Page 7 of Arousing Family
Despina, thank you for talking with me!
"Wow, you're welcome but really thank you! You k
now, I hardly ever get to talk to so many people at one time."
I guess the first thing is to explain to people what you are-- who you are.
"Okay, I'm a symbiote, I'm two critters rolled into one-- a human being, and a cephaloid. it's not an octopus or a squid even though some people call us that. It's actually more like... well, what I've been told is that it is a bunch of critters itself, that all symbioted together? So that made it easy for them to join with humans. Some humans. Doesn't always work."
Symbiosis means that both organisms benefit from their shared living. How do you benefit, and how does your cephaloid?
" I benefit... Well, I get to use all of these limbs. I have five what I call heavy arms, that are real strong-- I can lift things, pull myself right up off the ground, pick up my girlfriend. (laughs) I can walk on them, too, faster than with my human legs. And then the agile arms-- I got three that eat, three that feed, seven that can manipulate stuff... like fingers, only two feet long! All of my arms can scent-- what I call scent, they sort of see smells, and the electric currents on people's skin."
"You can tap into your symbiont's experiences?
"I sense it. We are all one critter now. There is no difference between us. So other benefits are that I stay real healthy. I don't age very much. I dispose of dying cells in my body and regrow the healthy ones."
Which is rather how your surgery services work, is that correct?
"Yeah. I hope that the folks that hear me don't get upset by this stuff, but I kinda want people to know how it works."
We should preface this by pointing out that Healer Despina has helped hundred of people survive illnesses that would have killed them otherwise.
"Yeah, cancers and infections, failures of organs, stuff like that. I can't cure everything, but I'm still learning stuff."
What Despina does is enter the body of her patient.
"I cut a tiny hole in. It's smaller than most surgeons would have to cut. I can slide one or two of my eatpalps-- my eating tentacles-- in, and I look for the disease and I dissolve those cells with enzymes and suck them out. Then I make a chemical that encourages the healthy cells to grow a little faster. It's kinda slow, like it can take a day sometimes, but it's very thorough..."
You suck out the dissolved cells?
"Yeah, through my eatpalps. I eat the bad cells. That's the food my symbiont eats."
"Oh yeah, a lot of people look like that when they hear that part. But you know you asked what the benefit to my symbiont is, and that's what it is. These things were predators, and they had to subdue their prey and then wait for the bug or little animal or whatever-- to liquify, and who knows how long that might take? And they might get chased away or something, you know, out in the wild. So the benefit for her--"
"Well, yeah. Anyways, the benefit is that she doesn't have to hunt, her prey comes to her. I have a steady stream of people who come to me to be cured of things and each one of them is food for us. For me."
You know, there used to be people called "misery eaters..."
"Oh, wow. Wow, that's ... yeah, I like that..."
Can I describe you to our audience?
I am looking at a nude woman. She is very dark-skinned, and carries a magnificent head of dreadlocks. She is a bit-- if you don't mind, Despina-- a little bit thick in the waist, where her symbiont, as I understand it, is carried. She is sitting with her legs spread wide apart, because all of her tentacles emerge from between her legs. It is a strange sight, to be frank.
"The symbiont is rooted in my pussy, yeah. Not many men host these things! We humans don't have any other orifice that isn't absolutely crucial to living, like if you got your nose or mouth or butthole plugged by a little squid you would die."
I keep trying to make sense of it. The tentacles are covered with a smooth skin, I think, that's a bit iridescent-- brownish, bronzey. They are nearly as dark in color as her skin.
On a white girl they would be more greenish, and paler. I think they pick up the melanin from the human host. And they tan when I do. I'm out in the sun a lot. The skin on them isn't constructed the same as on my human body, though.
Her heavy arms are heavy looking, as thick as her human legs. Right now they are coiled around her human legs, which seems to be how they prefer to rest. The agile arms have several different looks. They are much more slender, some of them about as thick as one of my fingers. They are... more active, in fact, I don't think they ever stop moving.