Page 387 of Arousing Family
"No, you must really like her. You've mentioned her twice in the course of this interview."
I couldn't help but blush. I coughed and stared out the window while I sipped at my cocoa. "Maybe. A little."
Sarah grinned. "No maybe about it. Hey, I just got an idea. You bring your 'friend' Cynthia to the photo shoot and I will bring that black skirt and pumps with me to the photo shoot. Okay?"
I grinned back at her. "Sounds good."
* * * * * * *
It had taken a little bit of work to convince Cynthia to be there for the photo shoot. But eventually she agreed to be there.
This time I was doing the shoot at the office studio instead of my home photo studio. Not only would it be easier to send all the video and photos to the IT guys, but it would much more difficult to have any kind of sex. I had to be careful about that. All it took was one mad celebrity and I was screwed.
So anyway, there was Sarah, wearing that skin-tight black skirt, those sky-high open-toed black suede pumps, and a blue top with a plunging scoop neck line, seated before lighted mirror while the makeup artist did her thing.
Samantha Smith, caramel to Cynthia's chocolate, the hair and makeup artist, was fussing over Sarah as I got my camera ready.
Standing next to me as I screwed a lens into place on my favorite camera, was Cynthia, her shiny black hair slicked back in a tight bun, wearing a soft black turtleneck sweater dress with a black patent leather belt, and matching patent leather boots with five-inch-high stiletto heels.
I got a hard-on just looking at her.
Cynthia was looking like she needed to be somewhere, anywhere but here, arms folded over her chest, fingers tapping her arms, her glossy lips pursed impatiently. She said, "Okay. I'm here. Why exactly am I here, John?"
"I told you. She wanted to thank you for making the process so quick."
"She could have done that by email or phone. I told you I have a ton of meetings today."
"You need to relax."
Cynthia released a short laugh. "Can you tell?"
"Boyfriend not doing it for you?"
"Ex-boyfriend. And no, he wasn't."
"He couldn't have been that bad. Could he?"
"Yes, he could. But we'll discuss that later at dinner."
I couldn't keep a smile from appearing. "Not too busy for dinner?"
Cynthia smiled back. "I'm never too busy to have dinner with you, baby."
Suddenly Samantha came over and said, "Okay, John, she's all ready."
"Thanks, Samantha."
"Do you need me to stay?"
"No, go ahead. I know you've got some errands to run, don't you?"
"Yes, I do, actually. I'm sorry."
"Nah, don't sweat it. But I will need you for the whole day next time."
"Okay. I promise, the whole day next time. Thanks, John." With a kiss on the cheek, Samantha breezed out of the room.