Page 421 of Arousing Family
"What's up?" I ask nonchalantly, almost irritably. I make sure to flex my stomach muscles without looking like I'm flexing. She peeped them at least once. Good.
"David, it's Jonah. He's passed out by the pool." Why is her voice so fucking seductive? "Marcus asked me to get you." Mila leaned slightly against the doorframe, one small hand perched on its corner. She gave the floor an uncertain glance, then peered back up at me with those dark green eyes.
Before responding, I let my eyes fall down the length of Mila's body. God, why does she have to be so goddam perfect? Everything from her long coffee brown hair to her perky tits to her cute little waist... it all just mesmerized me in a way I wasn't really used to. "Give me a minute," I sighed. "I'll meet you down there."
After I closed the door, I leaned against it and massaged my cock through my boxers. I gotta fuck this girl, I thought. I gotta fuck her so I can get her off my goddam mind. She is seriously driving me crazy. It must be those damn pheromones or whatever those attraction chemicals are called.
The next half hour is spent helping Marcus carry Jonah's dumbass back to his room. Afterwards, I see Mila gathering her purse and jacket up. Two of her friends are still drinking and carrying on with Marcus and other crew guys. I catch up with Mila by the door.
"So you're leaving already?" I try to keep the desperation out of my voice. "What floor are you on?" I made sure to wear only a ribbed tank with my jeans. I guess I was trying to show off my physique.
"Yeah," Mila replied with a cute smile playing across her lips. "But I'm not in this hotel. I'm down the street at the Belagio." Mila tucked some soft hair behind her ear and moistened her lips. "The girls and I are sharing a double suite."
"Stay with me." I blurted it out and was immediately embarrassed. Thank god I'm black and she couldn't see me blush. "I mean, you can't walk there alone. It's late, just stay here with us." I didn't want her to stay with the group and by "us" I really meant "me." So basically I was making one fuck-up after another.
Her cute smile just kept playing across her pink lips. God, I want to shove my cock into that wet mouth. I want to fill her throat with my nut juice. She finally says, "I guess I could stay awhile..." Her voice trails off and she looks over at her girls who are oblivious to anything outside their little drunken circle.
"We're cool, right?" I shoot her a smile. She nods, so I keep at it. "Come chill in my room. I'll walk you back to your hotel later."
Mila is no dummy. She knows I'm chasing her. And apparently she was okay letting herself get caught, because she followed me back to my room. Once inside, I turn on some relaxing music and I immediately offer her a drink. She declines alcohol but requests a glass of water. I think to myself that this is already not looking good. I bring the water to the edge of the bed, where she is perched. I deliberately sit across from her in the armchair, just to let her chase me a little bit too.
"Why you like that nigga?" I like to get right to the point.
"Who? Jonah?" Mila's quiet laugh chimes across my senses and my skin tingles a little bit. "I'm not into Jonah. He's cute, but his personality... not my type." Mila politely sips her water and tosses some of her long hair behind her shoulder.
Hearing her call Jonah "cute" stings a little bit. I'm not sure why. Jealousy? "You're being generous," I comment. "That nigga don't have a personality and you know it." I crack a smile.
Mila's eyes light up at my quip and she laughs her pretty laugh. Her smile is so beautiful. Fuck, this girl has got me so confused. I desperately want to fuck her brains out, but she makes me want to date her as well.
Our conversation goes on like this for a while. I learn that she finished her degree at UCLA. She majored in English and wants to be a journalist someday. She has two brothers and her parents are still happily married. She grew up in a moderately nice suburb just outside of Hollywood. Compared to a nigga from Crenshaw, she's high society. What does high society pussy feel like? I'm not sure, but I feel insatiable for it.
I can tell she's getting tired. It's past 5am. I offer to take the couch and she can have the bed. She weakly objects repeating a couple times that she "feels bad" about taking my bed from me. I point out that it's a king-size bed; more than enough room for both of us. She smiles. Then she asks for one of my t-shirts to sleep in.
She disappears into the bathroom with one of my clean white cotton shirts. I briefly hear the shower go on. When she re-emerges, I see that she's removed her makeup but her hair is still dry. How do girls manage to shower like that? She's even prettier without makeup and she looks a little bit younger than her 23 years. I watch her intently as she pads over to the bed and climbs in. My t-shirt falls almost down to her knees. Her golden skin looks supple and moisturized. I catch a quick glimpse of her chest through the armholes. I gotta suck those tits, I think to myself. My dick starts swelling under the sheets. I feel myself growing even more ravenous than before.
To my surprise, she lays down under the covers and situates herself facing me, as if ready to talk more. I turn off the light and do the same.
"Mila," I say softly. "I like you."
I can faintly see her smile through the darkness. "I like you too, David."
I lean over and kiss her soft lips. I don't linger long and pull back half the distance to see what her response is. For a moment, she doesn't react. Then I faintly hear a single word from her. "Again."
I kiss her again. This time, she kisses back. I pull her toward me on the bed. She's so easy to move because she's so small compared to me. I'm breathing in her wonderful scent and sliding my tongue against hers. This girl is absolutely intoxicating. I feel a little disoriented. The only thing guiding me is the hunger for her body. All I can think about is how I can conquer the power that her petite little body currently has over me.
My hands have been on the outside of the shirt as I slide them up and down her figure. I massage her tits and ass through the shirt. She doesn't seem to mind until I slide my hand behind the shirt and actually touch her skin. Mila pulls back abruptly. But I'm not ready to let go and keep caressing her chest and backside. I'm not satisfied and I'm greedy for more.
"Don't David," Mila whispers in protest. "I just want to kiss."
I cover her mouth with my mouth. She pulls her head away. I easily move on top of her, pinning her down with my weight. I start kissing her neck and, not knowing what else to say, I start to murmur her name quietly in the hopes that it will soothe her. "Mila...Mila, it's alright...Mila, be cool, baby...Mila." My mutterings are sandwiched between gentle kisses and licks that I'm delivering to her neck and shoulders. Her body is tensing and she starts using her arms to push my hands away.
"I want to slow down, David." Mila tries to pull away from me, but the hunger won't set her free.
I don't respond but instead keep moving forward with my plans to devour her. I easily hold her down on the bed, even though she's squirming. I can sense
that she's a little afraid but unsure about how she should react. Scream? Cry? Beg? Her vulnerability just increases my appetite. My cock is rock hard and precum soaks the front of my boxers. I reach down between her thighs to see if she's wet. She is. Her panties are warm and damp. Mila clamps her legs together and pleads with me to stop.
I can't tell you I've never forced a girl to submit to me. But it's never been like this. In the past, I've brought little hoodrats back to my apartment and they were already willing to do a lot. Sometimes, I would take some liberties with them or push them to do something extra. Mila was no slut and she wasn't willing to do much to begin with. I start to feel a little guilty, but my sex drive is absolutely wild and untamed in her presence. Her innocence makes her even more desirable. It's like I want to turn her into a slut. I want to see how dirty I can make her be. And I want to see her enjoy it.