Page 69 of Manhattan Merger
“Neither do I.”
“I want to meet your family as soon as possible.”
“We’ll go home in the morning and I’ll introduce you. Mother’s already a big fan of yours. Dad will be thrilled to learn that the great love of my life really is going to be the great love of my life.”
Payne embraced her again. “He’ll think this has gone way too far too fast,” he murmured into her shimmery hair.
“So will your parents.” She kissed his lips quiet. “But no man knows our history except you and me. After the tragedy that befell Diane in a split second’s time, I don’t want to waste any more of the moments destiny has allotted to us. Life is too precious.”
“Amen to that.”
He drew her to him in a possessive move that thrilled her to the tips of her toes. “You’ve never been with a man before have you.”
“No. I’ve been waiting for the right one to come along.”
“Oh, Rainey—” He rocked her back and forth for a minute. “Since I don’t know how I can wait much longer to make you mine, we need to get married as soon as possible. Out of respect for Diane and her family’s feelings, I want to keep it low profile.”
“So do I. I’ve always planned to be married in our family’s church. The timing is perfect. Craig will be through here the day after tomorrow.”
“That will give my family time to fly out. Catherine will be overjoyed.”
“She adores you, Payne, but then who doesn’t.” Emotion made her throat swell. “Payne? Tell me about Diane.”
She heard the deep sigh that came out of him before he turned so they were lying side by side and he could look at her. He traced the arch of her brow with his finger.
“Would you believe she took Manhattan Merger with her? When I got back to the apartment on Tuesday afternoon, she’d read it and was waiting for me.”
“Oh, darling.” Hot tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes. “I was afraid if she ever broke down to find out what was inside, she could be hurt by it.”
“Hurt isn’t quite the word. She was shaken with guilt.”
For the next little while Rainey lay there in wonder while he told her how Diane had given him his freedom and asked for forgiveness.
She kissed his lips. “I’ll pray she can walk again.”
“We both will.”
“I owe Diane my life. She let you go so we could have one,” Rainey cried before breaking down in tears.
He held her tight against his heart. “She said the same thing about you. Your paintings put certain forces to work with the result that she wants to walk again and fall in love.”
“One day I’ll have to call Bonnie Wrigley and tell her everything. She’ll be so thrilled to think one of her stories had such a life-changing effect on Diane.”
“It changed all our lives, Rainey. I’ll never underestimate the power of a romance novel again. Who knows? By the time you’ve become Mrs. Sterling, my sister Phyllis might be the next highbrow to crack.”
Rainey flashed him a mysterious smile. “If she does, can I tell Grace Carlow?”
He gave her a passionate kiss. “Why is that so important?”
“Do you remember the question she asked right at the end of the hearing about how you found out your picture was on the cover in the first place?”
“I remember everything. That was the day Rainey Bennett entered my life.”
She nestled closer to him, still unable to believe the man of her dreams held her in his arms.
“After court was over, Grace told Bonnie and me it would make Mr. Finauer’s day to know Senator Sterling-Boyce’s daughter and maid read Red Rose Romances.”
Payne chuckled. “You’re welcome to tell Ms. Carlow whatever you like.”