Page 70 of Arousing Family
Around his staff, her scream of pleasure was severely muted, but the vibrations were enough to spark his own spill of semen, eliciting another moan of pleasure from the red-headed nymph under him, as he shot his seed down her throat.
Dave turned around and, with his pussy glazed lips, captured hers, tasting himself on her tongue. Simultaneously, they mewled in pleasure, causing them both to laugh. Tempest reached down between them and pulled his semi hard-on to her empty lady, giving it a few strokes to rouse it.
"I've seen Pap fuck Mam from supper to bedtime and heard 'em in bed for a good hour after that, and you look to be a lot stronger and more fit than Pap. I don't know if he squirted like you done, or if Mam orgasmed. She just seemed to sit on Pap's lap with his thin' in her and let him do what he wanted."
"What do you mean," Dave interrupted, "you've seen them fuck?"
"Lots. After work, Pap comes in from the nursery, goes up and takes his shower, them comes down to supper, naked as a jay. After supper, while I clean up, he'll usually pull Mam down on his lap, with his thin' in her fancy or up her bottom, as awful and icky as that must be, and they'll sit like that until bedtime.
"Sometimes, he's pushin' up into her, and sometimes she'll bounce on his lap. I c'n tell when he's in her bottom, 'cuz she looks like it's hurtin. When he's fuckin' her proper, she's all smiles. He don't seem to care, tho'
"A couple of times this Sprin', when I was up late studyin', when I came up to bed, Pap called me into their room to give me some orders for the mornin'. He and Mam were still at it, 'n' he talked same as if we were at the table, eatin'.
"Now, are you better'n Pap, or not? It's barely sundown; c'n you keep it up for a couple more hours? I can; my little lady may be sore as all get out come mornin', but tonight, it just feels too good to stop."
Dave simply grinned and slipped his cock into her juiciness, watching her face light up with pleasure. "It's been a few years since my wife and I did an all nighter, but I'm sure willing to try." And with that, he began the age old ritual dance, the primary purpose of which was to continue the species.####
Daybreak found the pair asleep, wrapped up in each other's arms and legs. First light had barely made its way into the bedroom when a cock's crow frightened the sleeping pair into wakefulness. The second crow impelled them to action. Dave jumped out of bed and stepped into the hall, to be greeted by the rooster's third call.
"Holy crap," he called. "Your rooster has come into the house. Must have come in through the broken window."
"We don't have a rooster, or hens," Tempest called back. "He must have been blown here by the storm."
"In that case...he looks like a tough bird, but if we stew him first, then fry him, he'll make a right tasty dinner tonight." He took a step toward the colorful fowl.
As if the bird had heard him, he jumped from his roost on the stair railing and fluttered down the stairway on a beeline for the window.
Dave laughed and turned back into Tempest's bedroom. "Morning, little girl. How are you feeling?"
"My lady is so sore I can't sit up, even in this soft bed, but, in a strange way, it feels good. How's your thin'?"
"Plumb wore out. I only hope my wife is still mad at me when I get home tomorrow. Other wise, I'm gonna have some tall explaining to do."
"Well, from what I could tell last night, you're nearly as good with your tongue as you are with your, what'd you call it, a cock? Yeah, with your cock. You could make it up to her that way, maybe."
"We'll see," he laughed. "Now, we got a long day ahead of us, getting this place cleaned up and secure, plus digging out the box woods, if they're still there.
"You better put on some shoes or boots until we get rid of the mud in the living room and kitchen. Does your Pap have any sheets of plywood? Looks like I'll need two to board up the living room."
"Yeh, out in the nursery shed. He uses them to make seed boxes. Can we get breakfast first? I ain't had anythin' since breakfast yesterday. I guess fuckin' can take your mind off food real good, huh?"
"Yeh, it can," he said with a smile. "There's mud and glass in the kitchen. I can help clean that up, then while you get us some food, I'll work on the windows."
The mud had mostly dried. It took them less than an hour to clear it out of the kitchen. Dave found the two sheets of plywood he needed, a hammer and nails, and a circular saw. He had one window done by the time breakfast was ready.
They were done cleaning out the dirt and boarding the windows by noon. They had a quick sandwich and drove out to the shrubbery plot. The entire plot looked like a giant bird had shit straw all over the plants. The plants, however, were undamaged. "Thank the Lord." whispered Tempest under her breath.
"Amen," replied Dave, out loud. Inwardly, he swore. He had expected container grown plants. He was looking at field grown stock, which would have to be transported bare root, or dug up and wrapped in burlap. Tempest sensed his reaction and asked what was wrong.
When he explained, she reached out and put her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest. "Well, lets just select the plants you want and loosen them. Maybe, by then, you'll have an answer."
Dave quickly chose fifteen healthy looking plants, and began to loosen the dirt around them. He had loosened four when he looked back and saw Tempest pulling them up, soil still covering the root ball, and throwing them into a tarp covered barrow. Before closing the tarp over the plant, she watered it thoroughly. Watching her, it occurred to Dave he could do the same in the back of his pickup.
They quickly finished and transported the plants back to the house. Using scraps from the plywood he had used on the windows, he built a small frame to contain the dirt and plants in his truck. After making sure they were well watered, he spread his tarp over the entire bed and went in for supper.
Tempest was on the phone with Pap when he walked into the house. "No, Pap, there wasn't much damage; some broken windows and the vegetable garden up by the house....yeh, I got them boarded up. Some fraternity guys and a teacher from the University came by...I don't think I have to worry, Pap...I guy did. He came back and tried to get handy...I handled it, Pap. I told him I broke the leg on the last guy who tried to get fresh." Dave heard swearing from the other end of the conversation. Tempest was grinning. "He tried to play smart and asked which leg...I told him to guess, 'n he took off runnin'." Tempest laughed out loud.
Pap must have asked a question while she was laughing. "Yeh, Pap; I talked to him last Thursday. He's due tomorrow to pick them up. It was faster and cheaper than shipping them...I gave him a five percent discount if he could come down and get them...'cause Pap, it was ten dollars each plant to ship them over night. That was the only way to meet your guaranteed date...this way he gets to choose his plants and he harvests them. We save a hundred and thirty dollars after his discount. I think I did pretty good...thank you, Pap; that means a lot. Well, I better let you go; it must be close to supper time. Say hi to Mam when she calls."