Page 14 of Love in an Elevator
“That was incredible,” Collette breathed, eyes still closed as she let the pleasure she was feeling wash all over her.
Tara chuckled. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since the bachelorette party,” she whispered, kissing Collette’s neck.
Collette smiled at the blonde’s touch and squeezed her closer, the touch of their skin against each other electrifying.
“You’re just full of surprises tonight, aren’t you?” Collette giggled.
“I still have a few more tricks up my sleeves,” Tara teased.
Tara sat up and straddled Collette, pushing her legs open and crossing one thigh over hers.
Collette’s eyes flew open as Tara’s warmth pressed up against hers, overwhelmed as the other woman began to rock her hips slowly, the friction sending all new kinds of pleasure through her.
She grabbed Tara by the waist as the woman moved against her, picking up speed, breaths coming out in gasps that turned to moans that quickly turned to screams as she quickened the pace.
Collette felt another orgasm quickly coming on, and as she looked up at the blonde rocking against her, she could see that Tara was close as well.
With their screams echoing through the small bedroom and cutting through the darkness, both women collapsed on top of each other and instantly fell asleep.
Collette sat quietly in the large auditorium, legs crossed and purse on her lap as she listened to the man standing at the front of the room.
She had opted for a seat in the back away from the group of people occupying the first three rows, feeling that if she sat any closer, she would be disturbing them.
She watched the man at the front as he told his story, weaving through a tale he had obviously told several times.
She had learned early on that it was all part of the process, and she had slowly grown to appreciate the struggles of each and every person who walked up to the front of the rows of eyes and told their story.
Three weeks had passed since she had invited Tara to stay, and the woman hadn’t left since. Collette had urged her to relax, take it easy, not stress herself out with job hunting or the likes.
She had even helped her move in completely, emptying one of the other rooms in her apartment that had once been occupied by Jackie and had since been the home of junk she couldn’t be bothered to organize or throw away.
At first Collette had tried to convince herself that she was only helping the woman through a rough patch, but over the weeks their relationship had grown into more than just a casual friendship. She enjoyed having Tara around.
“So, supporting or working up the courage to go up there yourself?”
Collette was startled by the man who had suddenly appeared in the seat beside her, his voice a low whisper so he wouldn’t disturb the man talking up front.
She watched him as he adjusted his suit jacket and crossed his legs, easing into his seat.
“Supporting,” Collette answered with a smile. “You?”
“My daughter,” the man replied. “Is this your first meeting?”
Collette nodded.
“It gets easier,” the man said with a smile. “In the beginning you can’t believe that you are actually here, but after you see how much good it does, you become the one pushing for these meetings.”
“I’m going to take your word for it,” Collette said.
“So who are you here with?” the man asked.
Collette hesitated for a second before replying, “My girlfriend.”
The man smiled and nodded. “All the best,” he said. “You’re a champ for doing this with her.”
“She needs the support.”