Page 435 of Arousing Family
"You love sucking my cock," Mick said, grinning lustily at Ximena. "In fact, doing anything I tell you to makes you really hot. You know you're my slave."
Ximena nodded eagerly, her moan muffled by the wet flesh sliding in and out of her mouth.
"Now, who's the next hottest girl you know?"
Something about the scene didn't seem quite right to Shelly, but it was hard to blame Ximena for wanting to please a stud like Mick. Besides, the implication she was the sexiest of Ximena's friends was rather flattering.
"Do you think I'm sexy?" Shelly asked Billy Ray; his erection suggested he did. It was funny how she'd never looked at him twice -- never even wanted to -- but maybe it just took nudity to appreciate what a total hunk he was. The redhead felt herself lubricating again just thinking about it.
"Oh yeah," Billy Ray leered appreciatively. "Here; you'll look even sexier wearing these." He picked up the headset from where it had fallen on the bed and placed it back over her eyes.
Shelly wanted to complain it was lame, but kept her silence. Everything looked the same with them on as it had a moment ago without the goggles; maybe she'd broken them while they were fucking. Well, the important thing was that Billy Ray liked them.
"Yeah, you're my fuckin' slut," Billy Ray told her. "You're gonna shave yourself for me, every morning. When you do it, you'll think about how good my cock feels stretching out your fuck hole."
The redhead writhed on the bed, wishing he'd stop talking and just nail her again. Preferably more than once.
Billy Ray was stroking his cock, a total waste of prime manmeat. "You totally get off on going lezzie on other girls and seducing them for me and Mick. You'd love to suck my jizz out of some other slut, wouldn't you?"
"Don't get carried away," Mick's voice sounded from the other side of the room, but he might as well have been on the moon. "Stick with the plan."
"Whatever," Billy Ray shrugged. The masculine sensuality of the movement nearly made Shelly cream herself. "Um. Who's the sexiest person you know?"
"You," Shelly husked, absolutely meaning it. She grabbed Billy Ray and then pulled him into her, locking her legs around him so he couldn't escape.
He laughed and thrust hard in her sloppy channel, making the redhead orgasm. Happily, he didn't stop. "Oh yeah," Billy Ray sighed, apparently in agreement. "But who's the sexiest girl?"
Shelly thought about it. Wasn't she enough for Billy Ray? The redhead wasn't sure she wanted to share his cock, now that she'd found it. But... It would be pretty hot to eat out some girl after Billy Ray had done her, wouldn't it?
No, it would be really hot. Shelly moaned, tasting it already. A major stud like Billy Ray could handle two of them without breaking a sweat. Especially if Mick was there to give him a breather.
"Kate. Kate Flanders," she moaned. The blonde was a white-hot knockout who dressed to titillate and trailed rumor and innuendo behind her everywhere she went.
"Fuck, yeah!" Billy Ray agreed, banging Shelly with increased vigor and squeezing her tits in his hands. "But could you get her to visit you and try out the virtual reality box?"
Shelly thought of the time Kate had flashed her in the locker room. At the time, the bared sex and heavy-lidded stare that suggested the exposure hadn't been accidental had left the redhead freaked out. Now, it seemed like an opportunity. "For you, Billy Ray? Absolutely!"
She wouldn't even need the stupid machine. Shelly was sure that once she explained things to Kate, the blonde would be more than willing to screw Billy Ray and let Shelly clean up afterwards. Why bother with virtual games when reality was so much better?
The End.
Malicious Malice
Merriam Webster states the definition of Malicious: having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone: given to, marked by, or arising from malice.
Alice couldn't remember ever feeling so deeply angry. In the months since her sister's murder and subsequent investigation the police had determined some random man had strangled her sister in the act of sex. The fact that there were numerous calls to the Senator's private cell phone had been ignored; in fact anything and everything regarding the Senator's involvement had been swept under the rug. Not that Alice was surprised.
Alice h
ad known that the police would do nothing about this case. Her sister had been classified as a cheap woman who had gotten in over her head and slept with a prominent married man. That she had been killed, possibly by that married man didn't faze them. Senator Edwards was above the law. Alice had known that the minute she watched the video of her sister and the man having sex together. He was violent and got off on her hurting her. What angered her most was that he merrily went on his way sure that he was invincible. He had done this before she was certain, he would do it again. It would only be a matter of time.
In the months following the murder, no leads had come up of course and the murder remained unsolved. Alice had known immediately it was up to her to even the odds, to take care of it in a way only she knew how. The months since then, her enforced solitude, coping with her sister's estate, had allowed her to think, to really think about the what and the how of taking care of this situation. Her anger stemmed from his arrogance. Sure, she could simply kill him and make it look like an accident to the point where no suspicion would ever fall on her shoulders, but she wanted him to suffer, she wanted him to have it in his head that he didn't get away with anything, and that Constance had mattered. She wanted the Senator or rather the Senator's to suffer and this required careful planning.
Constance had been a fluffy arm ornament to many men. She had married several times for their money alone and inherited all. It had been rumored that she was a black widow but it had never been proven. She deserved justice and Alice was going to see that she got it. No one involved in this fiasco was going to go unpunished.
The estate had settled in a relatively short time. The homes that Constance had owned were up for sale and one already in escrow. The government had held out its hand as expected and received their inheritance tax, now they were waiting for the sale of the houses for the rest of their share. This too angered Alice and she was pleased that she had the foresight to of removed any trace of the millions in her sister's other accounts, she had the access, she had invested those funds for years. The government would never see a dime of that money; it was all carefully tucked away in investments and accounts overseas and the trails to it so convoluted that no one would ever suspect or find it.
Not once in all that time had the Senator's contacted her and in a way she was grateful. It didn't bother her conscience in the least about what she was planning. But then, she wasn't sure she had a conscience.