Page 26 of Once a Moretti Wife
He raised his glass. ‘Salute.’
‘What are we drinking to?’
‘To us. You and me, and a marriage you will remember for ever.’
* * *
Anna’s belly was comfortably full. It was the only comfortable part of her anatomy.
They’d long finished their meal and the bottle of wine and now sat, Stefano’s eyes burning into her while she waited almost breathlessly for him to suggest they go to bed.
Heat flowed through her veins as her imagination ran amok wondering what it would be like, what it would feel like, to be made love to by him. To have that hard, naked chest she pictured every time she closed her eyes pressed against hers...
‘Earth to Anna,’ he said, elbow on the table, cheek resting on his hand, a gleam in his eyes that made her wonder if during their marriage he’d developed the power to read her thoughts. ‘What are you thinking that makes your eyes glaze over like that?’
He flirted with her, he was tactile, he left her in no doubt he couldn’t wait to bed her again...but so far he’d made no real move on her.
Was he waiting for her assent?
When she’d woken up three mornings ago feeling as if she might die, she’d had no idea that she was married. No idea that she’d shared a bed and her body with someone, let alone him.
Stefano was the only man she’d ever fantasised about. The only man she’d ever wanted. Her brain might not remember what he did to her but her body did. It ached for him with an intensity that made her bones liquefy.
And she was married to him! At some point in her past she’d found the courage to confirm her desire for him, both in words and deed.
She took a breath and looked him right in the eye. ‘I was thinking that it’s time for bed.’
He returned her gaze then slowly nodded. ‘Go ahead. I’ll join you later.’
She wasn’t quick enough to hide her dismay. ‘Aren’t you coming with me?’
His eyes flashed before he closed them and inhaled slowly. ‘I’m not tired enough to sleep yet.’
But she didn’t want to sleep and she was damned sure he knew that.
Stung at his rejection, Anna got quickly to her feet. ‘I’ll see you in the morning, then. Night.’
She ignored him to dart away from the table, not wanting him to see the mortification she knew would be written all over her face.
After all his innuendoes and hungry looks, he was rejecting her?
She couldn’t escape from the terrace quickly enough.
‘Anna,’ he repeated in a voice that demanded to be obeyed.
Almost at the door, she reluctantly turned to face him. ‘What?’
Under the soft glowing light she saw a knowing tenderness on his handsome face that took a little of the sting away.
‘You’re beautiful.’
His words were so unexpected that she found herself gazing from the simple blue shift dress she’d chosen from her enormous dressing room, slipping it on with thoughts of Stefano in her mind, to him, the man she ached to make love to.
Then he smiled wryly, poured himself another glass of wine and raised it to her. ‘Sleep well, bellissima.’
* * *