Page 2 of Love in an Elevator
She might not have known it at the time, but Phoebe was destined to run into the same woman again, in the same elevator, just a few short hours later.
There wasn’t a lot going on today, either, but at least the conference hotel was a little bit more active than it had been the night before.
Phoebe parked herself on one of the large sofas in the hotel’s lounge, and spread her work out in front of her. She was determined to get ahead of the game by not missing out on any valuable work time while she was away at the conference.
Although she was positive most of the other attendees would be happy to have a few days away from work, Phoebe was dead set on keeping up with her work anyway.
She was determined, and she wanted that to show to her boss when she returned from her time away without missing a beat.
Unfortunately, she could not quite seem to focus on the work in front of her as she let her mind drift casually back to the woman in the elevator.
She had been the picture of beauty, dressed in stylish work clothes and poised as though she could take on the world. She was everything Phoebe wanted to be, and more, and it was a little bit of a turn-on.
Phoebe had always been attracted to women who seemed like they had some power, whether that be over her or over someone else, and this mystery elevator woman was no different.
Although it was a little self-indulgent, Phoebe let herself think about the woman for a while longer, imagining what she must be like in her work environment.
She was probably the type who would raise her voice if need be, but get most of her goals accomplished with her beauty and prowess alone. Phoebe liked that kind of woman.
She let herself think about her personal fantasies for just a little bit longer, but as she felt her heart beat faster she realized she was getting a little too excited, especially for a public place.
She had to get back to work. She stood up and took a quick walk around the lounge before settling back down, forcing herself to think about her work instead of the woman in the elevator.
Time passed quickly, and soon enough Phoebe found herself thinking about some lunch. She gathered her work and decided to go back up to her room, drop everything off, and then head back out to grab a bite at one of the little bistros that lined the street surrounding the hotel.
With her bag slung over one shoulder, she boarded the elevator, and rode it to the second floor before it dinged and came to a halt.
The woman from before joined her. Phoebe felt herself turning pink just remembering the thoughts she had indulged in about this woman not too long ago.
She looked at her own feet, pretending to be lost in thought about something, as the woman pressed the button for the floor of her choice.
They rode in silence together for a few more floors, until suddenly, the elevator came to a grinding halt, and the lights blinked out.
“What the hell?” the other woman said. Phoebe was too shocked to say or do anything.
A voice came over the intercom in the elevator’s control panel and warned the two women that there was something wrong with the elevator. Duh, Phoebe thought.
“Please remain calm,” the voice said. “Do not attempt to leave the elevator. Maintenance has been alerted to the problem, and advise that the elevator should be up and running within one to two hours.”
“One to two hours?” Phoebe said. Her voice sounded very thin in the dark elevator. The voice on the intercom had already disappeared, leaving the two women alone to think about what they had just heard.
It looked like they were going to be stuck, and stuck for a long time.
Phoebe leaned against the wall, then slid down to sit on the floor, hugging her knees in spite of the fact that she was wearing a skirt.
Things were looking pretty bleak, and she wasn’t too worried about the other woman seeing up her skirt at this point.
The backup generator lights inside the elevator kicked on then, bathing everything in a strange blue-white fluorescent glow that some how made her feel even worse than she already did.
“Cheer up,” said the other woman as she slid down to sit beside Phoebe. “I’m sure they’ll have us moving again in no time.”
“You heard them,” Phoebe said bitterly. “They said it could be a couple of hours.”