Page 411 of Arousing Family
The monosyllabic command came with intense force, and he drew her out of the car into near total darkness. She gasped in a mixture of pain and surprise, and struggled only briefly before she was shoved hard over the hood of the car. Confusion was suddenly mingled with arousal as he forced her hands back behind her and quickly bound them together, expertly restraining them just at the point where the stretch could become pain. "What... what's going on?" She mumbled, breathless suddenly, desire heating her voice to a sultry timbre.
He didn't answer her, instead sliding some sort of hood over her head, blocking out what little light remained. She could hear his breathing somehow, his long slow breaths sounding like the breath of god in her ears over the pounding of her heart in her chest. She could feel him behind her, a malevolent presence that beckoned to her like a flame to a moth. She knew he was dangerous, she could feel it in every pore of her trembling body, and yet... and yet, she wanted this man more powerfully NOW than before.
"Come." Again the monosyllabic command, and again the gentle but firm hand guided her from the back of her neck. He led her through a doorway and what seemed like a long hallway. She could hear nothing but the soft clicks of their shoes against the hard surface of the hallway, and the occasional rustle of their clothing. She couldn't even tell if the hall was lit or not, the darkness inside her hood was so absolute. She felt nothing against her skin, other than that the air here was warm and dry, without any noticeable current to its movement.
It seemed they walked a long way before he suddenly ordered her to stop and stand there unmoving. A sound suddenly erupted in the air before her, as if a large door was suddenly opened and she could feel the suction of its passing. She drew in a deep breath, as if knowing what was about to come.
"You are at a threshold, girl." His voice was soft, the iron strength of command replaced with a tone of absolute confidence and surety. "If you pass this threshold, you will belong to me. After this, there will be no turning back, Pandora's box will have been opened, and you'll never regain the innocence and ignorance in which you have lived your life to this point."
A sudden chill passed through her, the thrill of fear drawing a knife's edge down her back and dampening her arousal. What did she want from this man? And what did he mean when he said she'd belong to him? Uncertainty clouded her mind for but a moment, destroyed in the heartbeats after its inception by the raging flame of her desire and curiosity. She had to know.
Tentatively she stepped forward, free of his hand on her, making her decision with certainty and poise. She could not see it, but she knew that he smiled at her, and a thrill of pleasure at knowing that she had been the cause of that smile tingled at the base of her spine.
This was how she found herself bound, naked and trembling, a dark hood over her head, her hands stretched above her head, her skin prickling with the gentle chill in the air, the unknowable sounds of the man that had captivated her, drawn her in all around her. She yearned for his touch, could feel the faint lines of his fingertips on her like fire, and all she could think of in her desire-clouded mind was one simple question.
"What next?"
The End.
Affectionate Ass Licking
Dozing. That deliciously indescribable feeling that one gets when one groggily fights up from the depths of sleep, neurons struggling to fire awake the mind and command the body once more to move, muscle by muscle, out of the warm cocoon of the flannel sheets to fight on yet another day. That delicious moment when I momentarily shake the hanging cobwebs from my mind to orient myself as to where I am at, what time it is, and most importantly, what day it is....
With the sweetest feeling of numbed delight, I realize that it is Saturday...and that my weary body can rest...recharging the batteries of my mind as well as the muscles and tendons and sinews of my machine. With a physical moan of delight, I rub my feet back down the softness of the flannel to drift back off again, heeding the welcoming whispers of sleep, my face buried face down in the seductive caress of the pillow....
Mmmm....sometime later, I slowly climb back out of my quiet mind slowly taking inventory of the senses of my body......mmmmm.....whatever could that most incredible feeling be? A slight wisp of a wetness caressing my asshole, gentle prodding and massaging of my cheeks, my ears
detecting a quiet moan of delight?
She is here lover, my sub, my seductive sexual woman, has wrest me from the deep vestiges of sleep in the most erotic and affectionate way possible. My woman gently prods me awake through the wet massaging of her tongue inside my ass...
I smile into the pillow...realizing that she must have seen me there in the early morning light. She must have studied my quiet face for a few moments as I lay on the pillow next to her, our bodies warmly touching at several points throughout the night. Sleeping on her side with her pillow as she nearly always does, she must have quietly watched me as I slept, studying her man, perhaps smiling quietly as she drank in my familiar scent..the scent of my skin and the scent of the sex still on the sheets from last night's frantic sucking and fucking. Did she smile as her eyes fluttered awake, remembering last night's writhing ecstasies, the dried cum still on her ample tits and cheek? In any case, she must have decided to wake me most affectionately...for she had to have left quietly to make us fresh coffee and warm brownies.
I picture her now, as I lay on my stomach, my face in the pillow, how she must have quietly pulled down the blue flannel sheets to expose my ass..studying it, feeling herself growing wet as she takes in the smooth curves and tightness of muscle. My ass is not positive way of saying it is that my ass is "tight.."...but it is HER do with as she pleases. I have encouraged her to take a more proactive role in using my body to pleasure herself....and this morning she most definitely has....
I picture the smile upon her face and the tightening of her cunt as she quietly moved into position, perhaps feeling like a predator stalking its sleeping prey, my perverted partner stalking my ass. Laying completely naked between my spread legs, her shoulders brushing up against the inside of my thighs as she makes herself comfortable, licking her lips in anticipation of the taboo pleasure she is about to partake. the first vestiges of sleep slipped away, folding in whatever sexual dream I had been having, as my brain first sensed her hands gently spreading my ass cheeks...studying my asshole as I slowly swam towards the surface of consciousness. Studying my asshole: the tightness of the ridges that comprise the rim, the changing shade of skin color, the smoothness of my flesh as it changes from beige to tan to pink as she peers inside. We are always extremely clean with each other; we are extremely detailed about our hygiene in this area, and my ass is freshly shaved in case she wishes to dance her tongue across my rim whenever the mood strikes her. Mmm....and this morning the mood definitely has struck her.
I gasp with delight as I feel her hands firmly draw my ass cheeks tight in a downward motion, palms flat across my ass, spreading my ass like the homemade pizza dough she made last night. I feel my asshole stretched tight...firmly, vulnerable yet protected by her approaching lips. My cock stirs to life, growing and swelling in its girth, becoming heavy and firm as it strains against my stomach, restrained by the mattress...but my cock will have to wait its turn, for this early morning hour will see my asshole becoming her whole world.
I lay there quietly as my woman begins to explore my ass, gently gliding her tongue up the seam where my body is sewn together, starting far down below in the crack where by balls emerge from my body...slowly up, weaving the tip of her tongue back and forth, left to right and right to left, slowly and wetly tracing lines of her fluid across my seam. Her tongue, just the tip, is the only contact she has with my body save for her hands firmly holding my ass cheeks apart. I do not feel vulnerable...I feel my woman is doing exactly what I have encouraged her to do: to pleasure herself with my body as she desires.
I resist the urge to move up on all 4's...for now. Right now, though she is aware I am awake, she simply wants to lazily drag her tongue around my taboo whirlpool of flesh, licking and flicking her tongue in a slow and comfortable manner. I moan and smile, closing my eyes, my face buried in the pillow as my woman pleasures herself on her own time schedule....the gentle licking of her tongue being the only marks of time on a clock.
I too hear her moan with affection and heavy delight as her tongue begins to slowly slide forward from her lips, transforming itself into a probe in which she will explore my body. I can picture her, eyes closed, as for just a moment she likely revels in the fact that she has finally met a man with whom she has no secrets. No pleasure is too naughty, no act is too kinky. In each other we have found a partner that we have helped to shed all inhibitions, stripping away the pretenses of society, to just enjoy the perverse pleasure of defying the niceties of society with each other...
...this morning's pleasure? Slowly sliding her tongue in and out the tight asshole of her match.
With a slow and lazy thrust, I feel her wet tongue slide inside the gatekeeper muscles of my anus, gliding wetly down as far as it possibly can descend. I feel her lips meeting the tight ridges of my rim, gently massaging them with the sweet tender touch of her lips. For a moment she pauses, frozen in image, perhaps picturing herself there, with her tongue buried deep inside a man as she sucks on his ass... god...could there BE anything more perfect?
With a sigh of unbelievable delight I let the world swim away, just letting my body match the rhythmic stroking of her tongue, plunging and rising like the ceaseless arm of an oil well. She works my ass harder now, reveling in the delight that she is now tonguefucking the ass of her man. I feel her grind harder, her nose pressing more and more firmly into my back as she continues to increase her rapid assault on my most private area...
...except with us there IS no private area...nothing to hide...everything to share....
Her thrusting becomes more urgent now...I feel her hands slide down from my ass and up under the front of my thighs, willing me to rise up on all 4's. With a rush of air escaping from my lungs in a guttural grunt, I comply, rising up on my knees so that she may pleasure herself and me more easily. I am up on my elbows, my knees spread wide. I know what I look like...the complete picture of vulnerability. For no other save this woman, MY Woman, would I ever assume this position of being completely defenseless. But with her? It is a position and trust that wordlessly whispers, "I place full trust in you."