Page 43 of Manhattan Merger
“On a whim I sent out queries. Sometimes I got an answer back. Sometimes not. A few times I was asked for a sample of my work.
“To my delight, Red Rose Romance asked to see my portfolio. I sent in my disk and they hired me. I was hired by Global Greeting Cards the same way.”
“You’re very talented.”
Diane sounded tired. Not only of the subject, but physically worn out.
“Thank you, Ms. Wylie. Once again, I’d like to apologize for the pain I unknowingly caused you. I hope you’ll be able to get past this.”
“I already have,” she muttered. “It’s obvious you meant no harm. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.”
“I want the same thing for you. Have you set a date for your wedding?”
“August first.”
The words cut like a knife through Rainey’s heart. “That’s not far away.”
“You’re right,” Payne broke in. “Diane and I still have an important matter to decide. If you’ll excuse us, we’ll say goodnight.” He rose to his feet.
“See you tomorrow, sweetheart. That was a terrific meal.” He kissed Catherine’s cheek.
“Goodnight, Ms. Bennett.”
“Goodnight,” Rainey whispered.
“Nyla?” He patted the maid’s shoulder. “Don’t ever change.”
The second he wheeled his fiancée into the house, Catherine turned to Rainey. “If I brought you some paper, would you do a picture of Lady?”
Rainey wanted to hug her for making the request. The announcement of Payne Sterling’s imminent marriage had come as a greater blow than she would have imagined.
When Rainey got upset, she always turned to her drawing board for solace. Right now she was in agony.
“I’d be honored. In fact while we were eating dinner, I sketched her in my mind.”
“You mean it?” Catherine looked stunned.
“Yes. I’ve already given the drawing a title.”
Nyla looked equally curious.
She winked. “You’ll see.”
Both of them smiled.
“I’ll find you some paper and a pencil!” Catherine cried.
“There’s no need for that. The art case next to my overnight bag has everything I’ll require.”
“I’ll get it!”
Lady raced after her.
“She’s a darling girl,” Rainey murmured as Payne’s niece disappeared inside the house.
The maid nodded. “You’re coming here this evening has made her happier than I’ve seen her in a long, long time.”