Page 428 of Arousing Family
house. Then she lay still for a while and imagined what the next night would bring.
The End.
Wasp Sting
I was riding my push-bike around a usual circuit I had found some months earlier and had been using to keep my cardiac fitness to an effective level and was enjoying different sections of it as I became more familiar with the hills, rises, berms, which are sharp bends with a sloping surface and I had even found a few jumps to launch myself into.
There was one treacherous pathway along a back laneway where there seemed to be a number of wasps I would occasionally sprint my bike through to avoid getting a sting. I thought the numbers were building up and a nest must have been established somewhere near the path. It was probably at the stage where the sterile females were developing and growing the nest and protecting the queen's hatching eggs as the numbers increased.
I had decided it might be better to change the route to avoid aggravating the residents of the nest as I flew past every morning, but force of habit saw me riding past the hidden nest when it had become a problem.
Sprinting through a large cloud of hornets, I could feel a sharp stinging sensation building up on my back below the left shoulder. I slowed the bike and finally dismounted and dropped the bike to the ground and rubbed the area of pain on a nearby tree as I couldn't reach it with my hands to scratch it.
I felt faint and fell to my knees, unable to hold my balance standing. I felt a pins and needles sensation around the sting. It spread throughout my body. On all fours, it took all my resolve to remain conscious and stay calm.
All my strength seemed to leave me and I thought I was paralysed, but something else was happening. I was becoming sexually aroused. I could feel my penis filling with blood and hardening. Within about 30 seconds of the original sting, I had the hardest erection I ever had. But I was helpless to hide it, or touch it.
I wanted to touch every part of my body, but I couldn't move anything. I couldn't even raise my head to try and see how noticeable it was. I felt pulses between my legs and throughout my groin area as my arousal seemed to continue to increase. I felt my sexual response continuing to increase until a climax approached.
Although I couldn't move, I couldn't relax either and I began to feel tiny twitches build up at the base of my penis and around my testicles until I could not prevent a gasping ejaculation into my clothes. Without any intent whatever, I experienced an intense climax completely outside my control.
After the intensity of my orgasm ended, I wondered what else was going to happen to me. I started to panic and await some further symptom even beyond paralysis and uncomfortable tingling. Was I going to die from asphyxiation because I would stop breathing, or my heart just stop functioning, or what?
Once I considered death as a possibility, I became calm and just lay on the ground awaiting my fate. Nothing happened. I kept breathing began to get movement back in my extremities first, then my wrists could bend, my ankles, knees shoulders, hips and finally, my strength returned and I tentatively sat up and moved to my hands and knees, and tentatively climbed to my feet again.
After resting a little longer, I remounted and continued my ride without any apparent effects. Aware of the possibility of some side effects that a bite or sting from many insects can have, I was relieved to recover unaffected.
Next evening, I called up Jackie, a friend I have ridden with occasionally and someone I have encountered at the tennis group I play a social match with on weekends. She is shorter and probably slimmer than most serious sporting competitors, but she had legs with defined muscles and seemed to make a difficult game like tennis look easy because of her speed and anticipation.
She had played a few games with a group of friends but proved to be several levels ahead of the other players and had searched for another group who played at a higher standard. I asked her for a game and told her I would definitely take a few games off her this time. But I admitted that I needed to improve my game and could use some serious opposition to try and improve my reading of the play and particularly a return of serve.
Jackie agreed to play a set with me. I think she remembered the time I stopped to help when I saw her walking with her bike, about five miles from her home. I repaired her tyre puncture by the road in about 15 minutes. She was grateful at the time and now I thought she was returning the favour.
We played a one-sided game. She won the toss for who served first and surprisingly said, 'Your Serve Davis.'
I won the first game in a cooling slight breeze after a tense struggle, but for the rest of that set I couldn't get close to her. We were about to start the second set when the breeze freshened and some clouds darkened the sky and rain restricted any further play.
I escorted her to the change rooms and we sat together on a bench and had a soft drink from the clubhouse refrigerator. I could feel the fabric rub over the bite I received from the wasp the previous day while I was riding. It was still having a strange, but reduced effect on me after what happened yesterday. I wanted to keep touching it for the effect it was having, but I couldn't reach it. Jackie noticed me unsuccessfully trying to reach the skin to rub it and asked about it.
'It's a wasp bite I think Jackie,' I said.
'Show me,' she said with some concern in her voice.
She lifted the bottom of my shirt and looked at it for a moment.
'Your skin seems to have inflammation below your left shoulder.
'I can't reach it to touch it,' I said. 'What does it look like?'
'It looks like an infected bite. Is it sore Davis?'
'No, it's not at all. Is it swollen on my skin or smooth?'
She touched it and said, 'Your skin is very smooth and cool to my touch. Can you feel anything tingly where the sting is?'
'Tingly? Not at all. What do you mean, Jackie?' I asked doubtfully.
She answered, 'I guess it's me. My whole body is buzzing. Oh dear. Something's happening to me?'