Page 17 of Manhattan Merger
“You may be seated.”
THE judge adjusted his glasses.
“The case of Sterling versus Red Rose Romance Publishers et al has come before the court in an emergency show causing hearing. All who testify will be sworn in.
“Mr. Drew Wallace, Counsel for the Plaintiff, will make opening remarks, followed by opening remarks from Ms. Grace Carlow, Chief Counsel for the Defendants.”
Long ago Payne had learned the trick of staying focused. Never look at the opposition when inside the courtroom, but stare them down outside of it. That strategy had served him well in his business dealings. It would serve him even better in this particular circumstance.
The possibility that there might be a stalker within these walls never left his mind. After the experience of tackling that lunatic too late to protect Diane, he had no desire to look into the face of another psychotic woman with the potential to do harm.
This moment hadn’t come soon enough for him or his family. He exchanged a private glance with Drew before his attorney got to his feet.
“Your Honor—Ms. Carlow—my client wouldn’t have pushed for an emergency hearing without just cause. Six months ago he and his fiancée were entering his parents’ home when a stalker shot at them. His fiancée is now in a wheelchair and may never walk again.
“Besides this tragic event, there have been half a dozen other stalking incidences in my client’s past where police had to be called in and people arrested and prosecuted. It’s all a matter of public record which I’ve submitted to the court.
“Two days ago my client discovered he was the man on the cover of a Red Rose Romance entitled Manhattan Merger, which I shall enter here in evidence as Exhibit One. The painting was done without his knowledge or permission.” He handed it to the bailiff who took it to the judge.
“Apparently eight covers have been created with his likeness, all without his knowledge or permission. As you can see by the title of this particular story, it takes place in New York City. If you’ll read the blurb on the back, it mentions a New York Billionaire who has an accident in the Canyonlands of the American West.
“In reading the novel, my client became alarmed by the amount of similarities to his life and that of the protagonist’s.
“I have never been the victim of a stalker, but my client and his loved ones have already paid an enormous price because of the behavior of some crazed people in our society.
“My client has asked for a hearing to determine if this is a case of art imitating life to an uncanny degree, or if there is something more sinister behind so many incredible coincidences.
“Should today’s hearing prove the latter, he wants this dealt with before anyone else gets hurt or killed. On that note I defer to Ms. Carlow.”
Payne gave Drew a satisfied nod.
“Your Honor, I speak for myself and everyone present when I say that we deeply regret Mr. Sterling’s pain and suffering. The legal department at Red Rose Romance should have caught the problem when the first painting for The Star Grazer was shipped to our office.
“I noticed a likeness to Mr. Sterling in his facial structure and body type then, but the hero came from the future. He had red hair and brown eyes. I assumed it was a coincidence. It wouldn’t be the first time a hero or heroine on one of our covers happened to resemble a real person.
“When the second painting of Her Prince of Dreams arrived, I again saw similarities though the hero had black eyes and black hair. However I still didn’t feel concerned enough to say anything.
“It wasn’t until Ms. Bennett had painted Manhattan Merger, that I could see the hero did indeed personify Mr. Payne Sterling. I believed it was because she’d placed him in a contemporary New York setting with the kinds of clothes a man in his position would wear to his corporate office.
“At this point I brought it to the head of the company’s attention. Mr. Finauer said not to worry about it because there’d been no problem with the other covers.
“Though I can understand and sympathize with Mr. Sterling’s alarm, as the attorney for Red Rose Romance Publishers, may I assure the court and Mr. Sterling that there is no stalker in this room as will be borne out in testimony.
“To save the court’s time I’ve already supplied a list of witnesses in the order in which they will appear in this court. I’ve given the same list to Mr. Wallace, and have indicated home addresses, phone numbers and job descriptions.”
The judge nodded. “Then this court will proceed. Ms. Farr, please take the witness stand.”
While the bailiff administered the oath, Payne could see that a sizable group from the opposition had assembled. Red Rose’s attorney had come prepared. He would give them that much credit.
“Ms. Farr,” Ms. Carlow began, “state your full name and job description.”
“My name is Margaret Farr. I’m the head editor for the Touch of Romance line at Red Rose Publishers.”
“How long have you been at Red Rose?”
“Fifteen years.”