Page 87 of Arousing Family
"Not overly." she admitted to him. "How went your game?" her brother groaned and leaned back against the wall, his eyes holding a dry humour.
"Not as well as I would have liked." he said, his eyes laughingly apologetic. "Luckily that troll was around, though. He caught out two dwarves for cheating." he whistled meaningfully. "that creature does NOT like being cheated. Great personality, for one who's intellect is so limited." He smiled one of those smiles again. "Would you care to meet him?" he asked.
Lillielle stared. Her? Meet a TROLL?!? Had her brother lost his sanity in that game?? Then she reflected over the idea. It would be sort of fun to be able to tell her friends back in Ulthuan that she had come face to face with a living, stinking troll and lived to tell the tale. Mustering up that resolve, she smiled brightly at Galread and nodded. Nodding back, her brother extended his hand to her.
When she took the proffered hand, a somber look flashed across her brother's face for a moment, immediately replaced by his well-humoured expression.
"Galread?" Lillielle asked, concerned. "What's wrong?" Galread's face went almost pained at the question but he waved it away, smiling again.
"Ah, please forgive me, beautiful sister, I believe I've had far too much to drink." he said, causing a flash of humour in Lillielle.
"Well then." she said, laughing. "Let us go and see this ugly smelly brute of yours and then we can get you up to our room, shall we?"
He nodded, once again sober and they headed across the room. Lillielle was glad that her brother was there, as no dwarves were groping her, for which she was very grateful.
Finally they stepped out of the press of bodies and approached a sturdy round table, at which a troll sat, his ugly nose deep in a tankard. Finishing his drink, the troll slammed the tankard down and burped loudly, causing Lillielle to wrinkle her delicate nose in disgust. Nevertheless, her brother led her to the table. Seeing them approach, the troll stood abruptly, it's huge mottled blue and grey body bloated grotesquely around the waist and covered in warts and sores. It wore a filthy loincloth and it's beady red eyes stared at her intently.
"Woman!!" it bellowed and Lillielle was embarrassed to see a lumpy tongue run over it's filthy lips, an intense hunger in it's eyes. "Mine!"
Lillielle looked at her brother, expecting him to put the troll in it's place with a sharp-witted retort, but her brother only looked at her sadly.
"Galread?" she asked. "What's wrong?"
Her brother smiled a sad smile at her. "This troll's name is Gromp, Lillielle. He was good enough to bail me out and even lend me some coin when I had lost too much. As I said, I've had a few too many drinks."
"Well that was... good of him." Lillielle said. Her brother must have been upset by the way she had reacted to meeting his financial savior. Turning, she smiled at the hideous beast who was, embarrassingly, massaging a growing erection as he looked at her. Forcing her indignation aside, she kept a warm smile on her face. "Hello, Gromp. I must thank you for helping out my brother in his time of need." she decided to refrain from offering any favors of gratitude, judging by the way he was acting toward her. "and it has been nice to meet you but we should be going. We have a long way to travel on the morrow." she smiled once more for emphasis then turned away from the wart-ridden beast. However, her brother wasn't moving.
Uncertainty gripped Lillielle as she saw the crestfallen look on her brother's face, then she felt a large hand grab her arm and drag her to face the troll again. Lillielle gagged as the creature's fetid breath washed over her and she looked up into the face of the troll, who stood head, shoulder and most of a flabby-looking chest above her.
"Woman mine." it growled and Lillielle felt panic rising in her chest. She craned her neck about to look at her brother, who stood staring shame-facedly at the floor.
"Galread?!? Why are you letting this THING talk to me like that???"
Galread sighed, a heavy dejected sound. "Because... he speaks the truth. You ARE his." he looked into her turquoise eyes, round with shock. "I lost, sister. After all he lent me I lost even that. I owed him and the only thing I had left was you."
Lillielle's eyes widened as what she was hearing registered. A strangled sob tire her throat and her knees went weak. She had been gambled?!? She turned away from her brother as his betrayal crushed her and looked tearfully into the beady red eyes of the creature who now claimed ownership of her. A jolt of fear passed through her as she realized that this was real and she spun to face her brother again. But he was gone, leaving her alone with the beast who she was sure would soon try to rape her.
Suddenly it all made sense. The pained looks, the flashes of ill humour that she had seen in her brothers eyes. He had been leading her into this, and just like all those human women who had fallen for his charms
, so had she. But her mind turned once again. Her brother had not been happy about what he had had to do. What had they threatened him with? Looking back at the monster she thought she understood.
They had threatened to end his life. And having done so they would probably found her, raped her and then also ended hers. She nodded slowly, the feeling of betrayal lessening. True, her brother had gambled her away, but what if he had been forced down that path as well? Well, to protect the immortal lives of both her and her brother, she would do whatever it took, even if it meant sleeping with this troll. But Isha willing she would not be doing so sober.
She turned back to the troll and fought against the urge to throw up as she thought of herself having sex with this degenerate monster. Nevertheless she took a deep breath and looked it in the eye. "Ok, so I'm a woman and I'm yours." She said. The troll grinned an ugly grin, showing her where some of it's dark yellow teeth had been knocked out and where others were rotting away.
"Yup." the troll said. "Elf woman pretty. Pretty elf woman Gromp's now. Pretty elf woman belong to me!" Lillielle nodded, her heart determined. It would only be tonight. And tomorrow she would have a reckoning with Galread, forced to the wager or no.
"Ok then." She said. "I know what you want from me, so I'll be good and give you it." around her dwarfs jeered and whistled and many rude names were thrown. "But first I want something too." Gromp looked at her, confused.
Lillielle took a deep breath. "You need to buy me a drink at least." she smiled her most disarming smile and was gratified to see the massive troll shift in reaction. The troll nodded and stomped off to the bar, leaving Lillielle there to try and ignore the dwarves insulting her. Briefly she considered escaping but then thought better of it. Her brother had obviously considered the same, but the troll likely had friends waiting around her. Escape would be impossible and should she be caught it would likely mean her brothers death as well as her own, though her death would likely be a lot longer coming, and death after rape from the troll and all of his friends wasn't worth the risk.
Before long the troll came stomping back with two tankards, full to the brim of a thick slopping drink that Lillielle felt she would be better off not knowing the identity of. The troll slammed them both on the table and looked eagerly at her as he took up his own. Picking up hers with two hands she saw the troll lift it to his lips and start chugging it like water. Deciding to get it over with she tried to follow his example and drank as fast as she could.
It wasn't long though before she was coughing and retching at the foul drink. She decided to put the tankard down but the troll had other plans. Grabbing her by the back if the head he forced the massive tankard into her mouth and started to pour the disgusting brew in. Lillielle swallowed as much as she could to keep from drowning and it seemed like ages before she downed the last dregs, gagging as she felt something solid slide down her throat. Gromp released her and she collapsed to her hands and knees, coughing and sputtering, but managed to keep it down.
The elf beauty looked down at herself, rising to sit on her knees. The front of her expensive riding tunic was utterly ruined, soaked in the disgusting alcohol and... She blinked heavily. The room seemed to be moving of it's own volition and as she looked at her hands, she saw that they were changing size. She was drunk. Perfect!
She giggled insanely as the troll pulled her effortlessly to her feet, collapsing against the trolls over-sized chest. Breathing deeply she realized that most of the disgustingness was still in the trolls scent, but now she was better able to cope with it. She leaned against the big chest and ran her hands over the troll's mottled hide. Had this chest been so... big before?!? She looked up at the troll's face and almost recoiled. But then she changed her mind. Looks weren't all in the world. She dimly recalled some human woman yelling that at her. She couldn't remember why, but now she found she agreed. After all her brother had mentioned some crap about Gromp's personality...