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Page 16 of Tell Me Your Secrets...

And I couldn’t shake the thought that Austin and Marcie had helped Hal Linton get me alone after dinner. It had been too neat a maneuver to have been an accident.

Marcie was engaged to Austin. Had Hal made a move on my sister with the hope that if he could prevent the marriage, then James might decide to leave the estate to Austin…? I was going to have to find out more about Cameron’s relationship with Hal. Did he have his sights set on becoming Mr. Cameron McKenzie or was he playing a deeper game?

Any one of the possible scenarios I’d just cooked up would work beautifully in Secrets, but in real life…?

Rising, I started to pace back and forth at the foot of the bed. I needed to find out more about these people. And I could do that. I was a writer, and I knew how to do research. First thing in the morning I’d call Pepper and give her the information I’d gotten from Elena so she could check out alibis, and I’d ask her to check out the Lintons more thoroughly. And I’d talk again to Elena. Servants knew a lot about the families they served, and she might have more objective insights than I was likely to get anywhere else.

Who else could I interview? Doc Carter. He was going to drop by tomorrow after lunch to see me, and I’d use my time with him to gather more information. And then I’d go riding with Marcie and Austin and gather more data from the “horse’s mouth” so to speak.

I jumped at the sound of my cell phone, then grinned. It had to be Pepper. Was this ESP or what? She was the only one who had the number for my new cell. I pulled it out of the duffel and pressed the button to take the incoming call.

The voice was soft and tinny sounding.

“You should never have come back. You weren’t supposed to come back. Ever. Leave now or you’ll share the fate of the other mistresses of the Hacienda Montega.”

I wasn’t aware of it when my knees gave out. The next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor staring down at the cell phone in my hand. There was a lump blocking my throat, I was shivering, and even my brain cells seemed numb.

In spite of that, questions filtered through. What had been the fate of the mistresses of this house? And had my sister already shared it?



I had to swallow disappointment when I saw Marcie Linton at the foot of the stairs. I smiled and said, “You’re an early riser.”

“Not usually. But I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you…alone.”

“Sure,” I said. I had to admire her strategy. I’d gotten up at six-thirty and managed a quick shower and an even quicker phone call to Pepper in the hopes of doing the same thing with Elena.

“We usually have breakfast in here.” Marcie led me down a short hallway.

There was an energy about the petite brunette that I admired. But I didn’t quite trust her. Of course, my perspective on her could have been tainted by the fact that she reminded me of the ingenue on Secrets who had put Mallory Carstairs in the coma. But Cameron had hired her, I reminded myself.

“You’ll be my new best friend if you can find me coffee,” I said.

Marcie laughed. “It’s Elena that’s your new best friend then. She keeps fresh coffee in the breakfast room all morning. There’s also tea because that’s what Beatrice prefers.”

“You seem familiar with the routine.”

She glanced over her shoulder at me. “Austin and I have been spending more time here since you…went away.”

We stepped into a bright sunny space with terrace doors that opened out to the gardens and the pool. The room was considerably smaller than the formal parlor and dining room that I’d been in last night, but the dark oak buffet and table, though they were built on a large scale, fit easily into the room. Unable to resist, I ran my hand over the intricate carving on the buffet. “It’s beautiful.”

“These pieces were shipped over from Spain as part of the Countess Montega’s dowry,” Marcie explained as she selected a mug from the buffet, filled it and handed it to me.

I took my first sip and waited for that first jolt of caffeine to spread through my system. My night’s sleep—what there’d been of it—had been plagued by strange dreams and turf battles with Hannibal. The cat had actually nudged me right onto the floor at one point.

“Much of the original furniture and all of the art was sold off at one time or another over the years,” Marcie continued, “but the larger-scale pieces were either too hard to remove or less marketable at the time. Silas McKenzie was lucky in that respect.”

She was not only at home here, I thought, but she was also very much up to speed on the history of the house. I sipped more coffee. She was being very nice to me, but I didn’t doubt for a minute that she had an agenda. Charming or at least disarming me had to be at the top of her list.

“What would you like for breakfast? I can highly recommend Elena’s huevos rancheros.”

“That’s fine,” I said.

“Good. I’ll be right back.” She disappeared through a swinging door.

Alone for the moment, I admired the roses that filled a large cut crystal vase. Everywhere I went in this house, there seemed to be flowers. Beatrice’s doing. Then I stepped out onto the sunlit terrace. I hadn’t been out of the house since Sloan had brought me back here the day before—except for that short stroll in the garden last night. And I wasn’t going to think about that. Or about the kiss.

Pushing the thought and the temptation away, I crossed slowly to the edge of the terrace. The early-morning sun was already warm, and the air carried the scent of mown grass, flowers and horses. A far cry from the scents I was used to as a city girl.

From the terrace, I had a view of one of the riding rings, and I spotted Sloan immediately. He was already at work with one of the horses. Saturn.

He turned at almost the same instant that I saw him. I could have sworn that my heart stuttered. He was at least three football fields away, and still, something not unlike a little electric shock moved through me. Then my heart stuttered again when he leaped onto the horse, urged him to take the fence and rode toward me.

I walked down the steps of the terrace and on one of the paths to meet him. It wasn’t wise. This was not someone I should be having these feelings for. But I couldn’t seem to help myself. As he grew closer, I once again marveled at the beauty of the way man and horse moved together as one.

Sloan was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn’t see his eyes until he dismounted and lifted them to rest on the top of his head. It was against all logic, but I was ridiculously happy just to see him again. So I smiled.

He put a finger under my chin tilting it up. Then he just studied me for a minute. Once again, I felt the intensity of his touch right down to my toes.

“You didn’t sleep well last night, Red,” he said.

“Did the bags under my eyes give me away?”

The corners of his mouth twitched. “You might say that. If you want to postpone the grand tour I’m supposed to give you, we can do it tomorrow.”

“No. I want to see the ranch.” That was the truth, but not the whole truth. The whole truth was that I felt safer now that he was here than I had since I’d gotten that phone call last night. I knew it was a probably a mistake, a big one, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I wanted very much to trust Sloan Campbell.

Saturn whinnied and pushed his nose into my shoulder. Sloan grabbed my arm to steady me. Then Saturn nudged me again, harder.

Laughing, I patted the horse’s neck. “What’s the matter, you beauty?”

“Looks like he wants his share of attention,” Sloan said.

As I continued to stroke the horse, I said on impulse, “I’d love to ride him. May I?”

Sloan’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t let his looks fool you. He can be difficult to control.”

“That would be the challenge, wouldn’t it? My…” I caught myself just in time. I’d been about to tell Sloan about Dandelion’s Pride, one of the horses that I’d ridden in several shows.

“You were saying?” Sloan asked.

“Nothing.” I didn’t meet his eyes as I came up with a lie. “For a moment there, I thought I remembered something.”

“If you want to ride Saturn, it’ll have to be in a few days. I want to give him a chance to get used to his surroundings. Then you can give him a try.”

“Thanks.” I was ridiculously pleased that he’d agreed to let me ride the horse.


We turned to see Beatrice hurrying down the terrace steps. She was back in light-colored trousers and a shirt that flowed around her as she moved. “James wants to see you. He saw you riding this way from his window and sent me down to fetch you.”

There was an urgency in her voice that caused me to ask, “Is something wrong?” I recalled how tired he’d looked when I’d left his room the night before.”

Beatrice turned to me. “He had a restless night. He always does when he overexerts and goes off of his diet.”

Her voice was mild and there was nothing in her tone or her eyes to indicate that she was accusing me. Still, I felt the tug of guilt.

“He’ll be fine. He’s calling me up there to yell at me over something or other.” Sloan tied Saturn to a post on the balustrade of the terrace. At Beatrice’s pointed look, he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. “I’ll have one of the stable hands come up and fetch him.”

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