Page 30 of Manhattan Merger
His glance darted to the sketch on her desk. “I can see that I’ve interrupted your work, but I don’t plan to be here that long. I’ve come to ask a special favor of you.”
Rainey gulped. “If you’re worried about the other paintings, I’ll phone those authors who purchased them. When they hear what happened, they’ll send them back to me.”
He shook his dark head. “Forget them. My concern lies in making my niece and fiancée feel secure. They’re the ones who panicked when they saw my likeness on the cover.”
His hands went to his hips, underscoring his compelling masculinity. “I’d like them to meet the artist. Between you and me, I’m confident we’ll be able to dispel their fears that you’re a threat to me or anyone else.”
She was stunned by his request.
For one thing, she’d never imagined seeing him again. For another, it brought home the fact that she’d unwittingly terrorized two innocent people who loved him and needed reassurance.
No matter his reasons for asking this favor of her, somewhere in Rainey’s psyche she knew she should say no for her own self-preservation.
What was it she remembered about the cycle of temptation?
First you allowed the thought to enter your mind. Then you began to fantasize about it. From there you started making plans. Finally you found yourself acting on those plans.
The man she now knew as Payne Sterling had been in her thoughts for two years. Since court she’d entertained certain intimate fantasies about him. If she agreed to his request, it meant crossing that precarious line into the “making plans” phase.
What really shocked her was how much she wanted to make plans with him, even though it meant meeting his fiancée. Was she some kind of masochist?
Clinging to one last thread of common sense she said, “They’re welcome to come here to my studio.”
“It would be easier for my fiancée if I take you to them.”
Of course. The apartment didn’t have an elevator. What was the matter with her?
“I’d like to surprise them with good news,” he continued. “It’ll be the best medicine of all.”
But not for me Rainey’s heart cried. Help—what should she do?
“When were you thinking of us meeting?” She fought to keep the tremor out of her voice.
“As soon as possible. Perhaps this evening after we’ve both finished work for the day.”
This evening?
A shiver of excitement passed through her body.
“I see.” She bit her lip remembering it was Friday and she had a date with Ken.
“By your hesitation I assume you’re not free.”
His eyes held hers. She could sense his urgency and the accompanying disappointment.
“I—I’ll change my plans,” she stammered. “After the pain I’ve put you and your family through, it’s the least I can do.”
Ken would forgive her when she told him it was a legal matter. He above all people would understand.
The only person who didn’t feel right about the whole situation was Rainey. Not when her attraction to this man was so intense.
“Thank you, Ms. Bennett. Have you ever flown in a helicopter?”
Her pulse started to race. “Yes. My brother’s friend runs a helicopter service in Las Vegas. He’s flown me over the Grand Canyon several times.”
“Good. I’ll send the limo for you at four o’clock. We’ll leave from my office as soon as you arrive. Do you have plans for tomorrow?”
“Work—” she blurted, throwing herself a lifeline. “I’m behind becau—”