Page 7 of Manhattan Merger
After climbing out of the limousine, he handed Mac the sack before approaching his fiancée. Though her light brown eyes still looked haunted, she broke into a smile when she saw him.
He gave her a quick kiss on the lips knowing what he had to say would disappoint her, but it couldn’t be helped.
“This problem with the romance cover needs to be dealt with. I’m afraid our plans to go into New York for dinner have to be put on hold.”
“Somehow I knew you were going to say that.”
“Drew’s meeting me as soon as he can.”
“That’s good.?
“After we’ve finished talking, I’ll call you. In the meantime, Sam will run you home.”
He pushed her wheelchair to the limousine, then lifted her into the back seat. Catherine and the dog ran over to say goodbye while John folded up the chair and put it in the trunk.
“Promise you’ll phone later and tell me what’s going on?”
He couldn’t look at her in this condition without being aware of her near lifeless legs. Though he might not have pulled the trigger, he was the reason she couldn’t walk.
“You know I will.” He gave her hand a squeeze, then shut the limo door.
“’Bye, Diane,” Catherine called to her.
As the car drove off, Payne put an arm around his niece and walked her toward the house. He needed to get his laptop. “I want to thank you for being so good to Diane.”
“I want her to get better.”
“So do I.” So do I.
“She’s decided she’ll never walk again, but I told her that’s crazy because she still has feeling in her legs. I won’t let her give up! Even if she doesn’t want to go to that clinic in Switzerland, you have to take her, Uncle Payne.”
He held the door open for her and the dog. Once they’d entered the house he said, “That’s my plan.”
“While you were in the village, she broke down crying and said she didn’t want to go through another operation when it wouldn’t do her any good.”
Payne gritted his teeth. “I’m afraid seeing me on the cover of that book has brought back the horror of what she went through at Christmas.”
“Then all the more reason for her to fight with everything she’s got to get better!” Catherine blurted. “At least her doctor hasn’t said her case is hopeless. It’s not like what happened with Trevor,” her voice wobbled.
“You’re right.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you for caring so much. When your mom asked me to look in on you while they were in Mexico, I was happy to do it. Tell you what— I’ll free up some time tomorrow afternoon and take you and Diane sailing.”
“She doesn’t like to sail.”
Payne had an idea something unpleasant had happened between Catherine and Diane. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“Nothing,” came the quiet response.
“You can say that to anyone but me.”
His niece looked up at him with soulful blue eyes. “Diane got after me about reading romances. She said they’re a waste of time and don’t reflect real life.”
Until Payne had a chance to read Manhattan Merger, he would reserve judgment.
“You shouldn’t take her disapproval to heart. She’s a little down right now.”
“I’m not. She’s been like this since you got engaged.”