Page 30 of Once a Moretti Wife
She thought of all the women that had been before her, those faceless women she had been desperate to keep away from, desperate not to know, terrified that if any of them were to meet her they would recognise the secret feminine signs of a woman in love. She had feared their pity. She had feared she would hate them for it. Now she was the one to pity them.
It wasn’t possible that Stefano had looked at another with the hunger with which he was looking at her.
Stefano was hers. All hers. She would never share him with anyone.
How beautiful he was, as if sculpted in marble by a master and then injected with life. To feel him against her inner thigh, hot and ready, his own desire wholly evident even to a novice such as her...
Flames licked her everywhere.
She reached out to touch him again, pressing her hand to his chest, feeling the heavy thuds of his heart. She sighed and closed her eyes.
Never had she imagined his skin would be so warm and smooth to her touch, or that the fine dark hair that covered his chest would feel so silky. Slowly she trailed her fingers down to the hard muscle beneath the damp skin of his abdomen and heard his sharp intake of breath.
Still gazing at her, he took hold of her top and, with only the smallest movement from her, pulled it off.
His devouring gaze took in every inch of her but she was far too gone to feel any embarrassment. Her only moment of shyness came when he tugged her shorts down and exposed her most private area. Even that shyness flew away at his deep groan.
‘Dio, you have the sexiest body,’ he said in a pained voice. Then he brought his mouth back down on hers and she wound her arms around him and responded with all the passion alive in her heart.
Fresh heat enflamed her body, desire uncurling inside her, the yearning for Stefano’s possession growing.
And as she rejoiced in all these wonderful sensations, she was jolted from the moment with a thought that had her turn from his hot mouth to gasp, ‘What do we use for contraception?’
‘You’ve had those injections since we got back from our honeymoon,’ he muttered raggedly, hardly pausing for breath before his lips found her neck and her heart accelerated at the thrill racing over her skin and the burning in her veins, all worries of contraception happily dispatched.
Everything was heightened, all her senses were converging together. She started as she felt his mouth on her breast, then shut out the last of her nerves and succumbed fully to the pleasure being evoked in her every last cell.
His mouth and hands were everywhere, kissing, nibbling, stroking every inch, bringing her desire to a boil that was on the cusp of spilling over. Every touch scorched, every kiss burned and soon she wanted so much more than this heavenly torture. When his lips found hers again, she parted her thighs at the same moment he put a hand to them.
He muttered something, shifted, then took hold of himself and suddenly she felt him there, right at the place she most wanted him to be, and just as suddenly her fears returned and she froze.
Stefano must have sensed something wrong for he stoppe
d what he was about to do and, the tip of his erection still poised in the apex of her thighs, stared intently into her eyes.
‘There is nothing to fear, bellissima,’ he whispered. ‘Nothing at all. I would never hurt you.’
His lips came back down on hers and she returned the heady pressure of his kiss. As his tongue swept into her mouth she wrapped her arms around him then cried into his mouth as she felt him push inside her, so slowly and with such care that she could have actually shed tears.
But then all thoughts of crying were swept away because he was inside her.
All her fears were unfounded. There was no pain. She’d known in her head that there couldn’t be, that her virginity was only in her head, but that sensible voice hadn’t been enough to quell her anxiety that somehow her body would have forgotten along with her mind.
There was only pleasure. Deep, radiating pleasure.
In their time together Stefano must have learned exactly what she liked because the thrusts he was making inside her felt heaven-sent.
His movements increased, the groans coming from his mouth in her ear making the pulsations inside her thicken. She put her lips to his neck and inhaled his tangy, musky scent, driving him deeper and deeper into her.
The world became a distant blur, shrinking down to just them and this magical moment. The secret torch she’d carried for him for so, so long had been lit into a furnace and all she could do was let the heat from it burn until it reached its peak and she was crying out his name, over and over, pleasure rippling through her in long waves.
Stefano gave a hoarse groan and drove so deeply inside her at his own climax that she wrapped her legs even tighter around him, wanting to savour every last bit of this incredible moment.
When he collapsed on her with his face in the crook of her neck, she held him tightly. She dragged her hands up the length of his muscular back and up to his head, threading her fingers through the thick dark hair. She could feel his heartbeat hammering in time to hers and thrilled to know that he too had felt the joy she had experienced.
‘Is it always like that?’ she asked when she had finally caught her breath. Dull pulses still throbbed inside her.
He gave a sound like a laugh and lifted his head. A smile played on his lips. ‘Always.’