Page 395 of Arousing Family
A few moments of silence then ... "Alright well I'll talk to you later then, Bye."
"Umm ok bye."
Was that nervousness I detected? It was hard to tell, always is over the phone. It was either that or he just didn't want to talk to me. I picked the phone back up and decided to call Lina myself. I again apologized for not being able to come or calling back and she said it was fine and that I was missed. We talked for another hour or so about anything and everything. Before I knew it the clock said it was almost 5 a.m. so I promised to meet her for lunch at around 1 and told her goodnight.
Sleep wouldn't come easy since I had my power nap so I lay there awake thinking about Mike's pale blue eyes and his blonde hair that fell over his forehead when he laughed. He was almost a foot taller than me so it was easy to get lost looking up at him whenever we actually talked. Rolling over and sighing again I fell asleep with that glimmer of hope that he at least thought of me as more than just his sisters friend.
My alarm woke me up 10 minutes before noon and despite my restless sleep I felt refreshed. I had a busy day ahead of me before I went to work at 7. I slipped on my running clothes so I could jog the few miles to the restaurant where I was going to meet Lina, getting my exercise in at the same time. It was a beautiful day with a bright clear sky and not too hot temperatures. I tried not to think about Mike, thoughts of him on top of my breasts bouncing wasn't a really good combination. As soon as I got within eyesight of the restaurant I skidded to a stop. Lina AND Mike were sitting at a table outdoors waiting.
This was not the way to look when eating with a guy you've had your eyes on, sweaty, red-faced and probably a little wind-blown. I quickly dashed behind a van that was parked not to far from where I had stopped, thinking 'this is ridiculous'. But I still couldn't make myself go up to them looking like this. Begrudgingly I turned around and started jogging back home mentally kicking myself the whole way for being so superficial about the way I looked. When I finally got back to my place the phone was just ringing and I picked it up. It was Lina and in my out of breath voice I told her I was sorry that I'd forgotten and could we do it another day, she sounded a little irritated but agreed. The rest of the day went by in sort of a hazy blur and I found myself once again back in the dressing room that smelled of perfume and sex pinning the net over my dark ponytail and fitting it tight across my head.
I sighed inwardly, still hating myself, but realizing I had to pull my self together to work. It was always required of us to be flirty but unavailable which sometimes required a lot of acting. Getting on my short blonde wig and attaching my mask to the netting underneath I now became "Dixie" instead of Tina and no one but the man who hired me knew my real name, we all knew each other as our work aliases. Made it hard to really make friends here but it was a job and a damn good one. I got on the rest of my work attire which consisted of a 40's style black bikini and fishnet with heels and after getting dressed I walked out into the bar area to clock myself in.
"Peaches" was behind the bar with her strawberry blonde wig and same get up as me talking to Marcus the bartender. I heard him tell her to be careful there were two bachelor parties here tonight and they were a pretty large crowd and could get rowdy if drunk enough. He saw me and told me to be careful as well. I just smiled and said 'I'll do my best' and clocked in. We didn't open until 8 so I went around my designated area making sure everything was clean and I had all the drink garnishing I needed on my station. I asked Marcus if we were going to have enough chairs and he said he thought so, so I didn't think anything else of it. It was a little past 8 o'clock so I went ahead and went to the back to use the restroom for what would probably be the last time in awhile since the one thing bachelor parties like more than the girls are the drinks so I could imagine I'd be running back in forth for awhile.
Coming back out I froze. Mike was apparently part of the bachelor party that was on my side and I was about to go ask "Peaches" if she would switch with me but she was already chatting and taking orders of her section. I went back into the bathroom and took a deep breath.
"I can do this. He won't know it's me. You can't tell who I am in this wig." I took another deep breath and walked back out, that statement becoming my mantra as I started to walk over to the men. Putting on my most flirty smile and using my best southern accent I spoke to them.
"What can I get you fine gentlemen this evening?" I had a few answers of 'you' and I just laughed softly and casually flirted back with them, trying not to pay too much attention to Mike but I felt his eyes on me. I nervously tucked a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear then turned to leave to get their drinks. I heard one of the guys whistle and comment on my ass, I just looked over my shoulder with a sexy smirk and winked. Leaning against the bar I took a big sigh of relief and I could hear "Bella" start her set for them so at least when I went back over there no one would pay attention to me.
I stood there watching her dance for a minute like I always do, entranced by the sensual grace all the dancers seemed to have. It struck me again that these were actual dancers, not the usual bump and grind like most places and that these men had probably never seen the likes of it before today. My eyes went to Mike to find his eyes on mine. I made that little startled movement that most people make when they find someone staring at them but I just smiled and carried my drinks over to their tables giving them their rounds.
"Anything else I can get you Sugar?" I asked him in confident drawl.
His blue eyes just stared into mine then actually blushed a little as he said 'no thank you.' The next thing I did surprised me, I placed my finger on his chin and turned his face towards "Bella" with a slight smile and told him 'Good boy' as I walked away. I stared up at her for a minute taking in her long black hair and her Chinese inspired kimono as she flashed her thighs dancing in a graceful manner and I knew that soon enough they would see all that she had to offer and tease with.
I watched them drink, and they did it with a more slow easiness than you would expect from a group of guys. "Bella" had come and gone and was now sitting in a short silk version of her dance kimono in one of the men's laps playing with his hair as they were watching "Sylk" dance. My eyes absently roamed over to Mike and he was watching her with rapt attention. My heart did a strange flip flop as I saw his lips mouth my name. He was staring at her but not seeing her and saying my name in a whisper.
I must have had a shocked look on my face because "Bella" came up to me and asked if I was okay. I slowly nodded still staring at him, noticing his chest heaving a little as his breath became faster. I looked over at her noticing she was a little taller than me but we had the same build. Her breasts were a tad bigger but my ass was better than hers, more high and firmer from running. Her long brown wig hid her natural red hair and it was styled the way I wore mine a lot. Her eyes were a deep violet while mine were brown but in the light and at his distance they could appear brown. It then occurred to me that he was fantasizing about me while watching her and that thought made my heart beat faster and my breath caught in my throat as my gaze slid to his lap and I could see the definite outline of his swollen cock.
Seeing that made my face red, and I'd seen the outline of it before during one of the many games of strip poker we'd played with friends but it had never been that pronounced before. A searing heat went through my body and it centered in a rapid thumping at my clit and I felt myself start to drip when I saw him squirm in his chair as his erection got bigger and more uncomfortable in his pants. I would have stayed frozen watching him if someone hadn't gotten my attention wanting another drink. My nipples were as hard as rocks and were rubbing against my top in that painful pleasurable way as I smiled and leaned closer to him to get his order before leaving. Every time I walked and my thighs rubbed together it made my heart catch and I wanted to just sit in the mi
ddle of everyone and slide a finger into my pussy to feel its swollen wetness.
It turned me on so much to know that he thought about me in that way. I turned back to give his friend their drink and he was gone. My eyes searched the crowd of men and he wasn't with them. I cocked an eyebrow wondering where he went and as I looked around I caught a glimpse of someone going towards the restrooms so I followed to see who it was. It wasn't him. As I started to walk back to my station to add the drink to the groups tab I caught a glimpse of him behind a screen wall that separated the stage from the hallway to the bathrooms. The way his eyes were fixed I could tell he could still see "Sylk" dancing. He was leaned against the wall and as my eyes roamed the length of him I saw he'd pulled his impressive cock out into his hand. The sight of it made the air catch in my throat and made my entire body feel like it was on liquid fire.
I told "Peaches" I was taking my break and started walking towards the back room. The employee door was about 15 feet from where he stood and I'd be able to see him more clearly. I could hear him whisper my name in between his pleasurable groans as he stroked himself slowly. I stood there for a minute contemplating on what to do but then I heard the clack of heels coming and I knew if anyone caught him that he'd be kicked out so without thinking I ran and grabbed his hand dragging him into the cleaning closet.
It was a cramped space and we were suddenly skin to skin. I felt his hard throbbing cock against my navel and I looked up at him, his face red as a beet but his erection hadn't subsided.
"Umm, hi. Why are we in here?" He asked stammering a little, and it was cute.
"Honey, if they'd caught you doing that wonderful thing to your penis they would have kicked you out, beautiful sight or not." I drawled to him in a half whisper.
His face turned a brighter red. "I didn't think anyone could see me."
"If I found you then someone else could have." I absently petted the head of his cock as it still lay against my stomach. "Is Tina your girlfriend? I heard you say her name." At the mention of my name I felt a small drop of pre cum ooze out of the head. I smiled at that.
He groaned out in pleasure as my fingers petted him. "No, she's my sisters friend. She isn't interested in me."
I wrapped my hand around his cock and leaned closer into his body. "Any girl not interested in you is blind. How do you know she isn't and just doesn't know how to tell you?"
His hips ground into my hand as if against his will and I began to stroke him slower than he'd stroked himself. Through gritted teeth he replied "I don't know I just don't think she does. Oh my god that feels good, you have nice hands. Tina has nice hands too, always soft."
I grinned at his rambling and had to hide my face against his chest for a moment to hide my joy, then I playfully bit one of his pecs. "I saw you looking at 'Sylk', does Tina look like that?"
"Mmmm yeah, she looks a lot like her but she has a better ass," he suddenly reached down and grabbed my ass with both hands squeezing it and crushing our bodies closer together, "it's a lot like yours, tight and yet fluffier at the same time."