Page 29 of In Too Deep
“That’s ok,” Stephanie said, wondering how it had taken Kiara only two days to organize a girl’s night out. “I have to get home.”
“Come on,” Kiara pleaded. “We won’t be long.”
“I have an assignment due tomorrow, and I haven’t started yet,” Stephanie argued.
“You’ll have time to finish it,” Kiara said, already walking away. “You’re coming!”
Stephanie frowned as she watched Kiara walk away.
Kiara hadn’t been wrong. Stephanie was having a blast.
They had walked into the bar just before the regular crowd started filing in. It had given them the bonus of finding a perfect seat near a corner of the small space, away from too much of the noise and the unwanted attention.
Stephanie had never been out with the other dancers before, usually opting for a more secluded evening where she locked herself in her room to avoid unnecessary drama with her half-drunk mother. She knew what everyone thought of her. They respected her as a dancer, but had never given a thought towards actually trying to be her friend. She hadn’t given anyone much opportunity for that. It wasn’t her style.
Yet, she was having fun, and as she looked over at Kiara and smiled.
Kiara was definitely the heart of the outing, full of energy Stephanie had rarely seen in anyone who had just been through the workout they had experienced earlier. And it was exciting. For the first time in a long time, Stephanie was laughing and enjoying herself.
“So, how is it being the niece of Moira Green?” Kiara asked, and Stephanie smiled as the other girls immediately took interest in the possible answer.
“It’s ok, I guess,” Stephanie said. “She’s my aunt, so I guess I see her in a different light?”
“Is it at all intimidating?”
“What do you mean?”
Kiara feigned shock. “Moira Green is a legend,” she said. “You never felt like you had to live up to the reputation?”
Stephanie shrugged, feeling a little uncomfortable talking about her relationship with her aunt. “She’s supportive, that’s all I can say,” Stephanie said. “She was there when my parents weren’t.”
Kiara looked at her in a way Stephanie had never seen anyone look at her before. The girl smiled at her, then raised her shot in the air.
“To Moira Green!” she called out.
“To Moira Green!” the rest chimed in.
Stephanie used the key Moira had given her for emergencies to unlock the back door to the studio. She unlocked the door and quietly pushed it open, even though she knew there was no one there to hear.
Kiara was close behind her, both girls acting like they were trespassing, looking behind them as they closed the doors and locked them. Stephanie flipped the lights on and strolled in, twirling about with her arms held open.
Her aunt had entrusted her with the keys years before, trusting the girl to take care of her establishment just as well as she would. Stephanie had been honored, and had taken the responsibility seriously.
What her aunt didn’t know was that when things would get a little too rough to handle at home, she would sneak into the studio and dance by herself. It was a haven for Stephanie, a home away from that terrible place she would never call home.
Tipsy and happy, she had offered Kiara the chance to see the studio at night when it was empty. She had thought that that would be the least she could do for the girl, especially after she had pulled her out of her mundane routine. Besides, the look on Kiara’s face had been priceless when Stephanie had whispered the offer in her ear so the others wouldn’t hear.
“It’s so peaceful,” Kiara said, the excitement on her face closely mirroring how she felt.
Stephanie smiled. “I come here a lot after hours,” she admitted. “I probably would have been here if you hadn’t pulled me along for drinks tonight.”
“So is that the secret to Stephanie Adams’ success?” Kiara raised an eyebrow.
Stephanie laughed. “Part of it, I guess. A little extra practice time.”