousing Family
She crossed the floor and grabbed the back of my head, kissing me savagely. It was all teeth and tongue and the bites brought tears to my eyes. Her free hand roamed my body, caressing my breasts and belly and sliding over my cunt to feel the wetness there. I groaned into her mouth, touched her arms to steady myself. A stinging slap hit my cunt. I gasped. She shoved me up against the wall and grabbed me around the throat, lifting me until I was balancing on the tips of my toes.
"You don't get to touch me, Nielsen," she growled. "You don't get to do nothing I don't tell you to do. All right?"
I nodded.
A slow smile spread on her lips, sending shivers down my spine. She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest again, tapping her fingers against her arm as she watched me thoughtfully. After a while I had to look away, and from the corner of my eye I could see her smile grow.
"Lick my boots."
She gave the order like a challenge, daring me, and I jerked my head up. My gaze darted from her face to her boots and up again. She watched me steadily, lips curving.
Heat crept up my face as I sank down on my knees before her, awkward and clumsy. Her boots were filthy, covered in caked mud and dust, and there was nothing sexy about it but I did it anyway, tasting dirt and leather on my tongue.
"Good girl," Sarani said.
I flushed with pleasure at the praise, then flushed with shame. I was torn between wanting to please her and wanting to defeat her, prove to her that I was every bit as tough as I'd claimed to be. At least, licking her boots, I didn't have to look her in the eyes.
She lifted my chin with the tip of her boot, then placed her foot against my chest, pushing me up to a kneeling position. "Well, Nielsen. Looks like you'd make a better slave than I thought."
I didn't know whether to be pleased or insulted by her words. I took a breath to mouth off at her, but she put a finger across her lips in a hushing gesture.
"Uh-uh. I decide if you get to speak."
Another arbitrary rule, another wave of fire rushing through me. The blood was pounding through my sex and I needed to feel her on top of me, inside of me.
Sarani crouched before me and reached one hand between my thighs. I gasped as her fingers found my wet slit. She grabbed my hair with her other hand and pulled me up on my knees.
"I'm going to fuck you." She turned my head and forced me to look at her. "You're going to look me in the eyes while I do. Afterwards, you're going to thank me for it, and you're going to lick my fingers clean."
I heard a whimper coming from my own throat. She pushed two fingers inside of me, and her thumb pressed against my clit as she started pumping the fingers in and out. I moaned, biting my lip. Sweat trickled down between my breasts.
"One more thing, Nielsen." She pulled out her fingers and stroke my cunt surprisingly gently. "You don't get to move until I say so. Knees apart. Hands on your head."
I scrambled to obey. It was a demanding position and my knees were already starting to hurt. I licked my lips, trying to hold still and wishing she'd get a move on.
"You like this. Don't you?"
I swallowed and nodded.
"Say it." She was still stroking my cunt, rubbing her knuckles against the slit.
"Fuck you."
She slapped my cunt, making me jump. "I don't fuck brats. Be good, or I'll walk out on you."
I didn't think she would. She liked this too; I could see it in her eyes. But the thought of ending the game now terrified me, and I wasn't about to take any chances.
"Yes, ma'am," I said, looking down. "Sorry, ma'am."
She laughed, a wonderful, throaty sound. "That's more like it." Her hand started roaming across my sex again, slipping a finger inside. "Look me in the eyes."
I did.
The finger was joined by a second, then a third. It took all my concentration to keep from bucking my hips towards her. I bit my lip, trying to swallow the moans and keep still, keep eye-contact. She slipped a fourth finger inside, then slowly curled her hand into a fist. I thought I was going to black out. Sweat pearled on my lip and ran into my eyes and I was breathing heavily, feeling the pleasure building up. Every tiny movement of her hand inside of me sent shocks through my body.
"I never said you had to be quiet," Sarani said.
"I-" I gasped. "I can't-"