Page 52 of Arousing Family
He did that all right. In fact, it was quickly apparent he'd have to hit the flagstick. Which he did. But not enough of it. After the ricochet off the flagstick , it was all downhill, literally, to about 18 feet distance -- leaving one of the most difficult putts on the entire course. I didn't say a word, didn't dare risk it, didn't want to give him any excuse to pull out -- but I can tell you, girls, my juices were flowing.
His ball rolled down a swail and came to rest 5 feet away. Being male, he wasn't best pleased...he certainly didn't waste any time getting out of the jacket and shirt. And the bulge? THAT was promising. I didn't waste any time either, despite the catch in my throat, "Those, for that," emphasizing the point about the briefs for the remaining 5 or so foot putt, with the correct little nods of my head.
I thought he had it. Tough as it was...with the sloping side lie, I thought it was in. Right up until it lipped out.
Girls, he was gorgeous. Thick, with that lovely little curve -- and I know we say size doesn't matter, but we don't have to say anything at all when the tip curves up past his navel. He was Gorgeous, standing there with his shorts dangling from one hand. So why didn't I take him right there? Why did I take out the second ball from my pocket and roll it into his feet?
Because I could! Because I was in complete charge and loving it -- and he was hardly going to go off the boil without me noticing. Because I'd indulged in a little CFNM back in college, just one weekend, with some frat boys...
When the silence had stretched as long as I dared let it, I sipped the wine and said, "I promised to help with your short game and putting as well. You said it yourself -- it's all about incentive. Have you never heard of forfeits...?"
Okay, so it was a bit adolescent. (I may have mentioned that earlier. But)... Forfeits?! Still...
It's not easy to line up a putt under those conditions, guys. Naked, with a hardon -- your every move and wobble clearly a delight to the attractive woman looking on. Forfeits? What sort of forfeits? Even at 40-ish, that thought was, well, exciting -- and yes, guys, there was a little niggle at the back of my mind about whether it was better to make the putt or...forfeits?
"What sort of forfeits?" I was down, trying to line it up..
"That's for me to know."
That was helpful. There'd been an edge to her chuckle that went right through my hardon -- you guys know what I mean...and a second similar chuckle came from her direction when it sort of bobbed and quivered a bit of it's own accord. My first real girlfriend had insisted on CFNM from time to time, said she'd read in a magazine that no naked man could lie to a woman. I'd already put myself in that position here. Did I really want to risk a predicament...? I decided on a slightly higher line. Forfeits? Pushed it a bit higher than intended. It never stood a chance.
She took the putter from my hands and let it drop, then used her free hand to push my hands up atop my head.Taking her time, she looked me over, went around behind...eventually came out front again, sipped her wine again...then went back behind me. There was something in her smile. But even so the slap was unexpected. Sharp. Stinging. I almost came! And it seemed to echo forever across the deserted course...
I had him, girls! A fantasy come true. I kept pinching myself -- expecting to wake up. Soaking wet, of course. Because I was soaking wet! He was going to let me do whatever I wanted to do -- indulge myself, take my time...and if I could do it tonight, I could do it any night, any time -- and in the end, of course, I was going to fuck his lights out! I hadn't realized until that moment just how delicious it was to be in complete control -- how much I'd given up, when I thought I was putting childish things behind me, after college.
I wanted to touch his hardon SO badly. But I didn't dare. The tip was, you know, glistening already. And I had plans for that lovely trembling curve. So instead I said, "You're going to try that putt five more times, and you're going make the majority...or else."
He was NEVER going to make those putts, girls. I could see it in his eyes. He didn't even want to make those putts. I was just buying time to think it through, really. And to savour, of course.
So over to you, girls...he's naked, he's gorgeous, he's on the green of your local golf course in dead of night... he WANTS to be your personal plaything...
What are you going to do to break him in properly...???
The End.
The Unfaithful Wife
My heart was beating as I walked up the front steps of the house. I went to ring the door bell, but hesitated for a second and looked around. It looked like any other house. Mini-van in the driveway, freshly cut lawn, flowerbeds. Just another piece of suburbia. Slowly, I reached up and pressed the doorbell.
I could hear the bell resonating from inside the house, followed by a pleasant, feminine voice.
"Coming," she yelled from within.
A few seconds passed before the door finally opened. Lisa gave me a big smile and invited me in.
"Nice to see you again," she said with a smile as she brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face.
"Likewise," I returned, even though it had only been a few hours since I saw her last.
She was still wearing the same clothes that she had been wearing when I met her for the first time earlier that day. Even though I guessed Lisa to be about 35 years old, if I had only seen her from behind, I wouldn't put her a day over 16. She was small, about 5'2 by my estimation, with a tight little body and blonde shimmering hair. By the way she was dressed I wondered if maybe she had a teenage daughter that she borrowed clothes from. She had on a red GAP sweatshirt and a pair of grey sweatpants with the words "Juicy" written across the backside.
She obviously took care of herself, since her skin was flawless and tanned, and her hair looked as though she could star in a shampoo commercial. And from my experience earlier that day, training her in the gym, I knew the rest of her body would put to shame most women half her age.
"Did you find the place alright?"